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135 - N. Xu , H. M. Weng , B. Q. Lv 2015
A Weyl semimetal possesses spin-polarized band-crossings, called Weyl nodes, connected by topological surface arcs. The low-energy excitations near the crossing points behave the same as massless Weyl fermions, leading to exotic properties like chiral anomaly. To have the transport properties dominated by Weyl fermions, Weyl nodes need to locate nearly at the chemical potential and enclosed by pairs of individual Fermi surfaces with nonzero Fermi Chern numbers. Combining angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first-principles calculation, here we show that TaP is a Weyl semimetal with only single type of Weyl fermions, topologically distinguished from TaAs where two types of Weyl fermions contribute to the low-energy physical properties. The simple Weyl fermions in TaP are not only of fundamental interests but also of great potential for future applications. Fermi arcs on the Ta-terminated surface are observed, which appear in a different pattern from that on the As-termination in TaAs and NbAs.
149 - B. Q. Lv , N. Xu , H. M. Weng 2015
In 1929, H. Weyl proposed that the massless solution of Dirac equation represents a pair of new type particles, the so-called Weyl fermions [1]. However the existence of them in particle physics remains elusive for more than eight decades. Recently, significant advances in both topological insulators and topological semimetals have provided an alternative way to realize Weyl fermions in condensed matter as an emergent phenomenon: when two non-degenerate bands in the three-dimensional momentum space cross in the vicinity of Fermi energy (called as Weyl nodes), the low energy excitation behaves exactly the same as Weyl fermions. Here, by performing soft x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements which mainly probe bulk band structure, we directly observe the long-sought-after Weyl nodes for the first time in TaAs, whose projected locations on the (001) surface match well to the Fermi arcs, providing undisputable experimental evidence of existence of Weyl fermion quasiparticles in TaAs.
128 - P. Zhang , P. Richard , N. Xu 2014
We used emph{in-situ} potassium (K) evaporation to dope the surface of the iron-based superconductor FeTe$_{0.55}$Se$_{0.45}$. The systematic study of the bands near the Fermi level confirms that electrons are doped into the system, allowing us to tune the Fermi level of this material and to access otherwise unoccupied electronic states. In particular, we observe an electron band located above the Fermi level before doping that shares similarities with a small three-dimensional pocket observed in the cousin, heavily-electron-doped KFe$_{2-x}$Se$_2$ compound.
Temperature dependence of the electronic structure of SmB6 is studied by high-resolution ARPES down to 1 K. We demonstrate that there is no essential difference for the dispersions of the surface states below and above the resistivity saturating anomaly (~ 3.5 K). Quantitative analyses of the surface states indicate that the quasi-particle scattering rate increases linearly as a function of temperature and binding energy, which differs from Fermi-Liquid behavior. Most intriguingly, we observe that the hybridization between the d and f states builds gradually over a wide temperature region (30 K < T < 110 K). The surface states appear when the hybridization starts to develop. Our detailed temperature-dependence results give a complete interpretation of the exotic resistivity result of SmB6, as well as the discrepancies among experimental results concerning the temperature regions in which the topological surface states emerge and the Kondo gap opens, and give new insights into the exotic Kondo crossover and its relationship with the topological surface states in the topological Kondo insulator SmB6.
123 - N. Xu , P. K. Biswas , J. H. Dil 2014
The concept of a topological Kondo insulator (TKI) has been brought forward as a new class of topological insulators in which non-trivial surface states reside in the bulk Kondo band gap at low temperature due to the strong spin-orbit coupling [1-3]. In contrast to other three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators (e.g. Bi2Se3), a TKI is truly insulating in the bulk [4]. Furthermore, strong electron correlations are present in the system, which may interact with the novel topological phase. Applying spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (SARPES) to the Kondo insulator SmB6, a promising TKI candidate, we reveal that the surface states of SmB6 are spin polarized, and the spin is locked to the crystal momentum. Counter-propagating states (i.e. at k and -k) have opposite spin polarizations protected by time-reversal symmetry. Together with the odd number of Fermi surfaces of surface states between the 4 time-reversal invariant momenta in the surface Brillouin zone [5], these findings prove, for the first time, that SmB6 can host non-trivial topological surface states in a full insulating gap in the bulk stemming from the Kondo effect. Hence our experimental results establish that SmB6 is the first realization of a 3D TKI. It can also serve as an ideal platform for the systematic study of the interplay between novel topological quantum states with emergent effects and competing order induced by strongly correlated electrons.
