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We show that if X is a piecewise Euclidean 2-complex with a cocompact isometry group, then every 2-quasiflat in X is at finite Hausdorff distance from a subset which is locally flat outside a compact set, and asymptotically conical.
272 - Aditi Kar , Michah Sageev 2015
Let $G$ be a group acting properly and essentially on an irreducible, non-Euclidean finite dimensional CAT(0) cube complex $X$ without fixed points at infinity. We show that for any finite collection of simultaneously inessential subgroups ${H_1, ldots, H_k}$ in $G$, there exists an element $g$ of infinite order such that $forall i$, $langle H_i, grangle cong H_i * langle grangle$. We apply this to show that any group, acting faithfully and geometrically on a non-Euclidean possibly reducible CAT(0) cube complex, has property $P_{naive}$ i.e. given any finite list ${g_1, ldots, g_k}$ of elements from $G$, there exists $g$ of infinite order such that $forall i$, $langle g_i, grangle cong langle g_i rangle *langle grangle$. This applies in particular to the Burger-Moses simple groups that arise as lattices in products of trees. The arguments utilize the action of the group on its Poisson boundary and moreover, allow us to summarise equivalent conditions for the reduced $C^*$-algebra of the group to be simple.
219 - Amos Nevo , Michah Sageev 2011
We consider a finite-dimensional, locally finite CAT(0) cube complex X admitting a co-compact properly discontinuous countable group of automorphisms G. We construct a natural compact metric space B(X) on which G acts by homeomorphisms, the action being minimal and strongly proximal. Furthermore, for any generating probability measure on G, B(X) admits a unique stationary measure, and when the measure has finite logarithmic moment, it constitutes a compact metric model of the Poisson boundary. We identify a dense G-delta subset of B(X) on which the action of G is Borel-amenable, and describe the relation of these two spaces to the Roller boundary. Our construction can be used to give a simple geometric proof of Property A for the complex. Our methods are based on direct geometric arguments regarding the asymptotic behavior of half-spaces and their limiting ultrafilters, which are of considerable independent interest. In particular we analyze the notions of median and interval in the complex, and use the latter in the proof that B(X) is the Poisson boundary via the strip criterion developed by V. Kaimanovich.
We prove that any group acting essentially without a fixed point at infinity on an irreducible finite-dimensional CAT(0) cube complex contains a rank one isometry. This implies that the Rank Rigidity Conjecture holds for CAT(0) cube complexes. We derive a number of other consequences for CAT(0) cube complexes, including a purely geometric proof of the Tits Alternative, an existence result for regular elements in (possibly non-uniform) lattices acting on cube complexes, and a characterization of products of trees in terms of bounded cohomology.
We consider the question of which right-angled Artin groups contain closed hyperbolic surface subgroups. It is known that a right-angled Artin group $A(K)$ has such a subgroup if its defining graph $K$ contains an $n$-hole (i.e. an induced cycle of length $n$) with $ngeq 5$. We construct another eight forbidden graphs and show that every graph $K$ on $le 8$ vertices either contains one of our examples, or contains a hole of length $ge 5$, or has the property that $A(K)$ does not contain hyperbolic closed surface subgroups. We also provide several sufficient conditions for a RAAG to contain no hyperbolic surface subgroups. We prove that for one of these forbidden subgraphs $P_2(6)$, the right angled Artin group $A(P_2(6))$ is a subgroup of a (right angled Artin) diagram group. Thus we show that a diagram group can contain a non-free hyperbolic subgroup answering a question of Guba and Sapir. We also show that fundamental groups of non-orientable surfaces can be subgroups of diagram groups. Thus the first integral homology of a subgroup of a diagram group can have torsion (all homology groups of all diagram groups are free Abelian by a result of Guba and Sapir).
We study atomic right-angled Artin groups -- those whose defining graph has no cycles of length less than five, and no separating vertices, separating edges, or separating vertex stars. We show that these groups are not quasi-isometrically rigid, but that an intermediate form of rigidity does hold. We deduce from this that two atomic groups are quasi-isometric iff they are isomorphic.

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