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(Context) In recent years, our understanding of the cool cores of galaxy clusters has changed. Once thought to be relatively simple places where gas cools and flows toward the centre, now they are believed to be very dynamic places where heating from the central Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) and cooling, as inferred from active star formation, molecular gas, and Halpha nebulosity, find an uneasy energetic balance. (Aims) We want to characterize the X-ray properties of the nearby cool-core cluster Zw1742+3306, selected because it is bright at X-ray (with a flux greater than 1e-11 erg/s/cm2 in the 0.1-2.4 keV band) and Halpha wavelengths (Halpha luminosity > 1e40 erg/s). (Methods) We used Chandra data to analyze the spatial and spectral properties of the cool core of Zw1742+3306, a galaxy cluster at z=0.0757 that emits in Halpha and presents the brightest central galaxy located in a diffuse X-ray emission with multiple peaks in surface brightness. (Results) We show that the X-ray cool core of the galaxy cluster Zw1742+3306 is thermodynamically very active with evidence of cold fronts and a weak shock in the surface brightness map and of an apparently coherent, elongated structure with metallicity greater than the value measured in the surrounding ambient gas by about 50 per cent. This anisotropic structure is 280 x 90 kpc2 and is aligned with the cold fronts and with the X-ray emission on larger scales. We suggest that all these peculiarities in the X-ray emission of Zw1742+3306 are either a very fine-tuned output of a sloshing gas in the cluster core or the product of a metal-rich outflow from the central AGN.
90 - J. Weratschnig 2008
We study the X-ray morphology and dynamics of the galaxy cluster Abell 514. Also, the relation between the X-ray properties and Faraday Rotation measures of this cluster are investigated in order to study the connection of magnetic fields and the intra-cluster medium. We use two combined XMM - Newton pointings that are split into three distinct observations. The data allow us to evaluate the overall cluster properties like temperature and metallicity with high accuracy. Additionally, a temperature map and the metallicity distribution are computed, which are used to study the dynamical state of the cluster in detail. Abell 514 represents an interesting merger cluster with many substructures visible in the X-ray image and in the temperature and abundance distributions. The new XMM - Newton data of Abell 514 confirm the relation between the X-ray brightness and the sigma of the Rotation Measure (S_X - sigma_RM relation) proposed by Dolag et al. (2001).
104 - W. Kausch 2007
We present a detailed analysis of the medium redshift (z=0.2906) galaxy cluster Z3146 which is part of the ongoing ARCRAIDER project, a systematic search for gravitational arcs in massive clusters of galaxies. The analysis of Z3146 is based on deep optical wide field observations in the B, V and R bands obtained with the [email protected], and shallow archival WFPC2@HST taken with the F606W filter, which are used for strong as well as weak lensing analyses. Additionally we have used publicly available XMM/Newton observations for a detailed X-ray analysis of Z3146. Both methods, lensing and X-ray, were used to determine the dynamical state and to estimate the total mass. We also identified four gravitational arc candidates. We find this cluster to be in a relaxed state, which is confirmed by a large cooling flow with nominal ~1600M_odot per year, regular galaxy density and light distributions and a regular shape of the weak lensing mass reconstruction. The mass content derived with the different methods agrees well within 25% at r_{200}=1661 h_{70}^{-1}kpc indicating a velocity dispersion of sigma_v=869^{+124}_{-153}km/s.

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