139 - N. Xu , P. Richard , X.-P. Wang 2012
We used high-energy resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to extract the momentum dependence of the superconducting gap of Ru-substituted Ba(Fe$_{0.75}$Ru$_{0.25}$)$_2$As$_2$ ($T_c = 15$ K). Despite a strong out-of-plane warping of the Fermi surface, the magnitude of the superconducting gap observed experimentally is nearly isotropic and independent of the out-of-plane momentum. More precisely, we respectively observed 5.7 meV and 4.5 meV superconducting gaps on the inner and outer $Gamma$-centered hole Fermi surface pockets, whereas a 4.8 meV gap is recorded on the M-centered electron Fermi surface pockets. Our results are consistent with the $J_1-J_2$ model with a dominant antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between the next-nearest Fe neighbors.
451 - N. Xu , T. Qian , P. Richard 2012
We report a systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study on Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Ru$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ for a wide range of Ru concentrations (0.15 $leq$ emph{x} $leq$ 0.74). We observed a crossover from two-dimension to three-dimension for some of the hole-like Fermi surfaces with Ru substitution and a large reduction in the mass renormalization close to optimal doping. These results suggest that isovalent Ru substitution has remarkable effects on the low-energy electron excitations, which are important for the evolution of superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in this system.
242 - Z.-H. Liu , P. Richard , N. Xu 2012
We report a comprehensive angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the tridimensional electronic bands in the recently discovered Fe selenide superconductor (Tl,Rb)$_y$Fe$_{2-x}$Se$_2$ ($T_c=32$ K). We determined the orbital characters and the $k_z$ dependence of the low energy electronic structure by tuning the polarization and the energy of the incident photons. We observed a small 3D electron Fermi surface pocket near the Brillouin zone center and a 2D like electron Fermi surface pocket near the zone boundary. The photon energy dependence, the polarization analysis and the local-density approximation calculations suggest a significant contribution from the Se 4$p_z$ and Fe 3$d_{xy}$ orbitals to the small electron pocket. We argue that the emergence of Se 4$p_z$ states might be the cause of the different magnetic properties between Fe chalcogenides and Fe pnictides.
84 - T. Qian , N. Xu , Y.-B. Shi 2010
We have performed an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of a new iron-based superconductor Sr4V2O6Fe2As2. While V 3d orbitals are found to be in a Mott insulator state and show an incoherent peak at ~ 1 eV below the Fermi level, the dispersive Fe 3d bands form several hole- and electron-like Fermi surfaces (FSs), some of which are quasi-nested by the (pi, 0) wave vector. This differs from the local density approximation (LDA) calculations, which predict non-nested FSs for this material. However, LDA+U with a large effective Hubbard energy U on V 3d electrons can reproduce the experimental observation reasonably well. The observed fermiology in superconducting Sr4V2O6Fe2As2 strongly supports that (pi, 0) interband scattering between quasi-nested FSs is indispensable to superconductivity in pnictides.
159 - Z. Zeravcic , N. Xu (2 2009
We study the vibrational modes of three-dimensional jammed packings of soft ellipsoids of revolution as a function of particle aspect ratio $epsilon$ and packing fraction. At the jamming transition for ellipsoids, as distinct from the idealized case using spheres where $epsilon = 1$, there are many unconstrained and non-trivial rotational degrees of freedom. These constitute a set of zero-frequency modes that are gradually mobilized into a new rotational band as $|epsilon - 1|$ increases. Quite surprisingly, as this new band is separated from zero frequency by a gap, and lies below the onset frequency for translational vibrations, $omega^*$, the presence of these new degrees of freedom leaves unaltered the basic scenario that the translational spectrum is determined only by the average contact number. Indeed, $omega^*$ depends solely on coordination as it does for compressed packings of spheres. We also discuss the regime of large $|epsilon - 1|$, where the two bands merge.

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