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116 - M. Pregelj , A. Zorko , O. Zaharko 2015
Motifs of periodic modulations are encountered in a variety of natural systems, where at least two rival states are present. In strongly correlated electron systems such behaviour has typically been associated with competition between short- and long-range interactions, e.g., between exchange and dipole-dipole interactions in the case of ferromagnetic thin films. Here we show that spin-stripe textures may develop also in antiferromagnets, where long-range dipole-dipole magnetic interactions are absent. A comprehensive analysis of magnetic susceptibility, high-field magnetization, specific heat, and neutron diffraction measurements unveils $beta$-TeVO$_4$ as a nearly perfect realization of a frustrated (zigzag) ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain. Strikingly, a narrow spin stripe phase develops at elevated magnetic fields due to weak frustrated short-range interchain exchange interactions possibly assisted by the symmetry allowed electric polarization. This concept provides an alternative route for the stripe formation in strongly correlated electron systems and may help understanding other widespread, yet still elusive, stripe-related phenomena.
CoAl2O4 spinel with magnetic Co2+ ions on the diamond A-lattice is known to be magnetically frustrated. We compare neutron single crystal diffraction patterns measured in zero and applied magnetic fields with the ones obtained from classical Monte-Carlo models. In simulations we test the influence of various parameters on diffraction patterns: the ratio of nearest-, J1, and next-nearest, J2, neighbor interactions, magnetic field applied along the principal crystallographic directions, and random disorder on the A(Co2+)- and B(Al3+)- sites. We conclude that the models considered so far explain the broadening of magnetic Bragg peaks in zero magnetic field and their anisotropic response to applied magnetic field only partly. As bulk properties of our single crystal are isotropic, we suggest that its microstructure, specifically <111>-twin boundaries, could be a reason of the nonconventional magnetic order in CoAl2O4.
165 - M. Pregelj , A. Zorko , O. Zaharko 2013
The layered FeTe2O5Cl compound was studied by specific-heat, muon spin relaxation, nuclear magnetic resonance, dielectric, as well as neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements, and the results were compared to isostructural FeTe2O5Br. We find that the low-temperature ordered state, similarly as in FeTe2O5Br, is multiferroic - the elliptical amplitude-modulated magnetic cycloid and the electric polarization simultaneously develop below 11 K. However, compared to FeTe2O5Br, the magnetic elliptical envelop rotates by 75(4) deg and the orientation of the electric polarization is much more sensitive to the applied electric field. We propose that the observed differences between the two isostructural compounds arise from geometric frustration, which enhances the effects of otherwise subtle Fe3+ (S = 5/2) magnetic anisotropies. Finally, x-ray diffraction results imply that, on the microscopic scale, the magnetoelectric coupling is driven by shifts of the O1 atoms, as a response to the polarization of the Te4+ lone-pair electrons involved in the Fe-O-Te-O-Fe exchange bridges.
261 - M. Pregelj , A. Zorko , O. Zaharko 2012
An incommensurate elliptical helical magnetic structure in the frustrated coupled-spin-chain system FeTe2O5Br is surprisingly found to persist down to 53(3) mK (T/T_N ~ 1/200), according to neutron scattering and muon spin relaxation. In this state, finite spin fluctuations at T -> 0 are evidenced by muon depolarization, which is in agreement with specific-heat data indicating the presence of both gapless and gapped excitations. We thus show that the amplitude-modulated magnetic order intrinsically accommodates contradictory persistent spin dynamics and long-range order and can serve as a model structure to investigate their coexistence.
Anisotropic magnetic properties of a layered kagome-like system Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br have been studied by bulk magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurements as well as powder and single-crystal neutron diffraction. At T_N = 27.4 K the system develops an alternating antiferromagnetic order of (ab) layers, which individually exhibit canted ferrimagnetic moment arrangement, resulting from the competing ferro- and antiferro-magnetic intralayer exchange interactions. A magnetic field B_C ~ 0.8 T applied along the c axis (perpendicular to the layers) triggers a metamagnetic transition, when every second layer flips, i.e., resulting in a ferrimagnetic structure. Significantly higher fields are required to rotate the ferromagnetic component towards the b axis (~7 T) or towards the a axis (~15 T). The estimates of the exchange coupling constants and features indicative of an XY character of this quasi-2D system are presented.
