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This paper describes the hardware and operations of the Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam at Fermilab. It elaborates on the design considerations for the beam as a whole and for individual elements. The most important design details of individual components are described. Beam monitoring systems and procedures, including the tuning and alignment of the beam and NuMI long-term performance, are also discussed.
We present observations of Epsilon Eridani from the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at 1.3 millimeters and from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 7 millimeters that reach an angular resolution of ~4 (13 AU). These first millimeter interferometer observations of Epsilon Eridani, which hosts the closest debris disk to the Sun, reveal two distinct emission components: (1) the well-known outer dust belt, which, although patchy, is clearly resolved in the radial direction, and (2) an unresolved source coincident with the position of the star. We use direct model-fitting of the millimeter visibilities to constrain the basic properties of these two components. A simple Gaussian shape for the outer belt fit to the SMA data results in a radial location of $64.4^{+2.4}_{-3.0}$ AU and FWHM of $20.2^{+6.0}_{-8.2}$ AU (fractional width $Delta R/R = 0.3$. Similar results are obtained taking a power law radial emission profile for the belt, though the power law index cannot be usefully constrained. Within the noise obtained (0.2 mJy/beam), these data are consistent with an axisymmetric belt model and show no significant azimuthal structure that might be introduced by unseen planets in the system. These data also limit any stellocentric offset of the belt to $<9$ AU, which disfavors the presence of giant planets on highly eccentric ($>0.1$) and wide (10s of AU) orbits. The flux density of the unresolved central component exceeds predictions for the stellar photosphere at these long wavelengths, by a marginally significant amount at 1.3 millimeters but by a factor of a few at 7 millimeters (with brightness temperature $13000 pm 1600$ K for a source size of the optical stellar radius). We attribute this excess emission to ionized plasma from a stellar corona or chromosphere.
We have used the Submillimeter Array (SMA) to make 1.3 millimeter observations of the debris disk surrounding HD 15115, an F-type star with a putative membership in the beta Pictoris moving group. This nearly edge-on debris disk shows an extreme asymmetry in optical scattered light, with an extent almost two times larger to the west of the star than to the east (originally dubbed the Blue Needle). The SMA observations reveal resolved emission that we model as a circumstellar belt of thermal dust emission. This belt extends to a radius of ~110 AU, coincident with the break in the scattered light profile convincingly seen on the western side of the disk. This outer edge location is consistent with the presence of an underlying population of dust-producing planetesimals undergoing a collisional cascade, as hypothesized in birth ring theory. In addition, the millimeter emission shows a ~3 sigma feature aligned with the asymmetric western extension of the scattered light disk. If this millimeter extension is real, then mechanisms for asymmetry that affect only small grains, such as interactions with interstellar gas, are disfavored. This tentative feature might be explained by secular perturbations to grain orbits introduced by neutral gas drag, as previously invoked to explain asymmetric morphologies of other, similar debris disks.
We present ALMA observations of the FW Tau system, a close binary pair of M5 stars with a wide-orbit (300 AU projected separation) substellar companion. The companion is extremely faint and red in the optical and near-infrared, but boasts a weak far-infrared excess and optical/near-infrared emission lines indicative of a primordial accretion disk of gas and dust. The component-resolved 1.3 mm continuum emission is found to be associated only with the companion, with a flux (1.78 +/- 0.03 mJy) that indicates a dust mass of 1-2 M_Earth. While this mass reservoir is insufficient to form a giant planet, it is more than sufficient to produce an analog of the Kepler-42 exoplanetary system or the Galilean satellites. The mass and geometry of the disk-bearing FW Tau companion remains unclear. Near-infrared spectroscopy shows deep water bands that indicate a spectral type later than M5, but substantial veiling prevents a more accurate determination of the effective temperature (and hence mass). Both a disk-bearing planetary-mass companion seen in direct light or a brown dwarf tertiary viewed in light scattered by an edge-on disk or envelope remain possibilities.
