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150 - Jianfei Xu , Li-Ming Cao , 2015
We study the P-V criticality and phase transition in the extended phase space of charged anti-de Sitter black holes in canonical ensemble of ghost-free massive gravity, where the cosmological constant is viewed as a dynamical pressure of the black hole system. We give the generalized thermodynamic first law and the Smarr relation with massive gravity correction. We find that not only when the horizon topology is spherical but also in the Ricci flat or hyperbolic case, there appear the P-V criticality and phase transition up to the combination k+c02c2m2 in the four-dimensional case, where k characterizes the horizon curvature and c2m2 is the coefficient of the second term of massive potential associated with the graviton mass. The positivity of such combination indicate the van der Waals-like phase transition. When the spacetime dimension is larger then four, the Maxwell charge there seems unnecessary for the appearance of critical behavior, but a infinite repulsion effect needed, which can also be realized through negative valued c3m2 or c4m2, which is third or fourth term of massive potential. When c3m2 is positive, a Hawking-Page-like black hole to vacuum phase transition is shown in the five-dimensional chargeless case. For the van der Waals-like phase transition in four and five spacetime dimensions, we calculate the critical exponents near the critical point and find they are the same as those in the van der Waals liquid-gas system.
We consider a self-gravitating system containing a globally timelike Killing vector and a nonlinear Born-Infeld electromagnetic field and scalar fields. We prove that under certain boundary conditions (asymptotically flat/AdS) there cant be any nontrivial field configurations in the spacetime. To explore nontrivial solutions one should break any of the conditions we imposed. The case with another type of nonlinear electromagnetic field is also analyzed, and similar conclusions have been obtained under certain conditions.
253 - Li-Ming Cao , Jianfei Xu 2014
We consider a static self-gravitating perfect fluid system in Lovelock gravity theory. For a spacial region on the hypersurface orthogonal to static Killing vector, by the Tolmans law of temperature, the assumption of a fixed total particle number inside the spacial region, and all of the variations (of relevant fields) in which the induced metric and its first derivatives are fixed on the boundary of the spacial region, then with the help of the gravitational equations of the theory, we can prove a theorem says that the total entropy of the fluid in this region takes an extremum value. A converse theorem can also be obtained following the reverse process of our proof. We also propose the definition of isolation quasi-locally for the system and explain the physical meaning of the boundary conditions in the proof of the theorems.
183 - Rong-Gen Cai , Li-Ming Cao , Li Li 2013
We study the $P-V$ criticality and phase transition in the extended phase space of charged Gauss-Bonnet black holes in anti-de Sitter space, where the cosmological constant appears as a dynamical pressure of the system and its conjugate quantity is the thermodynamic volume of the black hole. The black holes can have a Ricci flat ($k=0$), spherical ($k=1$), or hyperbolic ($k=-1$) horizon. We find that for the Ricci flat and hyperbolic Gauss-Bonnet black holes, no $P-V$ criticality and phase transition appear, while for the black holes with a spherical horizon, even when the charge of the black hole is absent, the $P-V$ criticality and the small black hole/large black hole phase transition will appear, but it happens only in $d=5$ dimensions; when the charge does not vanish, the $P-V$ criticality and the small black hole/large phase transition always appear in $d=5$ dimensions; in the case of $dge 6$, to have the $P-V$ criticality and the small black hole/large black hole phase transition, there exists an upper bound for the parameter $b=widetilde{alpha}|Q|^{-2/(d-3)}$, where $tilde {alpha}$ is the Gauss-Bonnet coefficient and $Q$ is the charge of the black hole. We calculate the critical exponents at the critical point and find that for all cases, they are the same as those in the van der Waals liquid-gas system.
