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We introduce the concept of finitely coloured equivalence for unital *-homomorphisms between C*-algebras, for which unitary equivalence is the 1-coloured case. We use this notion to classify *-homomorphisms from separable, unital, nuclear C*-algebras into ultrapowers of simple, unital, nuclear, Z-stable C*-algebras with compact extremal trace space up to 2-coloured equivalence by their behaviour on traces; this is based on a 1-coloured classification theorem for certain order zero maps, also in terms of tracial data. As an application we calculate the nuclear dimension of non-AF, simple, separable, unital, nuclear, Z-stable C*-algebras with compact extremal trace space: it is 1. In the case that the extremal trace space also has finite topological covering dimension, this confirms the remaining open implication of the Toms-Winter conjecture. Inspired by homotopy-rigidity theorems in geometry and topology, we derive a homotopy equivalence implies isomorphism result for large classes of C*-algebras with finite nuclear dimension.
Typical flows in stellar interiors are much slower than the speed of sound. To follow the slow evolution of subsonic motions, various sound-proof equations are in wide use, particularly in stellar astrophysical fluid dynamics. These low-Mach number equations include the anelastic equations. Generally, these equations are valid in nearly adiabatically stratified regions like stellar convection zones, but may not be valid in the sub-adiabatic, stably stratified stellar radiative interiors. Understanding the coupling between the convection zone and the radiative interior is a problem of crucial interest and may have strong implications for solar and stellar dynamo theories as the interface between the two, called the tachocline in the Sun, plays a crucial role in many solar dynamo theories. Here we study the properties of gravity waves in stably-stratified atmospheres. In particular, we explore how gravity waves are handled in various sound-proof equations. We find that some anelastic treatments fail to conserve energy in stably-stratified atmospheres, instead conserving pseudo-energies that depend on the stratification, and we demonstrate this numerically. One anelastic equation set does conserve energy in all atmospheres and we provide recommendations for converting low-Mach number anelastic codes to this set of equations.
243 - Sean P. Matt 2011
The stellar luminosity and depth of the convective envelope vary rapidly with mass for G- and K-type main sequence stars. In order to understand how these properties influence the convective turbulence, differential rotation, and meridional circulation, we have carried out 3D dynamical simulations of the interiors of rotating main sequence stars, using the anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code. The stars in our simulations have masses of 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, and 1.1 M_sun, corresponding to spectral types K7 through G0, and rotate at the same angular speed as the sun. We identify several trends of convection zone properties with stellar mass, exhibited by the simulations. The convective velocities, temperature contrast between up- and down-flows, and meridional circulation velocities all increase with stellar luminosity. As a consequence of the trend in convective velocity, the Rossby number (at a fixed rotation rate) increases and the convective turnover timescales decrease significantly with increasing stellar mass. The 3 lowest mass cases exhibit solar-like differential rotation, in a sense that they show a maximum rotation at the equator and minimum at higher latitudes, but the 1.1 M_sun case exhibits anti-solar rotation. At low mass, the meridional circulation is multi-cellular and aligned with the rotation axis; as the mass increases, the circulation pattern tends toward a unicellular structure covering each hemisphere in the convection zone.
114 - Benjamin P. Brown 2011
Stars on the lower main sequence (F-type through M-type) have substantial convective envelopes beneath their stellar photospheres. Convection in these regions can couple with rotation to build global-scale structures that may be observable by interferometers that can resolve stellar disks. Here I discuss predictions emerging from 3D MHD simulations for solar-type stars with the anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code and how these predictions may be observationally tested. The zonal flow of differential rotation is likely the most easily observable signature of dynamics occurring deep within the stellar interior. Generally, we find that rapidly rotating suns have a strong solar-like differential rotation with a prograde equator and retrograde poles while slowly spinning suns may have anti-solar rotation profiles with fast poles and slow equators. The thermal wind balance accompanying the differential rotation may lead to hot and bright poles in the rapid rotators and cooler, darker poles in slow rotators. The convection and differential rotation build global-scale magnetic structures in the bulk of the convection zone, and these wreaths of magnetism may be observable near the stellar surfaces.
The results of a numerical study of the magnetic dynamo effect in cylindrical von Karman plasma flow are presented with parameters relevant to the Madison Plasma Couette Experiment. This experiment is designed to investigate a broad class of phenomena in flowing plasmas. In a plasma, the magnetic Prandtl number Pm can be of order unity (i.e., the fluid Reynolds number Re is comparable to the magnetic Reynolds number Rm). This is in contrast to liquid metal experiments, where Pm is small (so, Re>>Rm) and the flows are always turbulent. We explore dynamo action through simulations using the extended magnetohydrodynamic NIMROD code for an isothermal and compressible plasma model.We also study two-fluid effects in simulations by including the Hall term in Ohms law. We find that the counter-rotating von Karman flow results in sustained dynamo action and the self-generation of magnetic field when the magnetic Reynolds number exceeds a critical value. For the plasma parameters of the experiment, this field saturates at an amplitude corresponding to a new stable equilibrium (a laminar dynamo). We show that compressibility in the plasma results in an increase of the critical magnetic Reynolds number, while inclusion of the Hall term in Ohms law changes the amplitude of the saturated dynamo field but not the critical value for the onset of dynamo action.
