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We study and extend the semidefinite programming (SDP) hierarchies introduced in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 020501] for the characterization of the statistical correlations arising from finite dimensional quantum systems. First, we introduce the dimension-constrained noncommutative polynomial optimization (NPO) paradigm, where a number of polynomial inequalities are defined and optimization is conducted over all feasible operator representations of bounded dimensionality. Important problems in device independent and semi-device independent quantum information science can be formulated (or almost formulated) in this framework. We present effective SDP hierarchies to attack the general dimension-constrained NPO problem (and related ones) and prove their asymptotic convergence. To illustrate the power of these relaxations, we use them to derive new dimension witnesses for temporal and Bell-type correlation scenarios, and also to bound the probability of success of quantum random access codes.
Our common understanding of the physical world deeply relies on the notion that events are ordered with respect to some time parameter, with past events serving as causes for future ones. Nonetheless, it was recently found that it is possible to formulate quantum mechanics without any reference to a global time or causal structure. The resulting framework includes new kinds of quantum resources that allow performing tasks - in particular, the violation of causal inequalities - which are impossible for events ordered according to a global causal order. However, no physical implementation of such resources is known. Here we show that a recently demonstrated resource for quantum computation - the quantum switch - is a genuine example of indefinite causal order. We do this by introducing a new tool - the causal witness - which can detect the causal nonseparability of any quantum resource that is incompatible with a definite causal order. We show however that the quantum switch does not violate any causal nequality.
One of the essential building blocks of classical computer programs is the if clause, which executes a subroutine depending on the value of a control variable. Similarly, several quantum algorithms rely on applying a unitary operation conditioned on the state of a control system. Here we show that this control cannot be performed by a quantum circuit if the unitary is completely unknown. However, this no-go theorem does not prevent implementing quantum control of unknown unitaries in practice, as any physical implementation of an unknown unitary provides additional information that makes the control possible. We then argue that one should extend the quantum circuit formalism to capture this possibility in a straightforward way. This is done by allowing unknown unitaries to be applied to subspaces and not only to subsystems.

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