193 - Rong-Gen Cai , Li-Ming Cao 2013
By use of the gauge-invariant variables proposed by Kodama and Ishibashi, we obtain the most general perturbation equations in the $(m+n)$-dimensional spacetime with a warped product metric. These equations do not depend on the spectral expansions of the Laplace-type operators on the $n$-dimensional Einstein manifold. These equations enable us to have a complete gauge-invariant perturbation theory and a well-defined spectral expansion for all modes and the gauge invariance is kept for each mode. By studying perturbations of some projections of Weyl tensor in the case of $m=2$, we define three Teukolsky-like gauge-invariant variables and obtain the perturbation equations of these variables by considering perturbations of the Penrose wave equations in the $(2+n)$-dimensional Einstein spectime. In particular, we find the relations between the Teukolsky-like gauge-invariant variables and the Kodama-Ishibashi gauge-invariant variables. These relations imply that the Kodama-Ishibashi gauge-invariant variables all come from the perturbations of Weyl tensor of the spacetime.
We consider a static self-gravitating system consisting of perfect fluid with isometries of an $(n-2)$-dimensional maximally symmetric space in Lovelock gravity theory. A straightforward analysis of the time-time component of the equations of motion suggests a generalized mass function. Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff like equation is obtained by using this mass function and gravitational equations. We investigate the maximum entropy principle in Lovelock gravity, and find that this Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation can also be deduced from the so called maximum entropy principle which is originally customized for Einstein gravity theory. This investigation manifests a deep connection between gravity and thermodynamics in this generalized gravity theory.
106 - Li-Ming Cao 2010
The deformation equation of a spacelike submanifold with an arbitrary codimension is given by a general construction without using local frames. In the case of codimension-1, this equation reduces to the evolution equation of the extrinsic curvature of a spacelike hypersurface. In the more interesting case of codimension-2, after selecting a local null frame, this deformation equation reduces to the well known (cross) focusing equations. We show how the thermodynamics of trapping horizons is related to these deformation equations in two different formalisms: with and without introducing quasilocal energy. In the formalism with the quasilocal energy, the Hawking mass in four dimension is generalized to higher dimension, and it is found that the deformation of this energy inside a marginal surface can be also decomposed into the contributions from matter fields and gravitational radiation as in the four dimension. In the formalism without the quasilocal energy, we generalize the definition of slowly evolving future outer trapping horizons proposed by Booth to past trapping horizons. The dynamics of the trapping horizons in FLRW universe is given as an example. Especially, the slowly evolving past trapping horizon in the FLRW universe has close relation to the scenario of slow-roll inflation. Up to the second order of the slowly evolving parameter in this generalization, the temperature (surface gravity) associated with the slowly evolving trapping horizon in the FLRW universe is essentially the same as the one defined by using the quasilocal energy.
In a recent paper [arXiv:1001.0785], Verlinde has shown that the Newton gravity appears as an entropy force. In this paper we show how gravity appears as entropy force in Einsteins equation of gravitational field in a general spherically symmetric spacetime. We mainly focus on the trapping horizon of the spacetime. We find that when matter fields are absent, the change of entropy associated with the trapping horizon indeed can be identified with an entropy force. When matter fields are present, we see that heat flux of matter fields also leads to the change of entropy. Applying arguments made by Verlinde and Smolin, respectively, to the trapping horizon, we find that the entropy force is given by the surface gravity of the horizon. The cases in the untrapped region of the spacetime are also discussed.
In this note by use of the holographic principle together with the equipartition law of energy and the Unruh temperature, we derive the Friedmann equations of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe.
We present a class of exact analytic and static, spherically symmetric black hole solutions in the semi-classical Einstein equations with Weyl anomaly. The solutions have two branches, one is asymptotically flat and the other asymptotically de Sitter. We study thermodynamic properties of the black hole solutions and find that there exists a logarithmic correction to the well-known Bekenstein-Hawking area entropy. The logarithmic term might come from non-local terms in the effective action of gravity theories. The appearance of the logarithmic term in the gravity side is quite important in the sense that with this term one is able to compare black hole entropy up to the subleading order, in the gravity side and in the microscopic statistical interpretation side.

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