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We present the size-stellar mass relations of nearby (z=0.01-0.02) Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies, for samples selected by color, morphology, Sersic index n, and specific star formation rate. Several commonly employed size measurement techniques are used, including single Sersic fits, two-component Sersic models, and a non-parametric method. Through simple simulations, we show that the non-parametric and two-component Sersic methods provide the most robust effective radius measurements, while those based on single Sersic profiles are often overestimates, especially for massive red/early-type galaxies. Using our robust sizes, we show for all sub-samples that the mass-size relations are shallow at low stellar masses and steepen above ~ 3-4 x 10^{10}msun. The mass-size relations for galaxies classified as late-type, low-n, and star-forming are consistent with each other, while blue galaxies follow a somewhat steeper relation. The mass-size relations of early-type, high-n, red, and quiescent galaxies all agree with each other but are somewhat steeper at the high-mass end than previous results. To test potential systematics at high redshift, we artificially redshifted our sample (including surface brightness dimming and degraded resolution) to z=1 and re-fit the galaxies using single Serisc profiles. The sizes of these galaxies before and after redshifting are consistent and we conclude that systematic effects in sizes and the size-mass relation at z ~ 1 are negligible. Interestingly, since the poorer physical resolution at high redshift washes out bright galaxy substructures, single-Sersic fitting appears to provide more reliable and unbiased effective radius measurements at high z than for nearby, well-resolved galaxies.
For the first time, we study the evolution of the stellar mass-size relation for star-forming galaxies from z ~ 4 to z ~ 7 from Hubble-WFC3/IR camera observations of the HUDF and Early Release Science (ERS) field. The sizes are measured by determining the best fit model to galaxy images in the rest-frame 2100 AA with the stellar masses estimated from SED fitting to rest-frame optical (from Spitzer/IRAC) and UV fluxes. We show that the stellar mass-size relation of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) persists, at least to z ~ 5, and the median size of LBGs at a given stellar mass increases towards lower redshifts. For galaxies with stellar masses of 9.5<Log(M*/Msun)<10.4 sizes evolve as $(1+z)^{-1.20pm0.11}$. This evolution is very similar for galaxies with lower stellar masses of 8.6<Log(M*/Msun)<9.5 which is $r_{e} propto (1+z)^{-1.18pm0.10}$, in agreement with simple theoretical galaxy formation models at high z. Our results are consistent with previous measurements of the LBGs mass-size relation at lower redshifts (z ~ 1-3).
81 - Moein Mosleh 2010
We study the evolution of the size - stellar mass relation for a large spectroscopic sample of galaxies in the GOODs North field up to $z sim 3.5$. The sizes of the galaxies are measured from $textit{K}_{s}$-band images (corresponding to rest-frame optical/NIR) from the Subaru 8m telescope. We reproduce earlier results based on photometric redshifts that the sizes of galaxies at a given mass evolve with redshift. Specifically, we compare sizes of UV-bright galaxies at a range of redshifts: Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) selected through the U-drop technique ($z sim 2.5-3.5$), BM/BX galaxies at $z sim 1.5-2.5$, and GALEX LBGs at low redshift ($z sim 0.6-1.5$). The median sizes of these UV-bright galaxies evolve as $(1+z)^{-1.11pm0.13}$ between $z sim 0.5-3.5$. The UV-bright galaxies are significantly larger than quiescent galaxies at the same mass and redshift by $0.45pm0.09$ dex. We also verify the correlation between color and stellar mass density of galaxies to high redshifts. The sizes of sub-mm galaxies in the same field are measured and compared with BM/BX galaxies. We find that median half-light radii of SMGs is $2.90 pm 0.45$ kpc and there is little difference in their size distribution to the UV-bright star forming galaxies.
We study the spectroscopic properties and environments of red spiral galaxies found by the Galaxy Zoo project. By carefully selecting face-on, disk dominated spirals we construct a sample of truly passive disks (not dust reddened, nor dominated by old stellar populations in a bulge). As such, our red spirals represent an interesting set of possible transition objects between normal blue spirals and red early types. We use SDSS data to investigate the physical processes which could have turned these objects red without disturbing their morphology. Red spirals prefer intermediate density regimes, however there are no obvious correlations between red spiral properties and environment - environment alone is not sufficient to determine if a spiral will become red. Red spirals are a small fraction of spirals at low masses, but are a significant fraction at large stellar masses - massive galaxies are red independent of morphology. We confirm that red spirals have older stellar popns and less recent star formation than the main spiral population. While the presence of spiral arms suggests that major star formation cannot have ceased long ago, we show that these are not recent post-starbursts, so star formation must have ceased gradually. Intriguingly, red spirals are ~4 times more likely than normal spirals to host optically identified Seyfert or LINER, with most of the difference coming from LINERs. We find a curiously large bar fraction in the red spirals suggesting that the cessation of star formation and bar instabilities are strongly correlated. We conclude by discussing the possible origins. We suggest they may represent the very oldest spiral galaxies which have already used up their reserves of gas - probably aided by strangulation, and perhaps bar instabilities moving material around in the disk.

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