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Certain scalar-tensor theories have the property of endowing stars with scalar hair, sourced either by the stars own compactness (spontaneous scalarization) or, for binary systems, by the companions scalar hair (induced scalarization) or by the orbital binding energy (dynamical scalarization). Scalarized stars in binaries present different conservative dynamics than in General Relativity, and can also excite a scalar mode in the metric perturbation that carries away dipolar radiation. As a result, the binary orbit shrinks faster than predicted in General Relativity, modifying the rate of decay of the orbital period. In spite of this, scalar-tensor theories can pass existing binary pulsar tests, because observed pulsars may not be compact enough or sufficiently orbitally bound to activate scalarization. Gravitational waves emitted during the last stages of compact binary inspirals are thus ideal probes of scalarization effects. For the standard projected sensitivity of advanced LIGO, we here show that, if neutron stars are sufficiently compact to enter the detectors sensitivity band already scalarized, then gravitational waves could place constraints at least comparable to binary pulsars. If the stars dynamically scalarize while inspiraling in band, then constraints are still possible provided the scalarization occurs sufficiently early in the inspiral, roughly below an orbital frequency of 50Hz. In performing these studies, we derive an easy-to-calculate data analysis measure, an integrated phase difference between a General Relativistic and a modified signal, that maps directly to the Bayes factor so as to determine whether a modified gravity effect is detectable. Finally, we find that custom-made templates are equally effective as model-independent, parameterized post-Einsteinian waveforms at detecting such modified gravity effects at realistic signal-to-noise ratios.
133 - Laura Sampson , Nicolas Yunes , 2013
Several model-independent parameterizations of deviations from General Relativity have been developed to test Einsteins theory. Although these different parameterizations were developed for different gravitational observables, they ultimately all test the same underlying physics. In this paper, we develop connections between the parameterized post-Newtonian, parameterized post-Keplerian, and the parameterized post-Einsteinian frameworks, developed to carry out tests of General Relativity with Solar System, binary pulsar, and gravitational wave observations respectively. These connections allow us to use knowledge gained from one framework to inform and guide tests using the others. Relating these parameterizations and combining the results from each approach strengthens our tests of General Relativity.
We study generic tests of strong-field General Relativity using gravitational waves emitted during the inspiral of compact binaries. Previous studies have considered simple extensions to the standard post-Newtonian waveforms that differ by a single term in the phase. Here we improve on these studies by (i) increasing the realism of injections and (ii) determining the optimal waveform families for detecting and characterizing such signals. We construct waveforms that deviate from those in General Relativity through a series of post-Newtonian terms, and find that these higher-order terms can affect our ability to test General Relativity, in some cases by making it easier to detect a deviation, and in some cases by making it more difficult. We find that simple single-phase post-Einsteinian waveforms are sufficient for detecting deviations from General Relativity, and there is little to be gained from using more complicated models with multiple phase terms. The results found here will help guide future attempts to test General Relativity with advanced ground-based detectors.
Inspiraling binaries of compact objects are primary targets for current and future gravitational-wave observatories. Waveforms computed in General Relativity are used to search for these sources, and will probably be used to extract source parameters from detected signals. However, if a different theory of gravity happens to be correct in the strong-field regime, source-parameter estimation may be affected by a fundamental bias: that is, by systematic errors induced due to the use of waveforms derived in the incorrect theory. If the deviations from General Relativity are not large enough to be detectable on their own and yet these systematic errors remain significant (i.e., larger than the statistical uncertainties in parameter estimation), fundamental bias cannot be corrected in a single observation, and becomes stealth bias. In this article we develop a scheme to determine in which cases stealth bias could be present in gravitational-wave astronomy. For a given observation, the answer depends on the detection signal-to-noise ratio and on the strength of the modified-gravity correction. As an example, we study three representative stellar-mass binary systems that will be detectable with second-generation ground-based observatories. We find that significant systematic bias can occur whether or not modified gravity can be positively detected, for correction strengths that are not currently excluded by any other experiment. Thus, stealth bias may be a generic feature of gravitational-wave detections, and it should be considered and characterized, using expanded models such as the parametrized post-Einstein framework, when interpreting the results of parameter-estimation analyses.
