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We present data products from the 300 ks Chandra survey in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) deep field. This field has a unique set of 9-band infrared photometry covering 2-24 micron from the AKARI Infrared Camera, including mid-infrared (MIR) bands not covered by Spitzer. The survey is one of the deepest ever achieved at ~15 micron, and is by far the widest among those with similar depths in the MIR. This makes this field unique for the MIR-selection of AGN at z~1. We design a source detection procedure, which performs joint Maximum Likelihood PSF fits on all of our 15 mosaicked Chandra pointings covering an area of 0.34 square degree. The procedure has been highly optimized and tested by simulations. We provide a point source catalog with photometry and Bayesian-based 90 per cent confidence upper limits in the 0.5-7, 0.5-2, 2-7, 2-4, and 4-7 keV bands. The catalog contains 457 X-ray sources and the spurious fraction is estimated to be ~1.7 per cent. Sensitivity and 90 per cent confidence upper flux limits maps in all bands are provided as well. We search for optical MIR counterparts in the central 0.25 square degree, where deep Subaru Suprime-Cam multiband images exist. Among the 377 X-ray sources detected there, ~80 per cent have optical counterparts and ~60 per cent also have AKARI mid-IR counterparts. We cross-match our X-ray sources with MIR-selected AGN from Hanami et al. (2012). Around 30 per cent of all AGN that have MID-IR SEDs purely explainable by AGN activity are strong Compton-thick AGN candidates.
365 - M. Krumpe 2008
We present the results of the X-ray spectral analysis of an XMM-Newton-selected type II QSO sample with z>0.5 and 0.5-10 keV flux of 0.3-33 x 10^{-14} erg/s/cm^2. The distribution of absorbing column densities in type II QSOs is investigated and the dependence of absorption on X-ray luminosity and redshift is studied. We inspected 51 spectroscopically classified type II QSO candidates from the XMM-Newton Marano field survey, the XMM-Newton-2dF wide angle survey (XWAS), and the AXIS survey to set-up a well-defined sample with secure optical type II identifications. Fourteen type II QSOs were classified and an X-ray spectral analysis performed. Since most of our sources have only ~40 X-ray counts (PN-detector), we carefully studied the fit results of the simulated X-ray spectra as a function of fit statistic and binning method. We determined that fitting the spectra with the Cash-statistic and a binning of minimum one count per bin recovers the input values of the simulated X-ray spectra best. Above 100 PN counts, the free fits of the spectrums slope and absorbing hydrogen column density are reliable. We find only moderate absorption (N_H=(2-10) x 10^22 cm^-2) and no obvious trends with redshift and intrinsic X-ray luminosity. In a few cases a Compton-thick absorber cannot be excluded. Two type II objects with no X-ray absorption were discovered. We find no evidence for an intrinsic separation between type II AGN and high X-ray luminosity type II QSO in terms of absorption. The stacked X-ray spectrum of our 14 type II QSOs shows no iron K-alpha line. In contrast, the stack of the 8 type II AGN reveals a very prominent iron K-alpha line at an energy of ~ 6.6 keV and an EW ~ 2 keV.
134 - M. Krumpe 2007
We present the analysis and results of a 20 ks XMM-Newton observation of RBS1423. X-ray spectral analysis is used to establish a significantly broadened relativistic iron K-alpha line from a highly ionised disk. A QSO at z=2.262 was considered to be the optical counterpart of this ROSAT Bright Survey X-ray source. Based on the improved XMM-Newton source position we identified a z=0.208 QSO as optical counterpart to RBS1423. The 0.2-12 keV X-ray luminosity of this radio-quiet QSO is 6x10^{44} erg/s. The XMM-EPIC spectra are well described by a power law with a significantly broadened iron K-alpha line. Disk line models for both Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes require hydrogen-like iron ions to fit the measured line profile. Significant ionisation of the reflection disk is confirmed by model fits with ionised disk models, resulting in an ionisation parameter xi~2000.

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