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We present results from an observation of the gravitationally lensed z=1.51 narrow absorption line AGN HS 0810+2554 performed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The factor of ~100 lensing magnification of HS 0810+2554 makes this source exceptionally bright. Absorption lines are detected at rest-frame energies of ~ 7.7 keV and ~11.0 keV at >97% significance. By interpreting these lines to arise from highly ionized iron the implied outflow velocities of the X-ray absorbing gas corresponding to these lines are 0.13c and 0.41c, respectively. The presence of these relativistic outflows and the absence of any significant low-energy X-ray absorption suggest that a shielding gas is not required for the generation of the relativistic X-ray absorbing winds in HS 0810+2554. UV spectroscopic observations with VLT/UVES indicate that the UV absorbing material is outflowing at v_UV ~0.065c. Our analysis indicates that the fraction of the total bolometric energy released by HS 0810+2554 into the IGM in the form of kinetic energy is epsilon_k = 1.0(-0.6,+0.8). An efficiency of greater than unity implies that magnetic driving is likely a significant contributor to the acceleration of this X-ray absorbing wind. We also estimate the mass-outflow rate of the strongest absorption component to be Mdot_abs=1.1(-0.7,+0.9) M_solar yr^-1. Assuming that the energetic outflow detected in the NAL AGN HS 0810+2554 is a common property of most AGN it would suggest that the X-ray absorbing wind may have a larger opening angle than previously thought. This has important consequences for estimating the feedback contribution of X-ray absorbing winds to the surrounding IGM.
200 - J. E. Young 2013
We present a study of the morphology and intensity of star formation in the host galaxies of eight Palomar-Green quasars using observations with the Hubble Space Telescope. Our observations are motivated by recent evidence for a close relationship between black hole growth and the stellar mass evolution in its host galaxy. We use narrow-band [O II] $lambda$3727, H$beta$, [O III] $lambda$5007 and Pa$alpha$ images, taken with the WFPC2 and NICMOS instruments, to map the morphology of line-emitting regions, and, after extinction corrections, diagnose the excitation mechanism and infer star-formation rates. Significant challenges in this type of work are the separation of the quasar light from the stellar continuum and the quasar-excited gas from the star-forming regions. To this end, we present a novel technique for image decomposition and subtraction of quasar light. Our primary result is the detection of extended line-emitting regions with sizes ranging from 0.5 to 5 kpc and distributed symmetrically around the nucleus, powered primarily by star formation. We determine star-formation rates of order a few tens of M$_odot$/yr. The host galaxies of our target quasars have stellar masses of order $10^{11}$ M$_odot$ and specific star formation rates on a par with those of M82 and luminous infrared galaxies. As such they fall at the upper envelope or just above the star-formation mass sequence in the specific star formation vs stellar mass diagram. We see a clear trend of increasing star formation rate with quasar luminosity, reinforcing the link between the growth of the stellar mass of the host and the black hole mass found by other authors.
We present a comprehensive X-ray point source catalog of NGC 404 obtained as part of the Chandra Local Volume Survey. A new, 97 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of NGC 404 was combined with archival observations for a total exposure of ~123 ks. Our survey yields 74 highly significant X-ray point sources and is sensitive to a limiting unabsorbed luminosity of ~6x10^35 erg s^-1 in the 0.35-8 keV band. To constrain the nature of each X-ray source, cross-correlations with multi-wavelength data were generated. We searched overlapping HST observations for optical counterparts to our X-ray detections, but find only two X-ray sources with candidate optical counterparts. We find 21 likely low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), although this number is a lower limit due to the difficulties in separating LMXBs from background AGN. The X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs) in both the soft and hard energy bands are presented. The XLFs in the soft band (0.5-2 keV) and the hard band (2-8 keV) have a limiting luminosity at the 90% completeness limit of 10^35 erg s^-1 and 10^36 erg s^-1, respectively, significantly lower than previous X-ray studies of NGC 404. We find the XLFs to be consistent with those of other X-ray populations dominated by LMXBs. However, the number of luminous (>10^37 erg s^-1) X-ray sources per unit stellar mass in NGC 404 is lower than is observed for other galaxies. The relative lack of luminous XRBs may be due to a population of LMXBs with main sequence companions formed during an epoch of elevated star formation ~0.5 Gyr ago.
