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194 - M. Blana 2014
Hercules is a dwarf spheroidal satellite of the Milky Way, found at a distance of about 138 kpc, and showing evidence of tidal disruption. It is very elongated and exhibits a velocity gradient of 16 +/- 3 km/s/kpc. Using this data a possible orbit of Hercules has previously been deduced in the literature. In this study we make use of a novel approach to find a best fit model that follows the published orbit. Instead of using trial and error, we use a systematic approach in order to find a model that fits multiple observables simultaneously. As such, we investigate a much wider parameter range of initial conditions and ensure we have found the best match possible. Using a dark matter free progenitor that undergoes tidal disruption, our best-fit model can simultaneously match the observed luminosity, central surface brightness, effective radius, velocity dispersion, and velocity gradient of Hercules. However, we find it is impossible to reproduce the observed elongation and the position angle of Hercules at the same time in our models. This failure persists even when we vary the duration of the simulation significantly, and consider a more cuspy density distribution for the progenitor. We discuss how this suggests that the published orbit of Hercules is very likely to be incorrect.
Dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies are considered the basic building blocks of the galaxy formation process in the LCDM (Lambda Cold Dark Matter) hierarchical cosmological model. These galaxies are believed to be the most dark matter (DM) dominated systems known, have the lowest stellar content, and are poor in gas. Many theories attempt to explain the formation of dSph galaxies resorting to the fact that these galaxies are mainly found orbiting large galaxies or invoking other mechanisms of interactions. Here we show the full set of simulation as an extension of our fiducial model, where we study the formation of classical dSph galaxies in isolation by dissolving star clusters within the DM halo of the dwarf galaxy. In our parameter survey we adopt cored and cusped DM halo profiles and consider different numbers of dissolving star clusters. We investigate the dependency of observable quantities with different masses and scale-lengths of the DM halo and different star formation efficiencies (SFE). We find that our proposed scenario explains many features of the classical dSph galaxies of the Milky Way, like their morphology and their dynamics. We see trends how the surface brightness and the scale-length of the luminous component vary with the parameters of our simulations. We also identify how irregularities in their shape, i.e. clumpiness and ellipticity vary in our simulations. In velocity space, we identify the parameters leading to flat velocity dispersions curves. We recognize kinematically cold substructures in velocity space, named fossil remnants and stemming from our unique initial conditions, which alter the expected results. These streaming motions are considered as a key feature for future observation with high resolution to validate our scenario.
We investigate the effects of ram pressure stripping on gas-rich disk galaxies in the cluster environment. Ram pressure stripping principally effects the atomic gas in disk galaxies, stripping away outer disk gas to a truncation radius. We demonstrate that the drag force exerted on truncated gas disks is passed to the stellar disk, and surrounding dark matter through their mutual gravity. Using a toy model of ram pressure stripping, we show that this can drag a stellar disk and dark matter cusp off centre within its dark matter halo by several kiloparsecs. We present a simple analytical description of this process that predicts the drag force strength and its dependency on ram pressures and disk galaxy properties to first order. The motion of the disk can result in temporary deformation of the stellar disk. However we demonstrate that the key source of stellar disk heating is the removal of the gas potential from within the disk. This can result in disk thickening by approximately a factor of two in gas-rich disks.
Stars form with a complex and highly structured distribution. For a smooth star cluster to form from these initial conditions, the star cluster must erase this substructure. We study how substructure is removed using N-body simulations that realistically handle two-body relaxation. In contrast to previous studies, we find that hierarchical cluster formation occurs chiefly as a result of scattering of stars out of clumps, and not through clump merging. Two-body relaxation, in particular within the body of a clump, can significantly increase the rate at which substructure is erased beyond that of clump-merging alone. Hence the relaxation time of individual clumps is a key parameter controlling the rate at which smooth, spherical star clusters can form. The initial virial ratio of the clumps is an additional key parameter controlling the formation rate of a cluster. Reducing the initial virial ratio causes a star cluster to lose its substructure more rapidly.
119 - P. Assmann 2011
It is widely believed that star clusters form with low star formation efficiencies. With the onset of stellar winds by massive stars or finally when the first super nova blows off, the residual gas is driven out of the embedded star cluster. Due to this fact a large amount, if not all, of the stars become unbound and disperse in the gravitational potential of the galaxy. In this context, Kroupa (2002) suggested a new mechanism for the emergence of thickened Galactic discs. Massive star clusters add kinematically hot components to the galactic field populations, building up in this way, the Galactic thick disc as well. In this work we perform, for the first time, numerical simulations to investigate this scenario for the formation of the galactic discs of the Milky Way. We find that a significant kinematically hot population of stars may be injected into the disk of a galaxy such that a thick disk emerges. For the MW the star clusters that formed the thick disk must have had masses of about 10^6 Msol.
