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103 - Se-Wan Ji , M. S. Kim , 2014
It is a topic of fundamental and practical importance how a quantum correlated state can be reliably distributed through a noisy channel for quantum information processing. The concept of quantum steering recently defined in a rigorous manner is relevant to study it under certain circumstances and we here address quantum steerability of Gaussian states to this aim. In particular, we attempt to reformulate the criterion for Gaussian steering in terms of local and global purities and show that it is sufficient and necessary for the case of steering a 1-mode system by a $N$-mode system. It subsequently enables us to reinforce a strong monogamy relation under which only one party can steer a local system of 1-mode. Moreover, we show that only a negative partial-transpose state can manifest quantum steerability by Gaussian measurements in relation to the Peres conjecture. We also discuss our formulation for the case of distributing a two-mode squeezed state via one-way quantum channels making dissipation and amplification effects, respectively. Finally, we extend our approach to include non-Gaussian measurements, more precisely, all orders of higher-order squeezing measurements, and find that this broad set of non-Gaussian measurements is not useful to demonstrate steering for Gaussian states beyond Gaussian measurements.
140 - W. Miiller , L.S. Wu , M. S. Kim 2014
Neutron diffraction measurements were carried out on single crystals and powders of Yb2Pt2Pb, where Yb moments form planes of orthogonal dimers in the frustrated Shastry-Sutherland Lattice (SSL). Yb2Pt2Pb orders antiferromagnetically at TN=2.07 K, and the magnetic structure determined from these measurements features the interleaving of two orthogonal sublattices into a 5*5*1 magnetic supercell that is based on stripes with moments perpendicular to the dimer bonds, which are along (110) and (-110). Magnetic fields applied along (110) or (-110) suppress the antiferromagnetic peaks from an individual sublattice, but leave the orthogonal sublattice unaffected, evidence for the Ising character of the Yb moments in Yb2Pt2Pb. Specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, and electrical resistivity measurements concur with neutron elastic scattering results that the longitudinal critical fluctuations are gapped with E about 0.07 meV.
Utilizing the tools of quantum optics to prepare and manipulate quantum states of motion of a mechanical resonator is currently one of the most promising routes to explore non-classicality at a macroscopic scale. An important quantum optomechanical tool yet to be experimentally demonstrated is the ability to perform complete quantum state reconstruction. Here, after providing a brief introduction to quantum states in phase space, we review and contrast the current proposals for state reconstruction of mechanical motional states and discuss experimental progress. Furthermore, we show that mechanical quadrature tomography using back-action-evading interactions gives an $s$-parameterized Wigner function where the numerical parameter $s$ is directly related to the optomechanical measurement strength. We also discuss the effects of classical noise in the optical probe for both state reconstruction and state preparation by measurement.
We propose a scheme for the generation of a robust stationary squeezed state of a mechanical resonator in a quadratically coupled optomechanical system, driven by a pulsed laser. The intracavity photon number presents periodic intense peaks suddenly stiffening the effective harmonic potential felt by the mechanical resonator. These optical spring kicks tend to squeeze the resonator position, and due to the interplay with fluctuation-dissipation processes one can generate a stationary state with more than 13 dB of squeezing even starting from moderately pre-cooled initial thermal states.
We show how the interference between spatially separated states of the center of mass (COM) of a mesoscopic harmonic oscillator can be evidenced by coupling it to a spin and performing solely spin manipulations and measurements (Ramsey Interferometry). We propose to use an optically levitated diamond bead containing an NV center spin. The nano-scale size of the bead makes the motional decoherence due to levitation negligible. The form of the spin-motion coupling ensures that the scheme works for thermal states so that moderate feedback cooling suffices. No separate control or observation of the COM state is required and thereby one dispenses with cavities, spatially resolved detection and low mass-dispersion ensembles. The controllable relative phase in the Ramsey interferometry stems from a gravitational potential difference so that it uniquely evidences coherence between states which involve the whole nano-crystal being in spatially distinct locations.
We introduce a method that can orthogonalize any pure continuous variable quantum state, i.e. generate a state $|psi_perp>$ from $|psi>$ where $<psi|psi_perp> = 0$, which does not require significant a priori knowledge of the input state. We illustrate how to achieve orthogonalization using the Jaynes-Cummings or beam-splitter interaction, which permits realization in a number of systems. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to orthogonalize the motional state of a mechanical oscillator in a cavity optomechanics context by developing a set of coherent phonon level operations. As the mechanical oscillator is a stationary system such operations can be performed at multiple times, providing considerable versatility for quantum state engineering applications. Utilizing this, we additionally introduce a method how to transform any known pure state into any desired target state.
78 - Jaehak Lee , M. S. Kim , 2011
A discussion on the robustness of continuous-variable entangled states under noisy environment is briefly given in direct relation to Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 100503 (2010).
Controllability -- the possibility of performing any target dynamics by applying a set of available operations -- is a fundamental requirement for the practical use of any physical system. For finite-dimensional systems, as for instance spin systems, precise criterions to establish controllability, such as the so called rank criterion, are well known. However most physical systems require a description in terms of an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space whose controllability properties are poorly understood. Here, we investigate infinite-dimensional bosonic quantum systems -- encompassing quantum light, ensembles of bosonic atoms, motional degrees of freedom of ions, and nano-mechanical oscillators -- governed by quadratic Hamiltonians (such that their evolution is analogous to coupled harmonic oscillators). After having highlighted the intimate connection between controllability and recurrence in the Hilbert space, we prove that, for coupled oscillators, a simple extra condition has to be fulfilled to extend the rank criterion to infinite dimensional quadratic systems. Further, we present a useful application of our finding, by proving indirect controllability of a chain of harmonic oscillators.
Although a complete picture of the full evolution of complex quantum systems would certainly be the most desirable goal, for particular Quantum Information Processing schemes such an analysis is not necessary. When quantum correlations between only specific elements of a many-body system are required for the performance of a protocol, a more distinguished and specialised investigation is helpful. Here, we provide a striking example with the achievement of perfect state transfer in a spin chain without state initialisation, whose realisation has been shown to be possible in virtue of the correlations set between the first and last spin of the transmission-chain.
We present the experimental realization of a scheme, based on single-photon interference, for implementing superpositions of distinct quantum operations. Its application to a thermal light field (a well-categorized classical entity) illustrates quantum superposition from a new standpoint and provides a direct and quantitative verification of the bosonic commutation relation between creation and annihilation operators. By shifting the focus towards operator superpositions, this result opens interesting alternative perspectives for manipulating quantum states.

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