The current paradigm for the AGN phenomenon is a central engine that consists of an inflow of material accreting in the form of a disk onto a supermassive black hole. Observations in the UV and optical find high velocity ionized material outflowing from the black hole. We present results from Suzaku and XMM-Newton observations of a sample of intrinsic NAL quasars with high velocity outflows. Our derived values of the intrinsic column densities of the X-ray absorbers are consistent with an outflow scenario in which NAL quasars are viewed at smaller inclination angles than BAL quasars. We find that the distributions of alpha_ox and Dalpha_ox of the NAL quasars of our sample differ significantly from those of BAL quasars and SDSS radio-quiet quasars. The NAL quasars are not significantly absorbed in the X-ray band and the positive values of Dalpha_ox suggest absorption in the UV band. The positive values of Dalpha_ox of the intrinsic NAL quasars can be explained in a geometric scenario where our lines of sight towards the compact X-ray hot coronae of NAL quasars do not traverse the absorbing wind whereas lines of sight towards their UV emitting accretion disks do intercept the outflowing absorbers.
267 - M. Gliozzi 2009
We report the detection of a weak X-ray point source coincident with the nucleus of the bulgeless disk galaxy NGC 3621, recently discovered by Spitzer to display high ionization mid-infrared lines typically associated with AGN. These Chandra observations provide confirmation for the presence of an AGN in this galaxy, adding to the growing evidence that black holes do form and grow in isolated bulgeless disk galaxies. Although the low signal-to-noise ratio of the X-ray spectrum prevents us from carrying out a detailed spectral analysis of the nuclear source, the X-ray results, combined with the IR and optical spectroscopic results, suggests that NGC 3621 harbors a heavily absorbed AGN, with a supermassive black hole of relatively small mass accreting at a high rate. Chandra also reveals the presence of two bright sources straddling the nucleus located almost symmetrically at 20 from the center. Both sources have X-ray spectra that are well-fitted by an absorbed power-law model. Assuming they are at the distance of NGC 3621, these two sources have luminosities of the order of 1.e39 erg/s, which make them ULXs and suggest that they are black hole systems. Estimates of the black hole mass based on the X-ray spectral analysis and scaling laws of black hole systems suggest that the 2 bright sources might be intermediate mass black holes with M_BH of the order of a few thousand solar masses. However, higher quality X-ray data combined with multi-wavelength observations are necessary to confirm these conclusions.
198 - M. Gliozzi 2007
We present the results from simultaneous chandra and rxte observations of the X-ray bright Broad-Line Radio Galaxy (BLRG) 3C 382. The long (120 ks) exposure with chandra HETG allows a detailed study of the soft X-ray continuum and of the narrow component of the Fe Kalpha line. The rxte PCA data are used to put an upper limit on the broad line component and constrain the hard X-ray continuum. A strong soft excess below 1 keV is observed in the time-averaged HETG spectrum, which can be parameterized with a steep power law or a thermal model. The flux variability at low energies indicates that the origin of the soft excess cannot be entirely ascribed to the circumnuclear diffuse emission, detected by chandra on scales of 20-30 arcsec (22-33 kpc). A narrow (sigma<90 eV) Fe Kalpha line (with EW< 100 eV) is observed by the chandra HEG. Similar values for the line parameters are measured by the rxte PCA, suggesting that the contribution from a broad line component is negligible. The fact that the exposure is split into two observations taken three days apart allows us to investigate the spectral and temporal evolution of the source on different timescales. Significant flux variability associated with spectral changes is observed on timescales of hours and days. The spectral variability is similar to that observed in radio-quiet AGN ruling out a jet-dominated origin of the X-rays.

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