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372 - M. Taguchi , A. Chainani , S. Ueda 2015
We have studied the electronic structure of bulk single crystals and epitaxial films of magnetite Fe$_3$O$_4$. Fe $2p$ core-level spectra show clear differences between hard x-ray (HAX-) and soft x-ray (SX-) photoemission spectroscopy (PES), indicative of surface effects. The bulk-sensitive spectra exhibit temperature ($T$)-dependent charge excitations across the Verwey transition at $T_V$=122 K, which is missing in the surface-sensitive spectra. An extended impurity Anderson model full-multiplet analysis reveals roles of the three distinct Fe-species (A-Fe$^{3+}$, B-Fe$^{2+}$, B-Fe$^{3+}$) below $T_V$ for the Fe $2p$ spectra, and its $T-$dependent evolution. The Fe $2p$ HAXPES spectra show a clear magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) in the metallic phase of magnetized 100-nm-thick films. The model calculations also reproduce the MCD and identify the magnetically distinct sites associated with the charge excitations. Valence band HAXPES shows finite density of states at $E_F$ for the polaronic metal with remnant order above $T_V$, and a clear gap formation below $T_V$. The results indicate that the Verwey transition is driven by changes in the strongly correlated and magnetically active B-Fe$^{2+}$ and B-Fe$^{3+}$ electronic states, consistent with resistivity and bulk-sensitive optical spectra.
We use hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES) to investigate the electronic structure of YbAl2, for which the Yb valence has not been consistently reported to date. The bulk sensitivity and the analytical simplicity provided by the Yb 3d core-level HAXPES allow a reliable determination of the mean valence of Yb ions. For YbAl2, it is evaluated to be +2.20, which remains nearly unchanged below 300 K. The Kondo resonance peak with an extremely high Kondo temperature (above 2000 K) is clearly identified in the valence-band spectra. The results indicate that a coherent Kondo state can be robust even in a nearly divalent system.
The Kondo resonance at the Fermi level is well-established for the electronic structure of Ce (f1 electron) and Yb (f1 hole) based systems. In this work, we report complementary experimental and theoretical studies on the Kondo resonance in Pr-based f2 system, PrTi2Al20. Using Pr 3d-4f resonant photoemission spectroscopy and single impurity Anderson model (SIAM) calculations including the full multiplets of Pr ions, we show that an f2 system can also give rise to a Kondo resonance at the Fermi level. The Kondo resonance peak is experimentally observed through a final-state-multiplet dependent resonance and is reproduced with properly tuned hybridization strength in SIAM calculations.
134 - K. Sato , T. Naka , M. Taguchi 2010
We report measurements of the magnetic, transport and thermal properties of the Heusler type compound Fe2VAl0.95. We show that while stoichiometric Fe2VAl is a non-magnetic semi-metal a 5% substitution on the Al-site with the 3d elements Fe and V atoms leads to a ferromagnetic ground state with a Curie temperature TC = 33+-3 K and a small ordered moment ms = 0.12 mB/Fe in Fe2VAl0.95. The reduced value of the ratio ms/mp = 0.08, where mp = 1.4 mB/Fe is the effective Curie-Weiss moment, together with the analysis of the magnetization data M(H,T), show magnetism is of itinerant nature. The specific heat shows an unusual temperature variation at low temperatures with an enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient, g = 12 mJK-2mol-1. The resistivity, r(T), is metallic and follows a power law behavior r(T) = r0+AT^n with n = 1.5 below TC. With applying pressure, TC decreases with the rate of (1/TC)(dTC /dP) = -0.061 GPa-1. We conclude substitution on the Al-site with Fe and V atoms results in itinerant ferromagnetism with a low carrier density.
