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We perform a density-matrix renormalization-group study of strongly interacting bosons on a three-leg ladder in the presence of a homogeneous flux. Focusing on one-third filling, we explore the phase diagram in dependence of the magnetic flux and the inter-leg tunneling strength. We find several phases including a Meissner phase, vortex liquids, a vortex lattice, as well as a staggered-current phase. Moreover, there are regions where the chiral current reverses its direction, both in the Meissner and in the staggered-current phase. While the reversal in the latter case can be ascribed to spontaneous breaking of translational invariance, in the first it stems from an effective flux increase in the rung direction. Interactions are a necessary ingredient to realize either type of chiral-current reversal.
The interplay between spontaneous symmetry breaking in many-body systems, the wavelike nature of quantum particles and lattice effects produces an extraordinary behavior of the chiral current of bosonic particles in the presence of a uniform magnetic flux defined on a two-leg ladder. While non-interacting as well as strongly interacting particles, stirred by the magnetic field, circulate along the systems boundary in the counterclockwise direction in the ground state, interactions stabilize vortex lattices. These states break translational symmetry, which can lead to a reversal of the circulation direction. Our predictions could readily be accessed in quantum gas experiments with existing setups or in arrays of Josephson junctions.
We establish the phase diagram of the strongly-interacting Bose-Hubbard model defined on a two-leg ladder geometry in the presence of a homogeneous flux. Our work is motivated by a recent experiment [Atala et al., Nature Phys. 10, 588 (2014)], which studied the same system, in the complementary regime of weak interactions. Based on extensive density matrix renormalization group simulations and a bosonization analysis, we fully explore the parameter space spanned by filling, inter-leg tunneling, and flux. As a main result, we demonstrate the existence of gapless and gapped Meissner and vortex phases, with the gapped states emerging in Mott-insulating regimes. We calculate experimentally accessible observables such as chiral currents and vortex patterns.
We simulate ultra-cold interacting Bosons in quasi-one-dimensional, incommensurate optical lattices. In the tight-binding limit, these lattices have pseudo-random on-site energies and thus can potentially lead to Anderson localization. We explore the parameter regimes that lead to Anderson localization and investigate the role of repulsive interactions, harmonic confinement and finite temperature. We find that interactions can obscure the exponential localization characteristic of Anderson localization, thus impeding the direct observation of this phenomenon when interactions are present.

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