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The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT) have recently provided new, very precise measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy damping tail. The values of the cosmological parameters inferred from these measurements, while broadly consistent with the expectations of the standard cosmological model, are providing interesting possible indications for new physics that are definitely worth of investigation. The ACT results, while compatible with the standard expectation of three neutrino families, indicate a level of CMB lensing, parametrized by the lensing amplitude parameter A_L, that is about 70% higher than expected. If not a systematic, this anomalous lensing amplitude could be produced by modifications of general relativity or coupled dark energy. Vice-versa, the SPT experiment, while compatible with a standard level of CMB lensing, prefers an excess of dark radiation, parametrized by the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom N_eff. Here we perform a new analysis of these experiments allowing simultaneous variations in both these, non-standard, parameters. We also combine these experiments, for the first time in the literature, with the recent WMAP9 data, one at a time. Including the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) prior on the Hubble constant and information from baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) surveys provides the following constraints from ACT: N_eff=3.23pm0.47, A_L=1.65pm0.33 at 68% c.l., while for SPT we have N_eff=3.76pm0.34, A_L=0.81pm0.12 at 68% c.l.. In particular, the A_L estimates from the two experiments, even when a variation in N_eff is allowed, are in tension at more than 95% c.l..
82 - Lidia Pieri 2009
The presence of dark matter in the halo of our galaxy could be revealed through indirect detection of annihilation products. Dark matter annihilation is one of the possible interpretations of the recent measured excesses in positron and electron fluxes, once boost factors of the order of 10^3 or more are taken into account. Such boost factors are actually achievable through the velocity-dependent Sommerfeld enhancement of the annihilation cross-section. Here we study the expected gamma-ray flux from two local dwarf galaxies for which air Cerenkov measurements are available, namely Draco and Sagittarius. We use velocity dispersion measurements to model the dark matter halos of the dwarfs, and the results of numerical simulations to model the presence of an associated population of subhalos. We incorporate the Sommerfeld enhancement of the annihilation cross-section. We compare our predictions with observations of Draco and Sagittarius performed by MAGIC and HESS, respectively. We also compare our results with the sensitivities of Fermi and of the future Cherenkov Telescope Array. We find that the boost factor due to the Sommerfeld enhancement is already constrained by the MAGIC and HESS data, with enhancements greater than 5 x 10^4 being excluded. While Fermi will not be able to detect gamma-rays from the dwarf galaxies s even with the most optimistic Sommerfeld effect, we show that the Cherenkov Telescope Array will be able to test enhancements greater than 1.5 x 10^3.
An attractive way to generate neutrino masses as required to account for current neutrino oscillation data involves the spontaneous breaking of lepton number. The resulting majoron may pick up a mass due to gravity. If its mass lies in the kilovolt scale, the majoron can play the role of late-decaying Dark Matter (LDDM), decaying mainly to neutrinos. In general the majoron has also a sub-dominant decay to two photons leading to a mono-energetic emission line which can be used as a test of the LDDM scenario. We compare expected photon emission rates with observations in order to obtain model independent restrictions on the relevant parameters. We also illustrate the resulting sensitivities within an explicit seesaw realisation, where the majoron couples to photons due to the presence of a Higgs triplet.

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