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We have obtained low and medium resolution spectra of 9 brown dwarf candidate members of Coma Berenices and the Hyades using SpEX on the NASA InfaRed Telescope Facility and LIRIS on the William Herschel Telescope. We conclude that 7 of these objects are indeed late M or early L dwarfs, and that two are likely members of Coma Berenices, and four of the Hyades. Two objects, cbd40 and Hy3 are suggested to be a field L dwarfs, although there is also a possibility that Hy3 is an unresolved binary belonging to the cluster. These objects have masses between 71 and 53 M$_{rm Jup}$, close to the hydrogen burning boundary for these clusters, however only an optical detection of Lithium can confirm if they are truly substellar.
We have identified a star in the WASP archive photometry with an unusual lightcurve due to the total eclipse of a small, hot star by an apparently normal A-type star and with an orbital period of only 0.668d. From an analysis of the WASP lightcurve together with V-band and I_C-band photometry of the eclipse and a spectroscopic orbit for the A-type star we estimate that the companion star has a mass of (0.23+-0.03)Msun and a radius of (0.33+-0.01)Rsun, assuming that the A-type star is a main-sequence star with the metalicity appropriate for a thick-disk star. The effective temperature of the companion is (13400+-1200)K from which we infer a luminosity of (3+-1)Lsun. From a comparison of these parameters to various models we conclude that the companion is most likely to be the remnant of a red giant star that has been very recently stripped of its outer layers by mass transfer onto the A-type star. In this scenario, the companion is currently in a shell hydrogen-burning phase of its evolution, evolving at nearly constant luminosity to hotter effective temperatures prior to ceasing hydrogen burning and fading to become a low-mass white dwarf composed of helium (He-WD). The system will then resemble the pre-He-WD/He-WD companions to A-type and B-type stars recently identified from their Kepler satellite lightcurves (KOI-74, KOI-81 and KIC10657664). This newly discovered binary offers the opportunity to study the evolution of a stripped red giant star through the pre-He-WD stage in great detail.
111 - P.F.L. Maxted 2009
We report the first results of our programme to obtain multi-epoch radial velocity measurements of stars with a strong far-UV excess to identify post common-envelope binaries (PCEBs). The targets have been identified using optical photometry from SDSS DR4, ultraviolet photometry from GALEX GR2 and proper motion information from SDSS DR5. We have obtained spectra at two or more epochs for 36 targets. Three of our targets show large radial velocity shifts (>50km/s) on a timescale of hours or days and are almost certainly PCEBs. For one of these targets (SDSS J104234.77+644205.4) we have obtained further spectroscopy to confirm that this is a PCEB with an orbital period of 4.74h and semi-amplitude K =165 km/s. Two targets are rapidly rotating K-dwarfs which appear to show small radial velocity shifts and have strong Ca II H+K emission lines. These may be wind-induced rapidly rotating (WIRRing) stars. These results show that we can use GALEX and SDSS photometry to identify PCEBs that cannot be identified using SDSS photometry alone, and to identify new WIRRing stars. A more comprehensive survey of stars identified using the methods developed in this paper will lead to a much improved understanding of common envelope evolution.
We report the identification, from a photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic study, of a massive white dwarf member of the nearby, approximately solar metalicity, Coma Berenices open star cluster (Melotte 111). We find the optical to near-IR energy distribution of WD1216+260 to be entirely consistent with that of an isolated DA and determine the effective temperature and surface gravity of this object to be $T_{rm eff}$=$15739^{+197}_{-196}$K and log $g$=$8.46^{+0.03}_{-0.02}$. We set tight limits on the mass of a putative cool companion, M$simgreat$0.036M$_{odot}$ (spatially unresolved) and M$simgreat$0.034M$_{odot}$, (spatially resolved and a$simless$2500AU). Based on the predictions of CO core, thick-H layer evolutionary models we determine the mass and cooling time of WD1216+260 to be M$_{rm WD}$=$0.90 pm0.04$M$_{odot}$ and $tau$$_{rm cool}$=$363^{+46}_{-41}$Myrs respectively. For an adopted cluster age of $tau$=500$pm$100Myrs we infer the mass of its progenitor star to be M$_{rm init}$=$4.77^{+5.37}_{-0.97}$M$_{odot}$. We briefly discuss this result in the context of the form of the stellar initial mass-final mass relation.
We present the results of a photometric and spectroscopic study of the white dwarf candidate members of the intermediate age open clusters NGC3532 and NGC2287. Of the nine objects investigated, it is determined that six are probable members of the clusters, four in NGC3532 and two in NGC2287. For these six white dwarfs we use our estimates of their cooling times together with the cluster ages to constrain the lifetimes and masses of their progenitor stars. We examine the location of these objects in initial mass-final mass space and find that they now provide no evidence for substantial scatter in initial mass-final mass relation as suggested by previous investigations. Instead, we demonstrate that, when combined with current data from other solar metalicity open clusters and the Sirius binary system, they hint at an IFMR that is steeper in the initial mass range 3M$_{odot}$$simless$M$_{rm init}$$simless$4M$_{odot}$ than at progenitor masses immediately lower and higher than this. This form is generally consistent with the predictions of stellar evolutionary models and can aid population synthesis models in reproducing the relatively sharp drop observed at the high mass end of the main peak in the mass distribution of white dwarfs.
224 - M.R. Burleigh 2008
We report limits in the planetary-mass regime for companions around the nearest single white dwarf to the Sun, van Maanens star (vMa 2), from deep J-band imaging with Gemini North and Spitzer IRAC mid-IR photometry. We find no resolved common proper motion companions to vMa 2 at separations from 3 - 45, at a limiting magnitude of J~23. Assuming a total age for the system of 4.1 +/-1 Gyr, and utilising the latest evolutionary models for substellar objects, this limit is equivalent to companion masses >7 +/-1 Mjup (T~300K). Taking into account the likely orbital evolution of very low mass companions in the post-main sequence phase, these J-band observations effectively survey orbits around the white dwarf progenitor from 3 - 50AU. There is no flux excess detected in any of the complimentary Spitzer IRAC mid-IR filters. We fit a DZ white dwarf model atmosphere to the optical BVRI, 2MASS JHK and IRAC photometry. The best solution gives T=6030 +/- 240K, log g=8.10 +/-0.04 and, hence, M= 0.633 +/-0.022Msun. We then place a 3sigma upper limit of 10 +/-2 Mjup on the mass of any unresolved companion in the 4.5 micron band.

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