We present the results from a large 850 micron survey of the sigma Orionis cluster using the SCUBA-2 camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The 0.5-degree diameter circular region we surveyed contains 297 young stellar objects with an age estimated at about 3Myr. We detect 9 of these objects, 8 of which have infrared excesses from an inner disc. We also serendipitously detect 3 non-stellar sources at > 5sigma that are likely background submillimetre galaxies. The 9 detected stars have inferred disc masses ranging from 5 to about 17MJup, assuming similar dust properties as Taurus discs and an ISM gas-to-dust ratio of 100. There is a net positive signal toward the positions of the individually undetected infrared excess sources indicating a mean disc mass of 0.5 MJup . Stacking the emission toward those stars without infrared excesses constrains their mean disc mass to less than 0.3MJup, or an equivalent Earth mass in dust. The submillimetre luminosity distribution is significantly different from that in the younger Taurus region, indicating disc mass evolution as star forming regions age and the infrared excess fraction decreases. Submillimeter Array observations reveal CO emission toward 4 sources demonstrating that some, but probably not much, molecular gas remains in these relatively evolved discs. These observations provide new constraints on the dust and gas mass of protoplanetary discs during the giant planet building phase and provide a reference level for future studies of disc evolution.
We analyze sensitive, sub-arcsecond resolution ALMA Science Verification observations of CO emission lines in the protoplanetary disk hosted by the young, isolated Ae star HD 163296. The observed spatial morphology of the 12CO J=3-2 emission line is asymmetric across the major axis of the disk; the 12CO J=2-1 line features a much less pronounced, but similar, asymmetry. The J=2-1 emission from 12CO and its main isotopologues have no resolved spatial asymmetry. We associate this behavior as the direct signature of a vertical temperature gradient and layered molecular structure in the disk. This is demonstrated using both toy models and more sophisticated calculations assuming non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non LTE) conditions. A model disk structure is developed to reproduce both the distinctive spatial morphology of the 12CO J=3-2 line as well as the J=2-1 emission from the CO isotopologues assuming relative abundances consistent with the interstellar medium. This model disk structure has tau=1 emitting surfaces for the 12CO emission lines that make an angle of about 15 degrees with respect to the disk midplane. Furthermore, we show that the spatial and spectral sensitivity of these data can distinguish between models that have sub-Keplerian gas velocities due to the vertical extent of the disk and its associated radial pressure gradient (a fractional difference in the bulk gas velocity field of approximately greater than 5%).
We present a substantial extension of the mm-wave continuum photometry catalog for Taurus circumstellar dust disks. Combining new Submillimeter Array data with measurements in the literature, we construct a mm-wave luminosity distribution for Class II disks that is statistically complete for stellar hosts with spectral types earlier than M8.5 and has a (3-sigma) depth of ~3 mJy. The resulting census eliminates a longstanding bias against disks with late-type hosts, and thereby reveals a strong correlation between L_mm and the host spectral type. We confirm that this corresponds to a statistically robust relationship between the masses of dust disks and the stars that host them. A Bayesian regression technique is used to characterize these relationships: the results indicate a typical 1.3 mm flux density of 25 mJy for solar mass hosts and a power-law scaling L_mm propto M_star^1.5-2.0. We suggest that a reasonable treatment of dust temperature in the conversion from L_mm to M_disk favors an inherently linear M_disk propto M_star scaling, with a typical disk-to-star mass ratio of $sim$0.2--0.6%. The RMS dispersion around this regression is 0.7 dex, suggesting that the combined effects of diverse evolutionary states, dust opacities, and temperatures in these disks imprint a FWHM range of a factor of 40 on the inferred M_disk (or L_mm) at any given host mass. We argue that this relationship between M_disk and M_star likely represents the origin of the inferred correlation between giant planet frequency and host star mass in the exoplanet population, and provides some basic support for the core accretion model for planet formation. Moreover, we caution that selection bias must be considered in comparative studies of disk evolution, and illustrate that fact with statistical comparisons of L_mm between Taurus and other clusters (abridged).
