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191 - O. Golubov , A. Just , O. Bienayme 2013
The determination of the LSR is still a matter of debate. The classical value of the tangential peculiar motion of the Sun with respect to the LSR was challenged in recent years, claiming a significantly larger value. We show that the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) sample of dwarf stars is an excellent data set to derive tighter boundary conditions to chemodynamical evolution models of the extended solar neighbourhood. We present an improved Jeans analysis, which allows a better interpretation of the measured kinematics of stellar populations in the Milky Way disc. We propose an improved version of the Stromberg relation with the radial scalelengths as the only unknown. Binning RAVE stars in metallicity reveals a bigger asymmetric drift (corresponding to a smaller radial scalelength) for more metal-rich populations. With the standard assumption of velocity-dispersion independent radial scalelengths in each metallicity bin, we redetermine the LSR. The new Stromberg equation yields a joint LSR value of V_sun=3.06 pm 0.68 km/s, which is even smaller than the classical value based on Hipparcos data. The corresponding radial scalelength increases from 1.6 kpc for the metal-rich bin to 2.9 kpc for the metal-poor bin, with a trend of an even larger scalelength for young metal-poor stars. When adopting the recent Schonrich value of V_sun=12.24 km/s for the LSR, the new Stromberg equation yields much larger individual radial scalelengths of the RAVE subpopulations, which seem unphysical in part. The new Stromberg equation allows a cleaner interpretation of the kinematic data of disc stars in terms of radial scalelengths. Lifting the LSR value by a few km/s compared to the classical value results in strongly increased radial scalelengths with a trend of smaller values for larger velocity dispersions.
78 - T. Antoja , O. Bienayme 2012
We analyse the kinematics of disc stars observed by the RAVE survey in and beyond the Solar neighbourhood.We detect significant overdensities in the velocity distributions using a technique based on the wavelet transform.We find that the main local kinematic groups are large scale features, surviving at least up to ~1 kpc from the Sun in the direction of anti-rotation, and also at ~700 pc below the Galactic plane.We also find that for regions located at different radii than the Sun, the known groups appear shifted in the velocity plane. For example, the Hercules group has a larger azimuthal velocity for regions inside the Solar circle and a lower value outside. We have also discovered a new group at (U, V) = (92,-22) km/s in the Solar neighbourhood and confirmed the significance of other previously found groups. Some of these trends detected for the first time are consistent with dynamical models of the effects of the bar and the spiral arms. More modelling is required to definitively characterise the non-axisymmetric components of our Galaxy using these groups.
The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) is a medium resolution R~7500 spectroscopic survey of the Milky Way which already obtained over half a million stellar spectra. They present a randomly selected magnitude-limited sample, so it is important to use a reliable and automated classification scheme which identifies normal single stars and discovers different types of peculiar stars. To this end we present a morphological classification of 350,000 RAVE survey stellar spectra using locally linear embedding, a dimensionality reduction method which enables representing the complex spectral morphology in a low dimensional projected space while still preserving the properties of the local neighborhoods of spectra. We find that the majority of all spectra in the database ~90-95% belong to normal single stars, but there is also a significant population of several types of peculiars. Among them the most populated groups are those of various types of spectroscopic binary and chromospherically active stars. Both of them include several thousands of spectra. Particularly the latter group offers significant further investigation opportunities since activity of stars is a known proxy of stellar ages. Applying the same classification procedure to the sample of normal single stars alone shows that the shape of the projected manifold in two dimensional space correlates with stellar temperature, surface gravity and metallicity.
Repeated spectroscopic observations of stars in the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) database are used to identify and examine single-lined binary (SB1) candidates. The RAVE latest internal database (VDR3) includes radial velocities, atmospheric and other parameters for approximately quarter million of different stars with little less than 300,000 observations. In the sample of ~20,000 stars observed more than once, 1333 stars with variable radial velocities were identified. Most of them are believed to be SB1 candidates. The fraction of SB1 candidates among stars with several observations is between 10% and 15% which is the lower limit for binarity among RAVE stars. Due to the distribution of time spans between the re-observation that is biased towards relatively short timescales (days to weeks), the periods of the identified SB1 candidates are most likely in the same range. Because of the RAVEs narrow magnitude range most of the dwarf candidates belong to the thin Galactic disk while the giants are part of the thick disk with distances extending to up to a few kpc. The comparison of the list of SB1 candidates to the VSX catalog of variable stars yielded several pulsating variables among the giant population with the radial velocity variations of up to few tens of km/s. There are 26 matches between the catalog of spectroscopic binary orbits (SB9) and the whole RAVE sample for which the given periastron time and the time of RAVE observation were close enough to yield a reliable comparison. RAVE measurements of radial velocities of known spectroscopic binaries are consistent with their published radial velocity curves.
