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The infinite dimensional half-filled Hubbard model can be mapped exactly with no additional constraint onto a model of free fermions coupled in a $Z_2$ gauge-invariant manner to auxiliary Ising spins in a transverse field. In this slave-spin representation, the zero-temperature insulator-to-metal transition translates into spontaneous breaking of the local $Z_2$ gauge symmetry, which is not forbidden in infinite dimensions, thus endowing the Mott transition of an order parameter that is otherwise elusive in the original fermion representation. We demonstrate this interesting scenario by exactly solving the effective spin-fermion model by dynamical mean-field theory both at zero and at finite temperature.
Kondo-type zero-bias anomalies have been frequently observed in quantum dots occupied by two electrons and attributed to a spin-triplet configuration that may become stable under particular circumstances. Conversely, zero-bias anomalies have been so far quite elusive when quantum dots are occupied by an even number of electrons greater than two, even though a spin-triplet configuration is more likely to be stabilized there than for two electrons. We propose as an origin of this phenomenon the spin-orbit interaction, and we show how it profoundly alters the conventional Kondo screening scenario in the simple case of a laterally confined quantum dot with four electrons.
We study the role of electronic correlation in a disordered two-dimensional model by using a variational wave function that can interpolate between Anderson and Mott insulators. Within this approach, the Anderson-Mott transition can be described both in the paramagnetic and in the magnetic sectors. In the latter case, we find evidence for the formation of local magnetic moments that order before the Mott transition. The charge gap opening in the Mott insulator is accompanied by the vanishing of the $lim_{qto 0} overline{< n_q>< n_{-q}>}$ (the bar denoting the impurity average), which is related to the compressibility fluctuations. The role of a frustrating (second-neighbor) hopping is also discussed, with a particular emphasis to the formation of metastable spin-glass states.
We propose a novel approach to nonequilibrium real-time dynamics of quantum impurities models coupled to biased non-interacting leads, such as those relevant to quantum transport in nanoscale molecular devices. The method is based on a Diagrammatic Monte Carlo sampling of the real-time perturbation theory along the Keldysh contour. We benchmark the method on a non-interacting resonant level model and, as a first non-trivial application, we study zero temperature non-equilibrium transport through a vibrating molecule.
We solve by Dynamical Mean Field Theory a toy-model which has a phase diagram strikingly similar to that of high $T_c$ superconductors: a bell-shaped superconducting region adjacent the Mott insulator and a normal phase that evolves from a conventional Fermi liquid to a pseudogapped semi-metal as the Mott transition is approached. Guided by the physics of the impurity model that is self-consistently solved within Dynamical Mean Field Theory, we introduce an analytical ansatz to model the dynamical behavior across the various phases which fits very accurately the numerical data. The ansatz is based on the assumption that the wave-function renormalization, that is very severe especially in the pseudogap phase close to the Mott transition, is perfectly canceled by the vertex corrections in the Cooper pairing channel.A remarkable outcome is that a superconducting state can develop even from a pseudogapped normal state, in which there are no low-energy quasiparticles. The overall physical scenario that emerges, although unraveled in a specific model and in an infinite-coordination Bethe lattice, can be interpreted in terms of so general arguments to suggest that it can be realized in other correlated systems.
We study the Mott transition occurring for bosonic Hubbard models in one, two, and three spatial dimensions, by means of a variational wave function benchmarked by Greens function Monte Carlo calculations. We show that a very accurate variational wave function, constructed by applying a long-range Jastrow factor to the non-interacting boson ground state, can describe the superfluid-insulator transition in any dimensionality. Moreover, by mapping the quantum averages over such a wave function into the the partition function of a classical model, important insights into the insulating phase are uncovered. Finally, the evidence in favor of anomalous scenarios for the Mott transition in two dimensions are reported whenever additional long-range repulsive interactions are added to the Hamiltonian.
We study the superfluid-insulator transition in Bose-Hubbard models in one-, two-, and three-dimensional cubic lattices by means of a recently proposed variational wave function. In one dimension, the variational results agree with the expected Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless scenario of the interaction-driven Mott transition. In two and three dimensions, we find evidences that, across the transition,most of the spectral weight is concentrated at high energies, suggestive of pre-formed Mott-Hubbard side-bands. This result is compatible with the experimental data by Stoferle et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 130403 (2004)].
We introduce a novel extension of the Gutzwiller variational wavefunction able to deal with insulators that escape any mean-field like description, as for instance non-magnetic insulators. As an application, we study the Mott transition from a paramagnetic metal into a non-magnetic Peierls, or valence-bond, Mott insulator. We analyze this model by means of our Gutzwiller wavefunction analytically in the limit of large coordination lattices, where we find that: (1) the Mott transition is first order; (2) the Peierls gap is large in the Mott insulator, although it is mainly contributed by the electron repulsion; (3) singlet-superconductivity arises around the transition.

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