336 - Benjamin P. Brown 2011
Young solar-type stars rotate rapidly and many are magnetically active; some undergo magnetic cycles similar to the 22-year solar activity cycle. We conduct simulations of dynamo action in rapidly rotating suns with the 3D MHD anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code to explore dynamo action achieved in the convective envelope of a solar-type star rotating at 5 times the current solar rotation rate. Striking global-scale magnetic wreaths appear in the midst of the turbulent convection zone and show rich time-dependence. The dynamo exhibits cyclic activity and undergoes quasi-periodic polarity reversals where both the global-scale poloidal and toroidal fields change in sense on a roughly 1500 day time scale. These magnetic activity patterns emerge spontaneously from the turbulent flow and are more organized temporally and spatially than those realized in our previous simulations of the solar dynamo. We assess in detail the competing processes of magnetic field creation and destruction within our simulations that contribute to the global-scale reversals. We find that the mean toroidal fields are built primarily through an $Omega$-effect, while the mean poloidal fields are built by turbulent correlations which are not necessarily well represented by a simple $alpha$-effect. During a reversal the magnetic wreaths propagate towards the polar regions, and this appears to arise from a poleward propagating dynamo wave. The primary response in the convective flows involves the axisymmetric differential rotation which shows variations associated with the poleward propagating magnetic wreaths. In the Sun, similar patterns are observed in the poleward branch of the torsional oscillations, and these may represent poleward propagating magnetic fields deep below the solar surface. [abridged]
125 - Benjamin P Brown 2010
Young solar-type stars rotate rapidly and are very magnetically active. The magnetic fields at their surfaces likely originate in their convective envelopes where convection and rotation can drive strong dynamo action. Here we explore simulations of global-scale stellar convection in rapidly rotating suns using the 3-D MHD anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code. The magnetic fields built in these dynamos are organized on global-scales into wreath-like structures that span the convection zone. We explore one case rotates five times faster than the Sun in detail. This dynamo simulation, called case D5, has repeated quasi-cyclic reversals of global-scale polarity. We compare this case D5 to the broader family of simulations we have been able to explore and discuss how future simulations and observations can advance our understanding of stellar dynamos and magnetism.
210 - Benjamin P. Brown 2010
When our Sun was young it rotated much more rapidly than now. Observations of young, rapidly rotating stars indicate that many possess substantial magnetic activity and strong axisymmetric magnetic fields. We conduct simulations of dynamo action in rapidly rotating suns with the 3-D MHD anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code to explore the complex coupling between rotation, convection and magnetism. Here we study dynamo action realized in the bulk of the convection zone for a system rotating at three times the current solar rotation rate. We find that substantial organized global-scale magnetic fields are achieved by dynamo action in this system. Striking wreaths of magnetism are built in the midst of the convection zone, coexisting with the turbulent convection. This is a surprise, for it has been widely believed that such magnetic structures should be disrupted by magnetic buoyancy or turbulent pumping. Thus, many solar dynamo theories have suggested that a tachocline of penetration and shear at the base of the convection zone is a crucial ingredient for organized dynamo action, whereas these simulations do not include such tachoclines. We examine how these persistent magnetic wreaths are maintained by dynamo processes and explore whether a classical mean-field $alpha$-effect explains the regeneration of poloidal field.
288 - Benjamin P Brown 2010
When stars like our Sun are young they rotate rapidly and are very magnetically active. We explore dynamo action in rapidly rotating suns with the 3-D MHD anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code. The magnetic fields built in these dynamos are organized on global-scales into wreath-like structures that span the convection zone. Wreath-building dynamos can undergo quasi-cyclic reversals of polarity and such behavior is common in the parameter space we have been able to explore. These dynamos do not appear to require tachoclines to achieve their spatial or temporal organization. Wreath-building dynamos are present to some degree at all rotation rates, but are most evident in the more rapidly rotating simulations.
When our Sun was young it rotated much more rapidly than now. Observations of young, rapidly rotating stars indicate that many possess substantial magnetic activity and strong axisymmetric magnetic fields. We conduct simulations of dynamo action in rapidly rotating suns with the 3-D MHD anelastic spherical harmonic (ASH) code to explore the complex coupling between rotation, convection and magnetism. Here we study dynamo action realized in the bulk of the convection zone for two systems, rotating at three and five times the current solar rate. We find that substantial organized global-scale magnetic fields are achieved by dynamo action in these systems. Striking wreathes of magnetism are built in the midst of the convection zone, coexisting with the turbulent convection. This is a great surprise, for many solar dynamo theories have suggested that a tachocline of penetration and shear at the base of the convection zone is a crucial ingredient for organized dynamo action, whereas these simulations do not include such tachoclines. Some dynamos achieved in these rapidly rotating states build persistent global-scale fields which maintain amplitude and polarity for thousands of days. In the case at five times the solar rate, the dynamo can undergo cycles of activity, with fields varying in strength and even changing polarity. As the magnetic fields wax and wane in strength, the primary response in the convective flows involves the axisymmetric differential rotation, which begins to vary on similar time scales. Bands of relatively fast and slow fluid propagate toward the poles on time scales of roughly 500 days. In the Sun, similar patterns are observed in the poleward branch of the torsional oscillations, and these may represent a response to poleward propagating magnetic field deep below the solar surface.

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