259 - O. Bienayme , B. Famaey , X. Wu 2009
We look for observational signatures that could discriminate between Newtonian and modified Newtonian (MOND) dynamics in the Milky Way, in view of the advent of large astrometric and spectroscopic surveys. Indeed, a typical signature of MOND is an apparent disk of phantom dark matter, which is uniquely correlated with the visible disk-density distribution. Due to this phantom dark disk, Newtonian models with a spherical halo have different signatures from MOND models close to the Galactic plane. The models can thus be differentiated by measuring dynamically (within Newtonian dynamics) the disk surface density at the solar radius, the radial mass gradient within the disk, or the velocity ellipsoid tilt angle above the Galactic plane. Using the most realistic possible baryonic mass model for the Milky Way, we predict that, if MOND applies, the local surface density measured by a Newtonist will be approximately 78 Msun/pc2 within 1.1 kpc of the Galactic plane, the dynamically measured disk scale-length will be enhanced by a factor of 1.25 with respect to the visible disk scale-length, and the local vertical tilt of the velocity ellipsoid at 1 kpc above the plane will be approximately 6 degrees. None of these tests can be conclusive for the present-day accuracy of Milky Way data, but they will be of prime interest with the advent of large surveys such as GAIA.
We present a measure of the inclination of the velocity ellipsoid at 1 kpc below the Galactic plane using a sample of red clump giants from the RAVE DR2 release. We find that the velocity ellipsoid is tilted towards the Galactic plane with an inclination of 7.3 +/-1.8 degree. We compare this value to computed inclinations for two mass models of the Milky Way. We find that our measurement is consistent with a short scale length of the stellar disc (Rd ~2 kpc) if the dark halo is oblate or with a long scale length (Rd~3 kpc) if the dark halo is prolate. Once combined with independent constraints on the flattening of the halo, our measurement suggests that the scale length is approximately halfway between these two extreme values, with a preferred range [2.5-2.7] kpc for a nearly spherical halo. Nevertheless, no model can be clearly ruled out. With the continuation of the RAVE survey, it will be possible to provide a strong constraint on the mass distribution of the Milky Way using refined measurements of the orientation of the velocity ellipsoid.
We analyze the distribution of G and K type stars towards the Galactic poles using RAVE and ELODIE radial velocities, 2MASS photometric star counts, and UCAC2 proper motions. The combination of photometric and 3D kinematic data allows us to disentangle and describe the vertical distribution of dwarfs, sub-giants and giants and their kinematics. We identify discontinuities within the kinematics and magnitude counts that separate the thin disk, thick disk and a hotter component. The respective scale heights of the thin disk and thick disk are 225$pm$10 pc and 1048$pm$36 pc. We also constrain the luminosity function and the kinematic distribution function. The existence of a kinematic gap between the thin and thick disks is incompatible with the thick disk having formed from the thin disk by a continuous process, such as scattering of stars by spiral arms or molecular clouds. Other mechanisms of formation of the thick disk such as `created on the spot or smoothly `accreted remain compatible with our findings.
105 - C. Soubiran 2007
We present the parameters of 891 stars, mostly clump giants, including atmospheric parameters, distances, absolute magnitudes, spatial velocities, galactic orbits and ages. One part of this sample consists of local giants, within 100 pc, with atmospheric parameters either estimated from our spectroscopic observations at high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio, or retrieved from the literature. The other part of the sample includes 523 distant stars, which we have estimated atmospheric parameters from high resolution but low signal-to-noise Echelle spectra. This new sample is kinematically unbiased, with well-defined boundaries in magnitude and colours. We revisit the basic properties of the Galactic thin disk as traced by clump giants. We find the metallicity distribution to be different from that of dwarfs, with less metal-rich stars. We find evidence for a vertical metallicity gradient of -0.31 dex/kpc and for a transition at 4-5 Gyr in both the metallicity and velocities. The age - metallicity relation (AMR), which exhibits a very low dispersion, increases smoothly from 10 to 4 Gyr, with a steeper increase for younger stars. The age-velocity relation (AVR) is characterized by the saturation of the V and W dispersions at 5 Gyr, and continuous heating in U.

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