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(Shortened) [...] After recalling the basic features of the fireshell model, we emphasize the following novel results: 1) the interpretation of the X-ray flares in GRB afterglows as due to the interaction of the optically thin fireshell with isolated clouds in the CircumBurst Medium (CBM); 2) an interpretation as fake - disguised short GRBs of the GRBs belonging to the class identified by Norris & Bonnell [...] consistent with an origin from the final coalescence of a binary system in the halo of their host galaxies with particularly low CBM density [...]; 3) the first attempt to study a genuine short GRB with the analysis of GRB 050509B, that reveals indeed still an open question; 4) the interpretation of the GRB-SN association in the case of GRB 060218 via the induced gravitational collapse process; 5) a first attempt to understand the nature of the Amati relation, a phenomenological correlation between the isotropic-equivalent radiated energy of the prompt emission E_{iso} with the cosmological rest-frame u F_{ u} spectrum peak energy E_{p,i}. In addition, recent progress on the thermalization of the electron-positron plasma close to their formation phase, as well as the structure of the electrodynamics of Kerr-Newman Black Holes are presented. An outlook for possible explanation of high-energy phenomena in GRBs to be expected from the AGILE and the Fermi satellites are discussed. As an example of high energy process, the work by Enrico Fermi dealing with ultrarelativistic collisions is examined. It is clear that all the GRB physics points to the existence of overcritical electrodynamical fields. In this sense we present some progresses on a unified approach to heavy nuclei and neutron stars cores, which leads to the existence of overcritical fields under the neutron star crust.
(Shortened) CONTEXT: [...] GRB060614 is the first nearby long duration GRB clearly not associated to a bright Ib/c supernova. Moreover, its duration (T_{90} ~ 100s) makes it hardly classifiable as a short GRB. It presents strong similarities with GRB970228, the prototype of the new class of fake short GRBs that appear to originate from the coalescence of binary neutron stars or white dwarfs spiraled out into the galactic halo. AIMS: Within the canonical GRB scenario based on the fireshell model, we test if GRB060614 can be a fake or disguised short GRB. [...] METHODS: We fit GRB060614 light curves in Swifts BAT (15-150keV) and XRT (0.2-10keV) energy bands. Within the fireshell model, light curves are formed by two well defined and different components: the Proper-GRB (P-GRB), emitted at the fireshell transparency, and the extended afterglow, due to the interaction between the leftover accelerated baryonic and leptonic shell and the CBM. RESULTS: We determine the two free parameters describing the GRB source within the fireshell model. [...] A small average CBM density [...] is inferred, typical of galactic halos. The first spikelike emission is identified with the P-GRB and the following prolonged emission with the extended afterglow peak.[...] CONCLUSIONS: The anomalous GRB060614 finds a natural interpretation within our canonical GRB scenario: it is a disguised short GRB. [...] This result points to an old binary system, likely formed by a white dwarf and a neutron star, as the progenitor of GRB060614 and well justify the absence of an associated SN Ib/c. Particularly important for further studies of the final merging process are the temporal structures in the P-GRB down to 0.1s.
The fireshell model for Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) naturally leads to a canonical GRB composed of a proper-GRB (P-GRB) and an afterglow. P-GRBs, introduced by us in 2001, are sometimes considered precursors of the main GRB event in the current literature. We show in this paper how the fireshell model leads to the understanding of the structure of GRBs, with precise estimates of the time sequence and intensities of the P-GRB and the of the afterglow. It leads as well to a natural classification of the canonical GRBs which overcomes the traditional one in short and long GRBs.
(Shortened) CONTEXT: [...] AIMS: Motivated by the relation proposed by Amati and collaborators, we look within the ``fireshell model for a relation between the peak energy E_p of the u F_ u total time-integrated spectrum of the afterglow and the total energy of the afterglow E_{aft}, which in our model encompasses and extends the prompt emission. METODS: [...] Within the fireshell model [...] We can then build two sets of ``gedanken GRBs varying the total energy of the electron-positron plasma E^{e^pm}_{tot} and keeping the same baryon loading B of GRB050315. The first set assumes for the effective CBM density the one obtained in the fit of GRB050315. The second set assumes instead a constant CBM density equal to the average value of the GRB050315 prompt phase. RESULTS: For the first set of ``gedanken GRBs we find a relation E_ppropto (E_{aft})^a, with a = 0.45 pm 0.01, whose slope strictly agrees with the Amati one. Such a relation, in the limit B to 10^{-2}, coincides with the Amati one. Instead, in the second set of ``gedanken GRBs no correlation is found. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis excludes the Proper-GRB (P-GRB) from the prompt emission, extends all the way to the latest afterglow phases and is independent on the assumed cosmological model, since all ``gedanken GRBs are at the same redshift. The Amati relation, on the other hand, includes also the P-GRB, focuses on the prompt emission only, and is therefore influenced by the instrumental threshold which fixes the end of the prompt emission, and depends on the assumed cosmology. This may well explain the intrinsic scatter observed in the Amati relation.
We show the preliminary results of the application of our fireshell model to GRB060124. This source is very peculiar because it is the first event for which both the prompt and the afterglow emission were observed simultaneously by the three Swift instruments: BAT (15-350 keV), XRT (0.2-10 keV) and UVOT (170-650 nm), due to the presence of a precursor ~ 570 s before the main burst. We analyze GRB060124 within our canonical GRB scenario, identifying the precursor with the P-GRB and the prompt emission with the afterglow peak emission. In this way we reproduce correctly the energetics of both these two components. We reproduce also the observed time delay between the precursor (P-GRB) and the main burst. The effect of such a time delay in our model will be discussed.
(Shortened) We show by example how the uncoding of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) offers unprecedented possibilities to foster new knowledge in fundamental physics and in astrophysics. After recalling some of the classic work on vacuum polarization in uniform electric fields by Klein, Sauter, Heisenberg, Euler and Schwinger, we summarize some of the efforts to observe these effects in heavy ions and high energy ion collisions. We then turn to the theory of vacuum polarization around a Kerr-Newman black hole, leading to the extraction of the blackholic energy, to the concept of dyadosphere and dyadotorus, and to the creation of an electron-positron-photon plasma. We then present a new theoretical approach encompassing the physics of neutron stars and heavy nuclei. It is shown that configurations of nuclear matter in bulk with global charge neutrality can exist on macroscopic scales and with electric fields close to the critical value near their surfaces. These configurations may represent an initial condition for the process of gravitational collapse, leading to the creation of an electron-positron-photon plasma: the basic self-accelerating system explaining both the energetics and the high energy Lorentz factor observed in GRBs. We then turn to recall the two basic interpretational paradigms of our GRB model. [...] We then turn to the special role of the baryon loading in discriminating between genuine short and long or fake short GRBs [...] We finally turn to the GRB-Supernova Time Sequence (GSTS) paradigm: the concept of induced gravitational collapse. [...] We then present some general conclusions.

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