We describe a new kludge scheme to model the dynamics of generic extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs; stellar compact objects spiraling into a spinning supermassive black hole) and their gravitational-wave emission. The Chimera scheme is a hybrid method that combines tools from different approximation techniques in General Relativity: (i) A multipolar, post-Minkowskian expansion for the far-zone metric perturbation (the gravitational waveforms) and for the local prescription of the self-force; (ii) a post-Newtonian expansion for the computation of the multipole moments in terms of the trajectories; and (iii) a BH perturbation theory expansion when treating the trajectories as a sequence of self-adjusting Kerr geodesics. The EMRI trajectory is made out of Kerr geodesic fragments joined via the method of osculating elements as dictated by the multipolar post-Minkowskian radiation-reaction prescription. We implemented the proper coordinate mapping between Boyer-Lindquist coordinates, associated with the Kerr geodesics, and harmonic coordinates, associated with the multipolar post-Minkowskian decomposition. The Chimera scheme is thus a combination of approximations that can be used to model generic inspirals of systems with extreme to intermediate mass ratios, and hence, it can provide valuable information for future space-based gravitational-wave observatories, like LISA, and even for advanced ground detectors. The local character in time of our multipolar post-Minkowskian self-force makes this scheme amenable to study the possible appearance of transient resonances in generic inspirals.
An expected source of gravitational waves for future detectors in space are the inspirals of small compact objects into much more massive black holes. These sources have the potential to provide a wealth of information about astronomy and fundamental physics. On short timescales the orbit of the small object is approximately geodesic. Generic geodesics for a Kerr black hole spacetime have a complete set of integrals and can be characterized by three frequencies of the motion. Over the course of an inspiral, a typical system will pass through resonances where two of these frequencies become commensurate. The effect of the resonance will be to alter significantly the rate of inspiral for the duration of the resonance. Understanding the impact of these resonances on gravitational wave phasing is important to detect and exploit these signals for astrophysics and fundamental physics. Two differential equations that might describe the passage of an inspiral through such a resonance are investigated. These differ depending on whether it is the phase or the frequency components of a Fourier expansion of the motion that are taken to be continuous through the resonance. Asymptotic and hyperasymptotic analysis are used to find the late-time analytic behavior of the solution for a system that has passed through a resonance. Linearly growing (weak resonances) or linearly decaying (strong resonances) solutions are found depending on the strength of the resonance. In the weak-resonance case, frequency resonances leave an imprint (a resonant memory) on the gravitational frequency evolution. The transition between weak and strong resonances is characterized by a square-root singularity, and as one approaches this transition from above, the solutions to the frequency resonance equation bunch up into families exponentially fast.
We introduce a new kludge scheme to model the dynamics of generic extreme mass-ratio inspirals (stellar compact objects spiraling into a spinning supermassive black hole) and to produce the gravitational waveforms that describe the gravitational-wave emission of these systems. This scheme combines tools from different techniques in General Relativity: It uses a multipolar, post-Minkowskian (MPM) expansion for the far-zone metric perturbation (which provides the gravitational waveforms, here taken up to mass hexadecapole and current octopole order) and for the local prescription of the self-force (since we are lacking a general prescription for it); a post-Newtonian expansion for the computation of the multipole moments in terms of the trajectories; and a BH perturbation theory expansion when treating the trajectories as a sequence of self-adjusting Kerr geodesics. The orbital evolution is thus equivalent to solving the geodesic equations with time-dependent orbital elements, as dictated by the MPM radiation-reaction prescription. To complete the scheme, both the orbital evolution and wave generation require to map the Boyer-Lindquist coordinates of the orbits to the harmonic coordinates in which the different MPM quantities have been derived, a mapping that we provide explicitly in this paper. This new kludge scheme is thus a combination of approximations that can be used to model generic inspirals of systems with extreme mass ratios to systems with more moderate mass ratios, and hence can provide valuable information for future space-based gravitational-wave observatories like LISA and even for advanced ground detectors. Finally, due to the local character in time of our MPM self-force, this scheme can be used to perform studies of the possible appearance of transient resonances in generic inspirals.
The emergent area of gravitational wave astronomy promises to provide revolutionary discoveries in the areas of astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics. One of the most exciting possibilities is to use gravitational-wave observations to test alternative theories of gravity. In this contribution we describe how to use observations of extreme-mass-ratio inspirals by the future Laser Interferometer Space Antenna to test a particular class of theories: Chern-Simons modified gravity.

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