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This document was submitted as supporting material to an Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). This ECP requests gridded visibilities as an extra imaging data product from the SKA, in order to enable bespoke analysis techniques to measure source morphologies to the accuracy necessary for precision cosmology with radio weak lensing. We also discuss the properties of an SKA weak lensing data set and potential overlaps with other cosmology science goals.
We measure the cosmic shear power spectrum on large angular scales by cross-correlating the shapes of ~9 million galaxies measured in the optical SDSS survey with the shapes of ~2.7x10^5 radio galaxies measured by the overlapping VLA-FIRST survey. Our measurements span the multipole range 10 < l < 130, corresponding to angular scales 2deg < {theta} < 20deg. On these scales, the shear maps from both surveys suffer from significant systematic effects that prohibit a measurement of the shear power spectrum from either survey alone. Conversely we demonstrate that a power spectrum measured by cross-correlating the two surveys is unbiased. We measure an E-mode power spectrum from the data that is inconsistent with zero signal at the 99% confidence (~2.7{sigma}) level. The odd-parity B-mode signal and the EB cross- correlation are both found to be consistent with zero (within 1{sigma}). These constraints are obtained after a careful error analysis that accounts for uncertainties due to cosmic variance, random galaxy shape noise and shape measurement errors, as well as additional errors associated with the observed large-scale systematic effects in the two surveys. Our constraints are consistent with the expected signal in the concordance cosmological model assuming recent estimates of the cosmological parameters from the Planck satellite, and literature values for the median redshifts of the SDSS and FIRST galaxy populations. The cross-power spectrum approach described in this paper represents a powerful technique for mitigating shear systematics and will be ideal for extracting robust results, with the exquisite control of systematics required, from future cosmic shear surveys with the SKA, LSST, Euclid and WFIRST-AFTA.
Galaxy shapes are not randomly oriented, rather they are statistically aligned in a way that can depend on formation environment, history and galaxy type. Studying the alignment of galaxies can therefore deliver important information about the physics of galaxy formation and evolution as well as the growth of structure in the Universe. In this review paper we summarise key measurements of galaxy alignments, divided by galaxy type, scale and environment. We also cover the statistics and formalism necessary to understand the observations in the literature. With the emergence of weak gravitational lensing as a precision probe of cosmology, galaxy alignments have taken on an added importance because they can mimic cosmic shear, the effect of gravitational lensing by large-scale structure on observed galaxy shapes. This makes galaxy alignments, commonly referred to as intrinsic alignments, an important systematic effect in weak lensing studies. We quantify the impact of intrinsic alignments on cosmic shear surveys and finish by reviewing practical mitigation techniques which attempt to remove contamination by intrinsic alignments.
With the temperature power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at least four orders of magnitude larger than the B-mode polarisation power spectrum, any instrumental imperfections that couple temperature to polarisation must be carefully controlled and/or removed. Here we present two new map-making algorithms that can create polarisation maps that are clean of temperature-to-polarisation leakage systematics due to differential gain and pointing between a detector pair. Where a half wave plate is used, we show that the spin-2 systematic due to differential ellipticity can also by removed using our algorithms. The algorithms require no prior knowledge of the imperfections or temperature sky to remove the temperature leakage. Instead, they calculate the systematic and polarisation maps in one step directly from the time ordered data (TOD). The first algorithm is designed to work with scan strategies that have a good range of crossing angles for each map pixel and the second for scan strategies that have a limited range of crossing angles. The first algorithm can also be used to identify if systematic errors that have a particular spin are present in a TOD. We demonstrate the use of both algorithms and the ability to identify systematics with simulations of TOD with realistic scan strategies and instrumental noise.

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