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90 - Matthew Kleban 2011
Current theories of the origin of the Universe, including string theory, predict the existence of a multiverse containing many bubble universes. These bubble universes will generically collide, and collisions with ours produce cosmic wakes that enter our Hubble volume, appear as unusually symmetric disks in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and disturb large scale structure (LSS). There is preliminary observational evidence consistent with one or more of these disturbances on our sky. However, other sources can produce similar features in the CMB temperature map and so additional signals are needed to verify their extra-universal origin. Here we find, for the first time, the detailed three-dimensional shape and CMB temperature and polarization signals of the cosmic wake of a bubble collision in the early universe consistent with current observations. The predicted polarization pattern has distinctive features that when correlated with the corresponding temperature pattern are a unique and striking signal of a bubble collision. These features represent the first verifiable prediction of the multiverse paradigm and might be detected by current experiments such as Planck and future CMB polarization missions. A detection of a bubble collision would confirm the existence of the Multiverse, provide compelling evidence for the string theory landscape, and sharpen our picture of the Universe and its origins.
We predict the polarization of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons that results from a cosmic bubble collision. The polarization is purely E-mode, symmetric around the axis pointing towards the collision bubble, and has several salient features in its radial dependence that can help distinguish it from a more conventional explanation for unusually cold or hot features in the CMB sky. The anomalous cold spot detected by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite is a candidate for a feature produced by such a collision, and the Planck satellite and other proposed surveys will measure the polarization on it in the near future. The detection of such a collision would provide compelling evidence for the string theory landscape.
We extend our previous work on the cosmology of Coleman-de Luccia bubble collisions. Within a set of approximations we calculate the effects on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) as seen from inside a bubble which has undergone such a collision. We find that the effects are always qualitatively similar--an anisotropy that depends only on the angle to the collision direction--but can produce a cold or hot spot of varying size, as well as power asymmetries along the axis determined by the collision. With other parameters held fixed the effects weaken as the amount of inflation which took place inside our bubble grows, but generically survive order 10 efolds past what is required to solve the horizon and flatness problems. In some regions of parameter space the effects can survive arbitrarily long inflation.
A recent paper [arXiv:0801.4566] claims that topologically massive gravity contains only chiral boundary excitations at a particular value of the Chern-Simons coupling. On the other hand, propagating bulk degrees of freedom were found even at the chiral point in [arXiv:0803.3998]. The two references use very different methods, making comparison of their respective claims difficult. In this letter, we use the method of [arXiv:0801.4566] to construct a tower of propagating bulk states satisfying standard AdS boundary conditions. Our states have finite norm, with sign opposite to that of right-moving boundary excitations. Our results thus agree with [arXiv:0803.3998] and disagree with [arXiv:0801.4566].
We analyze the cosmological signatures visible to an observer in a Coleman-de Luccia bubble when another such bubble collides with it. We use a gluing procedure to generalize the results of Freivogel, Horowitz, and Shenker to the case of a general cosmological constant in each bubble and study the resulting spacetimes. The collision breaks the isotropy and homogeneity of the bubble universe and provides a cosmological axis of evil which can affect the cosmic microwave background in several unique and potentially detectable ways. Unlike more conventional perturbations to the inflationary initial state, these signatures can survive even relatively long periods of inflation. In addition, we find that for a given collision the observers in the bubble with smaller cosmological constant are safest from collisions with domain walls, possibly providing another anthropic selection principle for small positive vacuum energy.
We construct a general class of new time dependent solutions of non-linear sigma models coupled to gravity. These solutions describe configurations of expanding or contracting codimension two solitons which are not subject to a constraint on the total tension. The two dimensional metric on the space transverse to the defects is determined by the Liouville equation. This space can be compact or non-compact, and of any topology. We show that this construction can be applied naturally in type IIB string theory to find backgrounds describing a number of 7-branes larger than 24.

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