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More than a quarter century after the discovery of the high temperature superconductor (HTS) YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+delta}$ (YBCO) studies continue to uncover complexity in its phase diagram. In addition to HTS and the pseudogap there is growing evidence for multiple phases with boundaries which are functions of temperature ($T$), doping (p) and magnetic field. Here we report the low temperature electronic specific heat (C$_{elec}$) of YBCO6.47 (p=0.08) up to a magnetic field (H) of 34.5 teslas (T), a poorly understood region of the underdoped H-$T$-p phase space. We observe two regimes: below a characteristic magnetic field H$approx$10 T, C$_{elec}/T$ obeys an expected H$^{1/2}$ behavior, however, near H there is a sharp inflection followed by a linear-in-H behavior. H rests deep within the superconducting phase and the linear-in-H behavior is observed in the zero resistance regime. In the limit of zero temperature, C$_{elec}/T$ is proportional to the zero-energy electronic density of states. Thus this inflection is evidence of a magnetic-field-driven quantum phase transition.
The underlying physics of the magnetic-field-induced resistive state in high temperature cuprate superconductors remains a mystery. One interpretation is that the application of magnetic field destroys the d-wave superconducting gap to uncover a Fermi surface that behaves like a conventional (i.e.Fermi Liquid) metal (1). Another view is that an applied magnetic field destroys long range superconducting phase coherence, but the superconducting gap amplitude survives (2, 3). By measuring the specific heat of ultra-clean YBa2Cu3O6.56 (YBCO 6.56), we obtain a measure of the quasi-particle density of states from the superconducting state well into the magnetic-field-induced resistive state. We have found that at very high magnetic fields the specific heat exhibits both the conventional temperature dependence and quantum oscillations expected for a Fermi Liquid. On the other hand, the magnetic field dependence of the quasi-particle density of states follows a sqrt{H} behavior that persists right through the zero-resistance transition, evidencing the fully developed d-wave superconducting gap over the entire magnetic field range measured. The coexistence of these two phenomena pose a rigorous thermodynamic constraint on theories of high-magnetic-field resistive state in the cuprates.
109 - A. Melikyan , O. Vafek 2007
We show that the low-energy density of quasiparticle states in the mixed state of ultra-clean d-wave superconductors is characterized by pronounced quantum oscillations in the regime where the cyclotron frequency $hbaromega_c ll Delta_0$, the d-wave pairing gap. Such oscillations as a function of magnetic field B are argued to be due to the internodal scattering of the d-wave quasiparticles near wavevectors $(pm k_D,pm k_D)$ by the vortex lattice as well as their Zeeman coupling. The periodicity of the oscillations is set by the condition $k_D sqrt{hc/(eB)} equiv k_D sqrt{hc/(eB)}pmod {2pi}$. We find that there is additional structure within each period which grows in complexity as the Dirac node anisotropy increases.

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