We report on the electronic structure of the perovskite oxide CaCrO3 using valence-band, core-level, and Cr 2p - 3d resonant photoemission spectroscopy (PES). Despite its antiferromagnetic order, a clear Fermi edge characteristic of a metal with dominant Cr 3d character is observed in the valence band spectrum. The Cr 3d single particle density of states are spread over 2 eV, with the photoemission spectral weight distributed in two peaks centered at ~ 1.2 eV and 0.2 eV below EF, suggestive of the coherent and incoherent states resulting from strong electron-electron correlations. Resonant PES across the Cr 2p - 3d threshold identifies a two-hole correlation satellite and yields an on-site Coulomb energy U ~4.8 eV. The metallic DOS at EF is also reflected through the presence of a well-screened feature at low binding energy side of the Cr 2p core-level spectrum. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at Cr L3,2 and O K edges exhibit small temperature dependent changes that point towards a small change in Cr-O hybridization. The multiplet splitting in Cr 2p core level spectrum as well as the spectral shape of the Cr XAS can be reproduced using cluster model calculations which favour a negative value for charge transfer energy between the Cr 3d and O 2p states. The overall results indicate that CaCrO3 is a strongly hybridized antiferromagnetic metal, lying in the regime intermediate to Mott-Hubbard and charge-transfer systems.
We investigate the electronic structure of Chromium Nitride (CrN) across the first-order magneto-structural transition at T_N ~ 286 K. Resonant photoemission spectroscopy shows a gap in the 3d partial density of states at the Fermi level and an On-site Coulomb energy U ~ 4.5 eV, indicating strong electron-electron correlations. Bulk-sensitive high resolution (6 meV) laser photoemission reveals a clear Fermi edge indicating an antiferromagnetic metal below T_N. Hard x-ray Cr 2p core-level spectra show T-dependent changes across T_N which originate from screening due to coherent states as substantiated by cluster model calculations using the experimentally observed U. The electrical resistivity confirms an insulator above T_N (E_g ~ 70 meV) which becomes a disordered metal below T_N. The results indicate CrN transforms from a correlated insulator to an antiferromagnetic metal, coupled to the magneto-structural transition.
We report the three-dimensional (3-D) momentum-resolved soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy of the Fermi liquid LaNiO$_3$. The out-of-plane and in-plane cuts of the 3-D electron- and hole-Fermi surfaces (FSs) are observed by energy- and angle- dependent photoemission measurements. The energy bands forming the electron FS suggest an $omega^2$ dependence of the imaginary part of the self-energy and a `correlation kink at an energy scale of 0.25 eV. In contrast, the bands which form nesting character hole FSs do not show kinks and match local density approximation calculations. The results indicate a momentum-dependent mass renormalization, leading to electron-hole asymmetry in strongly correlated LaNiO$_3$.
The Magneli phase Ti4O7 exhibits two sharp jumps in resistivity with coupled structural transitions as a function of temperature at Tc1=142 K and Tc2=154 K. We have studied electronic structure changes across the two transitions using 7 eV laser, soft x-ray and hard x-ray (HX) photoemission spectroscopy (PES). Ti 2p-3d resonant PES and HX-PES show a clear metallic Fermi-edge and mixed valency above Tc2. The low temperature phase below Tc1 shows a clear insulating gap of 100 meV. The intermediate phase between Tc1 and Tc2 indicates a pseudogap coexisting with remnant coherent states. HX-PES and complementary calculations have confirmed the coherent screening in the strongly correlated intermediate phase. The results suggest existence of a highly anomalous state sandwiched between the mixed-valent Fermi liquid and charge ordered Mott-insulating phase in Ti4O7.
Hard x-ray photoemission and optical spectroscopies have been performed on YbS and Yb metal to determine the precise $f$-electron occupation. A comparison of the photoemission spectra with the energy loss functions in bulk and surface, obtained from optical reflectivity, enables us to distinguish between the energy loss satellite of Yb$^{2+}$ peak and Yb$^{3+}$ multiplet. The results clearly indicate a purely divalent Yb state except for the surface of YbS. We demonstrate that the present method is highly reliable in identifying the electronic structure and the mean valence in $f$-electron systems.
We have re-examined the valence-band (VB) and core-level electronic structure of NiO by means of hard and soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (PES). The spectral weight of the lowest energy state found to be enhanced in the bulk sensitive Ni 2p core-level PES. A configuration-interaction model including the bound state screening has shown significant agreement with the core-level spectra, and the off and on-resonance VB spectra. These results identify the lowest energy state in core-level and VB-PES as the Zhang-Rice doublet bound state, consistent with the spin-fermion model and recent ab initio calculation with dynamical mean-field theory (LDA + DMFT).

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