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We give efficient quantum algorithms to estimate the partition function of (i) the six vertex model on a two-dimensional (2D) square lattice, (ii) the Ising model with magnetic fields on a planar graph, (iii) the Potts model on a quasi 2D square lattice, and (iv) the Z_2 lattice gauge theory on a three-dimensional square lattice. Moreover, we prove that these problems are BQP-complete, that is, that estimating these partition functions is as hard as simulating arbitrary quantum computation. The results are proven for a complex parameter regime of the models. The proofs are based on a mapping relating partition functions to quantum circuits introduced in [Van den Nest et al., Phys. Rev. A 80, 052334 (2009)] and extended here.
We present general mappings between classical spin systems and quantum physics. More precisely, we show how to express partition functions and correlation functions of arbitrary classical spin models as inner products between quantum stabilizer states and product states, thereby generalizing mappings for some specific models established in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117207 (2007)]. For Ising- and Potts-type models with and without external magnetic field, we show how the entanglement features of the corresponding stabilizer states are related to the interaction pattern of the classical model, while the choice of product states encodes the details of interaction. These mappings establish a link between the fields of classical statistical mechanics and quantum information theory, which we utilize to transfer techniques and methods developed in one field to gain insight into the other. For example, we use quantum information techniques to recover well known duality relations and local symmetries of classical models in a simple way, and provide new classical simulation methods to simulate certain types of classical spin models. We show that in this way all inhomogeneous models of q-dimensional spins with pairwise interaction pattern specified by a graph of bounded tree-width can be simulated efficiently. Finally, we show relations between classical spin models and measurement-based quantum computation.
Recently, a framework was established to systematically construct novel universal resource states for measurement-based quantum computation using techniques involving finitely correlated states. With these methods, universal states were found which are in certain ways much less entangled than the original cluster state model, and it was hence believed that with this approach many of the extremal entanglement features of the cluster states could be relaxed. The new resources were constructed as computationally universal states--i.e. they allow one to efficiently reproduce the classical output of each quantum computation--whereas the cluster states are universal in a stronger sense since they are universal state preparators. Here we show that the new resources are universal state preparators after all, and must therefore exhibit a whole class of extremal entanglement features, similar to the cluster states.
We present elementary mappings between classical lattice models and quantum circuits. These mappings provide a general framework to obtain efficiently simulable quantum gate sets from exactly solvable classical models. For example, we recover and generalize the simulability of Valiants match-gates by invoking the solvability of the free-fermion eight-vertex model. Our mappings furthermore provide a systematic formalism to obtain simple quantum algorithms to approximate partition functions of lattice models in certain complex-parameter regimes. For example, we present an efficient quantum algorithm for the six-vertex model as well as a 2D Ising-type model. We finally show that simulating our quantum algorithms on a classical computer is as hard as simulating universal quantum computation (i.e. BQP-complete).
We prove that the 2D Ising model is complete in the sense that the partition function of any classical q-state spin model (on an arbitrary graph) can be expressed as a special instance of the partition function of a 2D Ising model with complex inhomogeneous couplings and external fields. In the case where the original model is an Ising or Potts-type model, we find that the corresponding 2D square lattice requires only polynomially more spins w.r.t the original one, and we give a constructive method to map such models to the 2D Ising model. For more general models the overhead in system size may be exponential. The results are established by connecting classical spin models with measurement-based quantum computation and invoking the universality of the 2D cluster states.

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