We present sensitive, arcsecond-resolution Submillimeter Array observations of the 12CO J=2-1 line emission from the circumstellar disk orbiting the double-lined spectroscopic binary star V4046 Sgr. Based on a simple model of the disk structure, we use a novel Monte Carlo Markov Chain technique to extract the Keplerian velocity field of the disk from these data and estimate the total mass of the central binary. Assuming the distance inferred from kinematic parallax measurements in the literature (d is approximately 73 pc), we determine a total stellar mass M_star = 1.75^{+0.09}_{-0.06} solar masses and a disk inclination i_d = 33.5^{+0.7}_{-1.4} degrees from face-on. These measurements are in excellent agreement with independent dynamical constraints made from multi-epoch monitoring of the stellar radial velocities, confirming the absolute accuracy of this precise (~ few percent uncertainties) disk-based method for estimating stellar masses and reaffirming previous assertions that the disk and binary orbital planes are well aligned (with |i_d - i_star| approx 0.1pm1 degree). Using these results as a reference, we demonstrate that various pre-main sequence evolution models make consistent and accurate predictions for the masses of the individual components of the binary, and uniformly imply an advanced age of ~5-30 Myr. Taken together, these results verify that V4046 Sgr is one of the precious few nearby and relatively evolved pre-main sequence systems that still hosts a gas-rich accretion disk.
The processes that form transition disks - disks with depleted inner regions - are not well understood; possible scenarios include planet formation, grain growth and photoevaporation. Disks with spatially resolved dust holes are rare, but, in general, even less is known about the gas structure. The disk surrounding A0 star Oph IRS 48 in the nearby Rho Ophiuchus region has a 30 AU radius hole previously detected in the 18.7 micron dust continuum and in warm CO in the 5 micron fundamental ro-vibrational band. We present here Submillimeter Array 880 micron continuum imaging resolving an inner hole. However, the radius of the hole in the millimeter dust is only 13 AU, significantly smaller than measured at other wavelengths. The nesting structure of the disk is counter-intuitive, with increasingly large radii rings of emission seen in the millimeter dust (12.9 +1.7/-3.4 AU), 5 micron CO (30 AU) and 18.7 micron dust (peaking at 55 AU). We discuss possible explanations for this structure, including self-shadowing that cools the disk surface layers, photodissociation of CO, and photoevaporation. However, understanding this unusual disk within the stringent multi-wavelength spatial constraints will require further observations to search for cold atomic and molecular gas.
We present a detailed analysis of the spatially and spectrally resolved 12CO J=2-1 and J=3-2 emission lines from the TW Hya circumstellar disk, based on science verification data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). These lines exhibit substantial emission in their high-velocity wings (with projected velocities out to 2.1 km/s, corresponding to intrinsic orbital velocities >20 km/s) that trace molecular gas as close as 2 AU from the central star. However, we are not able to reproduce the intensity of these wings and the general spatio-kinematic pattern of the lines with simple models for the disk structure and kinematics. Using three-dimensional non-local thermodynamic equilibrium molecular excitation and radiative transfer calculations, we construct some alternative models that successfully account for these features by modifying either (1) the temperature structure of the inner disk (inside the dust-depleted disk cavity; r < 4 AU); (2) the intrinsic (Keplerian) disk velocity field; or (3) the distribution of disk inclination angles (a warp). The latter approach is particularly compelling because a representative warped disk model qualitatively reproduces the observed azimuthal modulation of optical light scattered off the disk surface. In any model scenario, the ALMA data clearly require a substantial molecular gas reservoir located inside the region where dust optical depths are known to be substantially diminished in the TW Hya disk, in agreement with previous studies based on infrared spectroscopy. The results from these updated model prescriptions are discussed in terms of their potential physical origins, which might include dynamical perturbations from a low-mass companion with an orbital separation of a few AU.

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