In the last decade, extended stellar clusters with masses in the range from a few 10^4 to 10^8 M_sun have been found in various types of galaxies in different environments. Objects with masses comparable to normal globular clusters (GCs) are called extended clusters (ECs), while objects with masses in the dwarf galaxy regime are called ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs). In heavily interacting galaxies star clusters tend to form in larger conglomerations called star cluster complexes (CCs). In this work we systematically scan a suitable parameter space for CCs and perform numerical simulations to study their further fate. The varied sizes and masses of the CCs cover a matrix of 5x6 values with CC Plummer radii between 10 - 160 pc and CC masses between 10^5.5 - 10^8 M_sun, which are consistent with observed CC parameters. The CCs of the parametric study are on orbits with distances between 20 kpc and 60 kpc. In addition, we studied also the evolution of CCs on a circular orbit at a distance of 60 kpc to verify that also extremely extended ECs and UCDs can be explained by our formation scenario. All 54 simulations end up with stable merger objects, wherein 26 to 97% of the initial CC mass is bound. The objects show a general trend of increasing effective radii with increasing mass. Despite the large range of input Plummer radii of the CCs (10 to 160 pc) the effective radii of the merger objects are constrained to values between 10 and 20 pc at the low mass end and to values between 15 and 55 pc at the high mass end. The structural parameters of the models are comparable to those of the observed ECs and UCDs. The results of the circular orbits demonstrate that even very extended objects like the M31 ECs found by Huxor in 2005 and the very extended (r_eff > 80 pc), high-mass UCDs can be explained by merged cluster complexes in regions with low gravitational fields at large distances.
We study numerically the formation of dSph galaxies. Intense star bursts, e.g. in gas-rich environments, typically produce a few to a few hundred young star clusters, within a region of just a few hundred pc. The dynamical evolution of these star clusters may explain the formation of the luminous component of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph). Here we perform a numerical experiment to show that the evolution of star clusters complexes in dark matter haloes can explain the formation of the luminous components of dSph galaxies.
101 - M. Fellhauer 2009
Recent observations and hydrodynamical simulations of star formation inside a giant molecular cloud have revealed that, within a star forming region, stars do not form evenly distributed throughout this region, but rather in small sub-clumps. It is generally believed that these sub-clumps merge and form a young star cluster. The time-scale of this merging process is crucial for the evolution and the possible survival of the final star cluster. The key issue is whether this merging process happens faster than the time needed to remove the residual gas of the cloud. A merging time-scale shorter than the gas-removal time would enhance the survival chances of the resulting star cluster. In this paper we show by means of numerical simulations that the time-scale of the merging is indeed very fast. Depending on the details of the initial sub-clump distribution, the merging may occur before the gas is expelled from the newly-formed cluster either via supernovae or the winds from massive stars. Our simulations further show that the resulting merger-objects have a higher effective star formation efficiency than the overall star forming region and confirm the results that mass-segregated sub-clumps form mass-segregated merger-objects.
132 - M. Fellhauer 2008
We investigate a wide range of possible evolutionary histories for the recently discovered Bootes dwarf spheroidal galaxy, a Milky Way satellite. By means of N-body simulations we follow the evolution of possible progenitor galaxies of Bootes for a variety of orbits in the gravitational potential of the Milky Way. The progenitors considered cover the range from dark-matter-free star clusters to massive, dark-matter dominated outcomes of cosmological simulations. For each type of progenitor and orbit we compare the observable properties of the remnant after 10 Gyr with those of Bootes observed today. Our study suggests that the progenitor of Bootes must have been, and remains now, dark matter dominated. In general our models are unable to reproduce the observed high velocity dispersion in Bootes without dark matter. Our models do not support time-dependent tidal effects as a mechanism able to inflate significantly the internal velocity dispersion. As none of our initially spherical models is able to reproduce the elongation of Bootes, our results suggest that the progenitor of Bootes may have had some intrinsic flattening. Although the focus of the present paper is the Bootes dwarf spheroidal, these models may be of general relevance to understanding the structure, stability and dark matter content of all dwarf spheroidal galaxies.
256 - M. Fellhauer 2007
The study of substructure in the stellar halo of the Milky Way has made a lot of progress in recent years, especially with the advent of surveys like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Here, we study the newly discovered tidal tails of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 5466. By means of numerical simulations, we reproduce the shape, direction and surface density of the tidal tails, as well as the structural and kinematical properties of the present-day NGC 5466. Although its tails are very extended in SDSS data (> 45 degrees), NGC 5466 is only losing mass slowly at the present epoch and so can survive for probably a further Hubble time. The effects of tides at perigalacticon and disc crossing are the dominant causes of the slow dissolution of NGC 5466, accounting for about 60 % of the mass loss over the course of its evolution. The morphology of the tails provides a constraint on the proper motion -- the observationally determined proper motion has to be refined (within the stated error margins) to match the location of the tidal tails.

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