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Exciton-polaritons can condense to a macroscopic quantum state through a non-equilibrium process of pumping and decay. In recent experiments, polariton condensates are used to observe, for a short time, nonlinear Josephson phenomena by coupling two condensates. However, it is still not clear how these phenomena are affected by the pumping and decay at long times and how the coupling alters the polariton condensation. Here, we consider a polariton Josephson junction pumped on one side and study its dynamics within a mean-field theory. The Josephson current is found to give rise to multi-stability of the stationary states, which are sensitive to the initial conditions and incoherent noises. These states can be attributed to either the self-trapping effect or the parity-time (PT) symmetry of the system. These results can be used to explain the emission spectra and the $pi$-phase locking observed in recent experiments. We further predict that the multi-stability can reduce to the self-trapped state if the PT symmetry is broken. Moreover, the polaritons can condense even below the threshold, exhibiting hysteresis.
We propose a scheme to realize entanglement swapping via superradiance, entangling two distant cavities without a direct interaction. The successful Bell-state-measurement outcomes are performed naturally by the electromagnetic reservoir, and we show how, using a quantum trajectory method, the non-local properties of the state obtained after the swapping procedure can be verified by the steering inequality. Furthermore, we discuss how the unsuccessful measurement outcomes can be used in an experiment of delayed-choice entanglement swapping. An extension of testing the quantum steering inequality with the observers at three different times is also considered
Quantum steering is the ability to remotely prepare different quantum states by using entangled pairs as a resource. Very recently, the concept of steering has been quantified with the use of inequalities, leading to substantial applications in quantum information and communication science. Here, we highlight that there exists a natural temporal analogue of the steering inequality when considering measurements on a single object at different times. We give non-trivial operational meaning to violations of this temporal inequality by showing that it is connected to the security bound in the BB84 protocol and thus may have applications in quantum communication.
Is there a functional role for quantum mechanics or coherent quantum effects in biological processes? While this question is as old as quantum theory, only recently have measurements on biological systems on ultra-fast time-scales shed light on a possible answer. In this review we give an overview of the two main candidates for biological systems which may harness such functional quantum effects: photosynthesis and magnetoreception. We discuss some of the latest evidence both for and against room temperature quantum coherence, and consider whether there is truly a functional role for coherence in these biological mechanisms. Finally, we give a brief overview of some more speculative examples of functional quantum biology including the sense of smell, long-range quantum tunneling in proteins, biological photoreceptors, and the flow of ions across a cell membrane.
114 - Pavel M. Lushnikov , Nan Chen , 2008
A connection is established between discrete stochastic model describing microscopic motion of fluctuating cells, and macroscopic equations describing dynamics of cellular density. Cells move towards chemical gradient (process called chemotaxis) with their shapes randomly fluctuating. Nonlinear diffusion equation is derived from microscopic dynamics in dimensions one and two using excluded volume approach. Nonlinear diffusion coefficient depends on cellular volume fraction and it is demonstrated to prevent collapse of cellular density. A very good agreement is shown between Monte Carlo simulations of the microscopic Cellular Potts Model and numerical solutions of the macroscopic equations for relatively large cellular volume fractions. Combination of microscopic and macroscopic models were used to simulate growth of structures similar to early vascular networks.

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