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248 - Nadia M. Murillo 2015
Due to instrumental limitations and a lack of disk detections, the structure between the envelope and the rotationally supported disk has been poorly studied. This is now possible with ALMA through observations of CO isotopologs and tracers of freezeout. Class 0 sources are ideal for such studies given their almost intact envelope and young disk. The structure of the disk-envelope interface of the prototypical Class 0 source, VLA1623A which has a confirmed Keplerian disk, is constrained from ALMA observations of DCO+ 3-2 and C18O 2-1. The physical structure of VLA1623 is obtained from the large-scale SED and continuum radiative transfer. An analytic model using a simple network coupled with radial density and temperature profiles is used as input for a 2D line radiative transfer calculation for comparison with the ALMA Cycle 0 12m array and Cycle 2 ACA observations of VLA1623. DCO+ emission shows a clumpy structure bordering VLA1623As Keplerian disk, suggesting a cold ring-like structure at the disk-envelope interface. The radial position of the observed DCO+ peak is reproduced in our model only if the regions temperature is between 11-16K, lower than expected from models constrained by continuum and SED. Altering the density has little effect on the DCO+ position, but increased density is needed to reproduce the disk traced in C18O. The DCO+ emission around VLA1623A is the product of shadowing of the envelope by the disk. Disk-shadowing causes a drop in the gas temperature outside of the disk on >200AU scales, encouraging deuterated molecule production. This indicates that the physical structure of the disk-envelope interface differs from the rest of the envelope, highlighting the drastic impact that the disk has on the envelope and temperature structure. The results presented here show that DCO+ is an excellent cold temperature tracer.
101 - Nadia M. Murillo 2013
Context: Rotationally supported disks are critical in the star formation process. The questions of when do they form and what factors influence or hinder their formation have been studied but are largely unanswered. Observations of early stage YSOs are needed to probe disk formation. Aims: VLA1623 is a triple non-coeval protostellar system, with a weak magnetic field perpendicular to the outflow, whose Class 0 component, VLA1623A, shows a disk-like structure in continuum with signatures of rotation in line emission. We aim to determine whether this structure is in part or in whole a rotationally supported disk, i.e. a Keplerian disk, and what are its characteristics. Methods: ALMA Cycle 0 Early Science 1.3 mm continuum and C$^{18}$O (2-1) observations in the extended configuration are presented here and used to perform an analysis of the disk-like structure using PV diagrams and thin disk modelling with the addition of foreground absorption. Results: The PV diagrams of the C$^{18}$O line emission suggest the presence of a rotationally supported component with a radius of at least 50 AU. Kinematical modelling of the line emission shows that the disk out to 180 AU is actually rotationally supported, with the rotation being well described by Keplerian rotation out to at least 150 AU, and the central source mass to be $sim$0.2 M$_{sun}$ for an inclination of 55$^{circ}$. Pure infall and conserved angular momentum rotation models are excluded. Conclusions: VLA1623A, a very young Class 0 source, presents a disk with an outer radius $R_{rm out}$ = 180 AU with a Keplerian velocity structure out to at least 150 AU. The weak magnetic fields and recent fragmentation in this region of rho Ophiuchus may have played a lead role in the formation of the disk.

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