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ICARUS T600 liquid argon time projection chamber is the first large mass electronic detector of a new generation able to combine the imaging capabilities of the old bubble chambers with the excellent calorimetric energy measurement. After the three months demonstration run on surface in Pavia during 2001, the T600 cryogenic plant was significantly revised, in terms of reliability and safety, in view of its long-term operation in an underground environment. The T600 detector was activated in Hall B of the INFN Gran Sasso Laboratory during Spring 2010, where it was operated without interruption for about three years, taking data exposed to the CERN to Gran Sasso long baseline neutrino beam and cosmic rays. In this paper the T600 cryogenic plant is described in detail together with the commissioning procedures that lead to the successful operation of the detector shortly after the end of the filling with liquid Argon. Overall plant performance and stability during the long-term underground operation are discussed. Finally, the decommissioning procedures, carried out about six months after the end of the CNGS neutrino beam operation, are reported.
A sensitive search for anomalous LSND-like nu_mu to nu_e oscillations has been performed by the ICARUS Collaboration exposing the T600 LAr-TPC to the CERN to Gran Sasso (CNGS) neutrino beam. The result is compatible with the absence of additional anomalous contributions giving a limit to oscillation probability of 3.4E-3 and 7.6E-3 at 90% and 99% confidence levels respectively showing a tension between these new limits and the low-energy event excess (200 < E_nu QE < 475 MeV) reported by MiniBooNE Collaboration. A more detailed comparison of the ICARUS data with the MiniBooNE low-energy excess has been performed, including the energy resolution as obtained from the official MiniBooNE data release. As a result the previously reported tension is confirmed at 90% C.L., suggesting an unexplained nature or an otherwise instrumental effect for the MiniBooNE low energy event excess
The ICARUS T600 detector, the largest liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr-TPC) realized after many years of RD activities, was installed and successfully operated for 3 years at the INFN Gran Sasso underground Laboratory. One of the most important issues was the need of an extremely low residual electronegative impurity content in the liquid Argon, in order to transport the free electrons created by the ionizing particles with a very small attenuation along the drift path. The solutions adopted for the Argon re-circulation and purification systems have permitted to reach impressive results in terms of Argon purity and a free electron lifetime exceeding 15 ms, corresponding to about 20 parts per trillion of equivalent O2 contamination, a milestone for any future project involving LAr-TPCs and the development of higher detector mass scales.
The ICARUS T600 detector, with its 470 tons of active mass, is the largest liquid Argon TPC ever built. Operated for three years in the LNGS underground laboratory, it has collected thousands of CNGS neutrino beam interactions and cosmic ray events with energy spanning from tens of MeV to tens of GeV, with a trigger system based on scintillation light, charge signal on TPC wires and time information (for beam related events only). The performance of trigger system in terms of efficiency, background and live-time as a function of the event energy for the CNGS data taking is presented.
The INFN and the ICARUS collaboration originally developed the technology of the LAr-TPC. Located the underground LNGS Hall-B, the ICARUS T600 detector has been performed over three years with remarkable detection efficiency featuring a smooth operation, high live time, and high reliability. About 3000 CNGS neutrino events have been collected and are being actively analyzed. ICARUS will now be moved to CERN for an extensive R&D program. The T600 detector will be overhauled and complemented with a similar T150 detector. These improvements are performed in collaboration with the LBNE experiment, of which several INFN Institutions are now members. As a novelty, a SC magnetic field of about 1 T will be introduced. During 2016 it is proposed to move the experiment to FNAL where short base line neutrino beams are available, complementing the approved MicroBooNe experiment which will start operation in 2014. The ICARUS detectors at FNAL will be an important addition since, in absence of anomalies, the signals of several detectors at different distances from the target should be a copy of each other for all experimental signatures. Due to the reduced mass, in MicroBooNE the anti-neutrino signal is too weak for a sensitive comparison. Hence, a definitive clarification of the LSND anomaly requires the exploration of the anti-neutrino signal provided by the much larger T600. The magnetic field will allow separating the anti-neutrino signal from the neutrino-induced background. It is proposed to expose the T600 at the Booster NuBeam at ~700 m from target; the T150 will be located at ~150 m. The T600 will also receive >10^4 nu_e events/year from the off-axis NUMI beam peaked around 1 GeV and exploitable to prepare for the LBNE experiment. The ICARUS teams are also interested in extending the participation to other short baseline neutrino activities collaborating with existing FNAL groups.
Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) detectors offer charged particle imaging capability with remarkable spatial resolution. Precise event reconstruction procedures are critical in order to fully exploit the potential of this technology. In this paper we present a new, general approach of three-dimensional reconstruction for the LAr TPC with a practical application to track reconstruction. The efficiency of the method is evaluated on a sample of simulated tracks. We present also the application of the method to the analysis of real data tracks collected during the ICARUS T600 detector operation with the CNGS neutrino beam.
We report an early result from the ICARUS experiment on the search for nu_mu to nu_e signal due to the LSND anomaly. The search was performed with the ICARUS T600 detector located at the Gran Sasso Laboratory, receiving CNGS neutrinos from CERN at an average energy of about 20 GeV, after a flight path of about 730 km. The LSND anomaly would manifest as an excess of nu_e events, characterized by a fast energy oscillation averaging approximately to sin^2(1.27 Dm^2_new L/ E_nu) = 1/2. The present analysis is based on 1091 neutrino events, which are about 50% of the ICARUS data collected in 2010-2011. Two clear nu_e events have been found, compared with the expectation of 3.7 +/- 0.6 events from conventional sources. Within the range of our observations, this result is compatible with the absence of a LSND anomaly. At 90% and 99% confidence levels the limits of 3.4 and 7.3 events corresponding to oscillation probabilities of 5.4 10^-3 and 1.1 10^-2 are set respectively. The result strongly limits the window of open options for the LSND anomaly to a narrow region around (Dm^2, sin^2(2 theta))_new = (0.5 eV^2, 0.005), where there is an overall agreement (90% CL) between the present ICARUS limit, the published limits of KARMEN and the published positive signals of LSND and MiniBooNE Collaborations.
During May 2012, the CERN-CNGS neutrino beam has been operated for two weeks for a total of 1.8 10^17 pot in bunched mode, with a 3 ns narrow width proton beam bunches, separated by 100 ns. This tightly bunched beam structure allows a very accurate time of flight measurement of neutrinos from CERN to LNGS on an event-by-event basis. Both the ICARUS-T600 PMT-DAQ and the CERN-LNGS timing synchronization have been substantially improved for this campaign, taking ad-vantage of additional independent GPS receivers, both at CERN and LNGS as well as of the deployment of the White Rabbit protocol both at CERN and LNGS. The ICARUS-T600 detector has collected 25 beam-associated events; the corresponding time of flight has been accurately evaluated, using all different time synchronization paths. The measured neutrino time of flight is compatible with the arrival of all events with speed equivalent to the one of light: the difference between the expected value based on the speed of light and the measured value is tof_c - tof_nu = (0.10 pm 0.67stat. pm 2.39syst.) ns. This result is in agreement with the value previously reported by the ICARUS collaboration, tof_c - tof_nu = (0.3 pm 4.9stat. pm 9.0syst.) ns, but with improved statistical and systematic errors.
A new experiment with an intense ~2 GeV neutrino beam at CERN SPS is proposed in order to definitely clarify the possible existence of additional neutrino states, as pointed out by neutrino calibration source experiments, reactor and accelerator experiments and measure the corresponding oscillation parameters. The experiment is based on two identical LAr-TPCs complemented by magnetized spectrometers detecting electron and muon neutrino events at Far and Near positions, 1600 m and 300 m from the proton target, respectively. The ICARUS T600 detector, the largest LAr-TPC ever built with a size of about 600 ton of imaging mass, now running in the LNGS underground laboratory, will be moved at the CERN Far position. An additional 1/4 of the T600 detector (T150) will be constructed and located in the Near position. Two large area spectrometers will be placed downstream of the two LAr-TPC detectors to perform charge identification and muon momentum measurements from sub-GeV to several GeV energy range, greatly complementing the physics capabilities. This experiment will offer remarkable discovery potentialities, collecting a very large number of unbiased events both in the neutrino and antineutrino channels, largely adequate to definitely settle the origin of the observed neutrino-related anomalies.
The ArgoNeuT liquid argon time projection chamber has collected thousands of neutrino and antineutrino events during an extended run period in the NuMI beam-line at Fermilab. This paper focuses on the main aspects of the detector layout and related technical features, including the cryogenic equipment, time projection chamber, read-out electronics, and off-line data treatment. The detector commissioning phase, physics run, and first neutrino event displays are also reported. The characterization of the main working parameters of the detector during data-taking, the ionization electron drift velocity and lifetime in liquid argon, as obtained from through-going muon data complete the present report.

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