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138 - Bijoy Daga , P. K. Mohanty 2014
We introduce a driven diffusive model involving poly-dispersed hard k-mers on a one dimensional periodic ring and investigate the possibility of phase separation transition in such systems. The dynamics consists of a size dependent directional drive and reconstitution of k-mers. The reconstitution dynamics constrained to occur among consecutive immobile k-mers allows them to change their size while keeping the total number of k-mers and the volume occupied by them conserved. We show by mapping the model to a two species misanthrope process that its steady state has a factorized form. Along with a fluid phase, the interplay of drift and reconstitution can generate a macroscopic k-mer, or a slow moving k-mer with a macroscopic void in front of it, or both. We demonstrate this phenomenon for some specific choice of drift and reconstitution rates and provide exact phase boundaries which separate the four phases.
214 - U. Basu , P. K. Mohanty 2014
We introduce a stochastic sandpile model where finite drive and dissipation are coupled to the activity field. The absorbing phase transition here, as expected, belongs to the directed percolation (DP) universality class. We focus on the small drive and dissipation limit, i.e. the so-called self-organised critical (SOC) regime and show that the system exhibits a crossover from ordinary DP scaling to a dissipation-controlled scaling which is independent of the underlying dynamics or spatial dimension. The new scaling regime continues all the way to the zero bulk drive limit suggesting that the corresponding SOC behaviour is only DP, modified by the dissipation-controlled scaling. We demonstrate this for the continuous and discrete Manna model driven by noise and bulk dissipation.
Several low-dimensional systems show a crossover from diffusive to ballistic heat transport when system size is decreased. Although there is some phenomenological understanding of this crossover phenomena in the coarse grained level, a microscopic picture that consistently describes both the ballistic and the diffusive transport regimes has been lacking. In this work we derive a scaling from for the thermal current in a class of one dimensional systems attached to heat baths at boundaries, and show rigorously that the crossover occurs when the characteristic length scale of the system competes with the system size.
113 - Urna Basu , P. K. Mohanty 2009
We introduce and solve a model of hardcore particles on a one dimensional periodic lattice which undergoes an active-absorbing state phase transition at finite density. In this model an occupied site is defined to be active if its left neighbour is occupied and the right neighbour is vacant. Particles from such active sites hop stochastically to their right. We show that, both the density of active sites and the survival probability vanish as the particle density is decreased below half. The critical exponents and spatial correlations of the model are calculated exactly using the matrix product ansatz. Exact analytical study of several variations of the model reveals that these non-equilibrium phase transitions belong to a new universality class different from the generic active-absorbing-state phase transition, namely directed percolation.
123 - Urna Basu , P. K. Mohanty 2009
We introduce an auto-regressive model which captures the growing nature of realistic markets. In our model agents do not trade with other agents, they interact indirectly only through a market. Change of their wealth depends, linearly on how much they invest, and stochastically on how much they gain from the noisy market. The average wealth of the market could be fixed or growing. We show that in a market where investment capacity of agents differ, average wealth of agents generically follow the Pareto-law. In few cases, the individual distribution of wealth of every agent could also be obtained exactly. We also show that the underlying dynamics of other well studied kinetic models of markets can be mapped to the dynamics of our auto-regressive model.
We investigate the slow time scales that arise from aging of the paths during the process of path aggregation. This is studied using Monte-Carlo simulations of a model aiming to describe the formation of fascicles of axons mediated by contact axon-axon interactions. The growing axons are represented as interacting directed random walks in two spatial dimensions. To mimic axonal turnover, random walkers are injected and whole paths of individual walkers are removed at specified rates. We identify several distinct time scales that emerge from the system dynamics and can exceed the average axonal lifetime by orders of magnitude. In the dynamical steady state, the position-dependent distribution of fascicle sizes obeys a scaling law. We discuss our findings in terms of an analytically tractable, effective model of fascicle dynamics.
We introduce a stochastic model of growing networks where both, the number of new nodes which joins the network and the number of connections, vary stochastically. We provide an exact mapping between this model and zero range process, and use this mapping to derive an analytical solution of degree distribution for any given evolution rule. One can also use this mapping to infer about a possible evolution rule for a given network. We demonstrate this for protein-protein interaction (PPI) network for Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.
205 - P. K. Mohanty , Deepak Dhar 2007
We revisit the question whether the critical behavior of sandpile models with sticky grains is in the directed percolation universality class. Our earlier theoretical arguments in favor, supported by evidence from numerical simulations [ Phys. Rev. Lett., {bf 89} (2002) 104303], have been disputed by Bonachela et al. [Phys. Rev. E {bf 74} (2004) 050102] for sandpiles with no preferred direction. We discuss possible reasons for the discrepancy. Our new results of longer simulations of the one-dimensional undirected model fully support our earlier conclusions.
81 - P. K. Mohanty 2007
In many professons employees are rewarded according to their relative performance. Corresponding economy can be modeled by taking $N$ independent agents who gain from the market with a rate which depends on their current gain. We argue that this simple realistic rate generates a scale free distribution even though intrinsic ability of agents are marginally different from each other. As an evidence we provide distribution of scores for two different systems (a) the global stock game where players invest in real stock market and (b) the international cricket.

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