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77 - N. S. Tonchev 2014
We present a perturbative approach to the problem of computation of mixed-state fidelity susceptibility (MFS) for thermal states. The mathematical techniques used provides an analytical expression for the MFS as a formal expansion in terms of the thermodynamic mean values of successively higher commutators of the Hamiltonian with the operator involved through the control parameter. That expression is naturally divided into two parts: the usual isothermal susceptibility and a constituent in the form of an infinite series of thermodynamic mean values which encodes the noncommutativity in the problem. If the symmetry properties of the Hamiltonian are given in terms of the generators of some (finite dimensional) algebra, the obtained expansion may be evaluated in a closed form. This issue is tested on several popular models, for which it is shown that the calculations are much simpler if they are based on the properties from the representation theory of the Heisenberg or SU(1, 1) Lie algebra.
Recently, new thermodynamic inequalities have been obtained, which set bounds on the quadratic fluctuations of intensive observables of statistical mechanical systems in terms of the Bogoliubov - Duhamel inner product and some thermal average values. It was shown that several well-known inequalities in equilibrium statistical mechanics emerge as special cases of these results. On the basis of the spectral representation, lower and upper bounds on the one-sided fidelity susceptibility were derived in analogous terms. Here, these results are reviewed and presented in a unified manner. In addition, the spectral representation of the symmetric two-sided fidelity susceptibility is derived, and it is shown to coincide with the one-sided case. Therefore, both definitions imply the same lower and upper bounds on the fidelity susceptibility.
We present some aspects of the fidelity approach to phase transitions based on lower and upper bounds on the fidelity susceptibility that are expressed in terms of thermodynamic quantities. Both commutative and non commutative cases are considered. In the commutative case, in addition, a relation between the fidelity and the nonequilibrium work done on the system in a process from an equilibrium initial state to an equilibrium final state has been obtained by using the Jarzynski equality.
202 - H. Chamati , N. S. Tonchev 2011
The quantum critical behavior of the 2+1 dimensional Gross--Neveu model in the vicinity of its zero temperature critical point is considered. The model is known to be renormalisable in the large $N$ limit, which offers the possibility to obtain expressions for various thermodynamic functions in closed form. We have used the concept of finite--size scaling to extract information about the leading temperature behavior of the free energy and the mass term, defined by the fermionic condensate and determined the crossover lines in the coupling ($g$) -- temperature ($T$) plane. These are given by $Tsim|g-g_c|$, where $g_c$ denotes the critical coupling at zero temperature. According to our analysis no spontaneous symmetry breaking survives at finite temperature. We have found that the leading temperature behavior of the fermionic condensate is proportional to the temperature with the critical amplitude $frac{sqrt{5}}3pi$. The scaling function of the singular part of the free energy is found to exhibit a maximum at $frac{ln2}{2pi}$ corresponding to one of the crossover lines. The critical amplitude of the singular part of the free energy is given by the universal number $frac13[frac1{2pi}zeta(3)-mathrm{Cl}_2(frac{pi}3)]=-0.274543...$, where $zeta(z)$ and $mathrm{Cl}_2(z)$ are the Riemann zeta and Clausens functions, respectively. Interpreted in terms the thermodynamic Casimir effect, this result implies an attractive Casimir force. This study is expected to be useful in shedding light on a broader class of four fermionic models.
We derive upper and lower bounds on the fidelity susceptibility in terms of macroscopic thermodynamical quantities, like susceptibilities and thermal average values. The quality of the bounds is checked by the exact expressions for a single spin in an external magnetic field. Their usefulness is illustrated by two examples of many-particle models which are exactly solved in the thermodynamic limit: the Dicke superradiance model and the single impurity Kondo model. It is shown that as far as divergent behavior is considered, the fidelity susceptibility and the thermodynamic susceptibility are equivalent for a large class of models exhibiting critical behavior.
Infinite sets of inequalities which generalize all the known inequalities that can be used in the majorization step of the Approximating Hamiltonian method are derived. They provide upper bounds on the difference between the quadratic fluctuations of intensive observables of a $N$-particle system and the corresponding Bogoliubov-Duhamel inner product. The novel feature is that, under sufficiently mild conditions, the upper bounds have the same form and order of magnitude with respect to $N$ for all the quantities derived by a finite number of commutations of an original intensive observable with the Hamiltonian. The results are illustrated on two types of exactly solvable model systems: one with bounded separable attraction and the other containing interaction of a boson field with matter.
210 - H. Chamati , N. S. Tonchev 2009
At variance with the authors statement [L. P{a}lov{a}, P. Chandra and P. Coleman, Phys. Rev. B 79, 075101 (2009)], we show that the behavior of the universal scaling amplitude of the gap function in the phonon dispersion relation as a function of the dimensionality $d$, obtained within a self--consistent one--loop approach, is consistent with some previous analytical results obtained in the framework of the $epsilon$--expansion in conjunction with the field theoretic renormalization group method [S. Sachdev, Phys. Rev. B 55, 142 (1997)] and the exact calculations corresponding to the spherical limit i.e. infinite number $N$ of the components of the order parameter [H. Chamati. and N. S. Tonchev, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 873 (2000)]. Furthermore we determine numerically the behavior of the temporal Casimir amplitude as a function of the dimensionality $d$ between the lower and upper critical dimension and found a maximum at $d=2.9144$. This is confirmed via an expansion near the upper dimension $d=3$.

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