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189 - L. Chkhaidze 2009
Features of anisotropic collective flow and spectral temperatures have been determined for lambda hyperons emitted from C + C collisions, at incident momentum of 4.2 AGeV/c, measured using the Propane Bubble Chamber of JINR at Dubna. Moreover, characteristics of protons and of negative pions, emitted from those collisions, have been determined and provided for comparison. The directed and elliptic flows of lambdas both agree in sign with the corresponding flows of protons. Parameters of the directed and elliptic flows for lambdas agree further, within errors, with the corresponding parameters for the co-produced protons. This contrasts an earlier finding by the E895 Collaboration of the directed flow being significantly weaker for lambdas than protons, in the much heavier Au + Au system, at comparable incident momentum. Particle spectral temperatures in the C + C collisions have been determined focusing independently on either center-of-mass energy, transverse energy or transverse momentum distributions. For either protons or negative pions, the temperatures were found to be approximately the same, no matter whether the emission of those particles was associated with lambda production or not. Results of the measurements have been compared to the results of simulations within the Quark-Gluon String Model.
Emissions of free neutrons and protons from the central collisions of 124Sn+124Sn and 112Sn+112Sn reactions are simulated using the Improved Quantum Molecular Dynamics model with two different density dependence of the symmetry energy in the nuclear equation of state. The constructed double ratios of the neutron to proton ratios of the two reaction systems are found to be sensitive to the symmetry terms in the EOS. The effect of cluster formation is examined and found to affect the double ratios mainly in the low energy region. In order to extract better information on symmetry energy with transport models, it is therefore important to have accurate data in the high energy region which also is affected minimally by sequential decays.
82 - G. Verde 2007
The interplay of the effects of geometry and collective motion on d-$alpha$ correlation functions is investigated for central Xe+Au collisions at E/A=50 MeV. The data cannot be explained without collective motion, which could be partly along the beam axis. A semi-quantitative description of the data can be obtained using a Monte-Carlo model, where thermal emission is superimposed on collective motion. Both the emission volume and the competition between the thermal and collective motion influence significantly the shape of the correlation function, motivating new strategies for extending intensity interferometry studies to massive particles.
169 - L. Chkhaidze 2007
Collective flow of protons and negative pions has been studied within the momentum region of $4.2 div 4.5$ AGeV/c ($E =3.4 div 3.7$ AGeV) for different projectile-target combinations involving carbon and, specifically, He-C, C-C, C-Ne, C-Cu and C-Ta. The data stem from the SKM-200-GIBS streamer chamber and from Propane Bubble Chamber systems utilized at JINR. The directed flow of protons grows dramatically in the carbon region when the counterpart nucleus grows in mass between He and Ta. The elliptic proton flow points out of the reaction plane and also strengthens as system mass increases. Within the reaction plane, the negative pions flow in the same direction as protons for the lighter of the investigated systems, He-C, C-C and C-Ne, and in the opposite direction for the heavier, C-Cu and C-Ta. The Quark-Gluon String Model reproduces observed changes in the flow with system mass.

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