We report a neutron diffraction study of the magnetic phase transitions in the charge-density-wave (CDW) TbTe$_3$ compound. We discover that in the paramagnetic phase there are strong 2D-like magnetic correlations, consistent with the pronounced anisotropy of the chemical structure. A long-range incommensurate magnetic order emerges in TbTe$_3$ at $T_{mag1}$ = 5.78 K as a result of continuous phase transitions. We observe that near the temperature $T_{mag1}$ the magnetic Bragg peaks appear around the position (0,0,0.24) (or its rational multiples), that is fairly close to the propagation vector $(0,0,0.29)$ associated with the CDW phase transition in TbTe$_3$. This suggests that correlations leading to the long-range magnetic order in TbTe$_3$ are linked to the modulations that occur in the CDW state.
We study spin liquid in the frustrated diamond lattice antiferromagnet CoAl2O4 by means of single crystal neutron scattering in zero and applied magnetic field. The magnetically ordered phase appearing below TN=8 K remains nonconventional down to 1.5 K. The magnetic Bragg peaks at the q=0 positions remain broad and their profiles have strong Lorentzian contribution. Additionally, they are connected by weak diffuse streaks along the <111> directions. These observations are explained within the spiral spin liquid model as short-range magnetic correlations of spirals populated at these finite temperatures, as the energy minimum around q=0 is flat and the energy of excited states with q=(111) is low. The agreement is only qualitative, leading us to suspect that microstructure effects are also important. Magnetic field significantly perturbs spin correlations. The 1.5 K static magnetic moment increases from 1.58 mB/Co at zero field to 2.08 mB/Co at 10 T, while the magnetic peaks, being still broad, acquire almost Gaussian profile. Spin excitations are rather conventional spin waves at zero field, resulting in the exchange parameters J1=0.92(1) meV, J2=0.101(2) meV and the anisotropy term D=-0.0089(2) meV for CoAl2O4. The application of a magnetic field leads to a pronounced broadening of the excitations at the zone center, which at 10 T appear gapless and nearly featureless.
118 - M. Pregelj 2010
The low-temperature magnetic phase diagram of the multiferroic system FeTe$_2$O$_5$Br down to 300 mK and up to 9 T is presented. Short-range magnetic correlations within the crystal layers start to develop already at $sim$50 K, i.e., far above $T_{N1} sim$ 11.0 K, where the system undergoes a magnetic phase transition into the high-temperature incommensurate (HT-ICM) phase. Only 0.5 K lower, at $T_{N2}$, the system undergoes a second phase transition into the low-temperature incommensurate amplitude-modulated (LT-ICM) phase accompanied by a spontaneous electric polarization. When the magnetic field is applied, the transition temperatures shift depending on the field orientation. In the case of $B||b$ and $B >$ 4.5 T, the HT-ICM phase disappears along with the electric polarization in the LT-ICM phase. The field dependence of the magnetic transition temperatures is explained in the context of the magnetic susceptibility behavior. Similarities and differences between the novel amplitude-modulated and well-established helicoidal magnetoelectrics are discussed.
Using neutron powder diffraction and Monte-Carlo simulations we show that a spin-liquid regime emerges at $all compositions in the diamond-lattice antiferromagnets Co(Al1-xCox)2O4. This spin-liquid regime induced by frustration due to the second-neighbour exchange coupling J2, is gradually superseded by antiferromagnetic collinear long-range order (k=0) at low temperatures. Upon substitution of Al3+ by Co3+ in the octahedral B-site the temperature range occupied by the spin-liquid regime narrows and TN increases. To explain the experimental observations we considered magnetic anisotropy D or third-neighbour exchange coupling J3 as degeneracy-breaking perturbations. We conclude that Co(Al1-xCox)2O4 is below the theoretical critical point J2/J1=1/8, and that magnetic anisotropy assists in selecting a collinear long-range ordered ground state, which becomes more stable with increasing x due to a higher efficiency of O-Co3+-O as an interaction path compared to O-Al3+-O.
We present new experimental results of low temperature x-ray synchrotron diffraction, neutron scattering and very low temperature (mK-range) bulk measurements on the nanotube system ${tube}$. The crystal structure determined from our data is similar to the previously proposed model (P. Millet {it et al.} J. Solid State Chem. $bf{147}$, 676 (1999)), but also deviates from it in significant details. The structure comprises nanotubes along the c-axis formed by stacking units of two V-rings buckled in the $ab$-plane. The space group is P$bar{3}$ and the composition is nonstoichiometric, Na(2-x)V3O7, x=0.17. The thermal evolution of the lattice parameters reveals anisotropic lattice compression on cooling. Neutron scattering experiments monitor a very weak magnetic signal at energies from -20 to 9 meV. New magnetic susceptibility, specific heat measurements and decay of remanent magnetization in the 30 mK - 300 mK range reveal that the previously observed transition at ~76 mK is spin-glass like with no long-range order. Presented experimental observations do not support models of isolated clusters, but are compatible with a model of odd-legged S=1/2 spin tubes possibly segmented into fragments with different lengths.

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