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We derive a selection rule among the $(1+1)$-dimensional SU(2) Wess-Zumino-Witten theories, based on the global anomaly of the discrete $mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetry found by Gepner and Witten. In the presence of both the SU(2) and $mathbb{Z}_2$ symmetries, a renormalization-group flow is possible between level-$k$ and level-$k$ Wess-Zumino-Witten theories only if $kequiv k mod{2}$. This classifies the Lorentz-invariant, SU(2)-symmetric critical behavior into two symmetry-protected categories corresponding to even and odd levels,restricting possible gapless critical behavior of translation-invariant quantum spin chains.
Every singlet state of a quantum spin 1/2 system can be decomposed into a linear combination of valence bond basis states. The range of valence bonds within this linear combination as well as the correlations between them can reveal the nature of the singlet state, and are key ingredients in variational calculations. In this work, we study the bipartite valence bond distributions and their correlations within the ground state of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on bipartite lattices. In terms of field theory, this problem can be mapped to correlation functions near a boundary. In dimension d >= 2, a non-linear sigma model analysis reveals that at long distances the probability distribution P(r) of valence bond lengths decays as |r|^(-d-1) and that valence bonds are uncorrelated. By a bosonization analysis, we also obtain P(r) proportional to |r|^(-d-1) in d=1 despite the different mechanism. On the other hand, we find that correlations between valence bonds are important even at large distances in d=1, in stark contrast to d >= 2. The analytical results are confirmed by high-precision quantum Monte Carlo simulations in d=1, 2, and 3. We develop a single-projection loop variant of the valence bond projection algorithm, which is well-designed to compute valence bond probabilities and for which we provide algorithmic details.
Dynamics of S=1 antiferromagnetic bond-alternating chains in the dimer phase, in the vicinity of the critical point with the Haldane phase, is studied by a field theoretical method. This model is considered to represent the compound Ni(C$_9$H$_{24}$N$_4$)(NO$_2$)ClO$_4$ (abbreviated as NTENP). We construct the sine-Gordon (SG) field theory as a low-energy effective model of this system, starting from a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid at the critical point. Using the exact solution of the SG theory, we give a field theoretical picture of the low-energy excitation spectrum of NTENP. Results derived from our picture are in a good agreement with results of inelastic neutron scattering experiments on NTENP and numerical calculation of the dynamical structure factor. Furthermore, on the basis of the obtained theoretical picture, we predict that the sharp peaks correspond to a single elementary excitation are absent in the Raman scattering spectrum of NTENP in contrast to the inelastic neutron scattering spectrum.
It has been pointed out that the axion electrodynamics exhibits instability in the presence of a background electric field. We show that the instability leads to a complete screening of an applied electric field above a certain critical value and the excess energy is converted into a magnetic field. We clarify the physical origin of the screening effect and discuss its possible experimental realization in magnetic materials where magnetic fluctuations play the role of the dynamical axion field.
The superfluid transition in liquid 4He filled in Gelsil glass observed in recent experiments is discussed in the framework of quantum critical phenomena. We show that quantum fluctuations of phase are indeed important at the experimentally studied temperature range owing to the small pore size of Gelsil, in contrast to 4He filled in previously studied porous media such as Vycor glass. As a consequence of an effective particle-hole symmetry, the quantum critical phenomena of the system are described by the 4D XY universality class, except at very low temperatures. The simple scaling agrees with the experimental data remarkably well.

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