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We study the instability of a mixture of two interacting counter-flowing superfluids. For a homogeneous system, we show that superfluid hydrodynamics leads to the existence of a dynamical instability at a critical value of the relative velocity $v_{cr}$. When the interspecies coupling is small the critical value approaches the value $v_{cr}=c_1+c_2$, given by the sum of the sound velocities of the two uncoupled superfluids, in agreement with the recent prediction of [1] based on Landaus argument. The crucial dependence of the critical velocity on the interspecies coupling is explicitly discussed. Our results agree with previous predictions for weakly interacting Bose-Bose mixtures and applies to Bose-Fermi superfluid mixtures as well. Results for the stability of transversally trapped mixtures are also presented.
279 - M. Abad , A. Recati 2013
We present a self-consistent study of coherently coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. Finite spin-flipping coupling changes the first order demixing phase transition for Bose-Bose mixtures to a second order phase transition between an unpolarized and a polarized state. We analise the excitation spectrum and the structure factor along the transition for a homogeneous system. We discuss the main differences at the transition between a coherent coupled gas and a two-component mixture. We finally study the ground state when spin-(in)dependent trapping potentials are added to the system, focusing on optical lattices, which give rise to interesting new configurations.
186 - M. Abad , M. Guilleumas , R. Mayol 2010
We propose a new scheme for observing Josephson oscillations and macroscopic quantum self-trapping phenomena in a toroidally confined Bose-Einstein condensate: a dipolar self-induced Josephson junction. Polarizing the atoms perpendicularly to the trap symmetry axis, an effective ring-shaped, double-well potential is achieved which is induced by the dipolar interaction. By numerically solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we show that coherent tunneling phenomena such as Josephson oscillations and quantum self-trapping can take place. The dynamics in the self-induced junction can be qualitatively described by a two-mode model taking into account both s-wave and dipolar interactions.
We study a Bose-Einstein condensate of 52Cr atoms confined in a toroidal trap with a variable strength of s-wave contact interactions. We analyze the effects of the anisotropic nature of the dipolar interaction by considering the magnetization axis to be perpendicular to the trap symmetry axis. In the absence of a central repulsive barrier, when the trap is purely harmonic, the effect of reducing the scattering length is a tuning of the geometry of the system: from a pancake-shaped condensate when it is large, to a cigar-shaped condensate for small scattering lengths. For a condensate in a toroidal trap, the interaction in combination with the central repulsive Gaussian barrier produces an azimuthal dependence of the particle density for a fixed radial distance. We find that along the magnetization direction the density decreases as the scattering length is reduced but presents two symmetric density peaks in the perpendicular axis. For even lower values of the scattering length we observe that the system undergoes a dipolar-induced symmetry breaking phenomenon. The whole density becomes concentrated in one of the peaks, resembling an origin-displaced cigar-shaped condensate. In this context we also analyze stationary vortex states and their associated velocity field, finding that this latter also shows a strong azimuthal dependence for small scattering lengths. The expectation value of the angular momentum along the z direction provides a qualitative measure of the difference between the velocity in the different density peaks.
184 - M. Abad , M. Guilleumas , R. Mayol 2009
We consider singly-quantized vortex states in a condensate of 52Cr atoms in a pancake trap. We obtain the vortex solutions by numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in the rotating frame with no further approximations. The behavior of the condensate is studied under three different situations concerning the interactions: only s-wave, s-wave plus dipolar and only dipolar. The energy barrier for the nucleation of a vortex is calculated as a function of the vortex displacement from the rotation axis in the three cases. These results are compared to those obtained for contact interaction condensates in the Thomas-Fermi approximation, and to a pseudo-analytical model, showing this latter a very good agreement with the numerical calculation.
139 - M. Abad , M. Guilleumas , R. Mayol 2009
We present full three-dimensional numerical calculations of single vortex states in rotating dipolar condensates. We consider a Bose-Einstein condensate of 52Cr atoms with dipole-dipole and s-wave contact interactions confined in an axially symmetric harmonic trap. We obtain the vortex states by numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in the rotating frame with no further approximations. We investigate the properties of a single vortex and calculate the critical angular velocity for different values of the s-wave scattering length. We show that, whereas the standard variational approach breaks down in the limit of pure dipolar interactions, exact solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation can be obtained for values of the s-wave scattering length down to zero. The energy barrier for the nucleation of a vortex is calculated as a function of the vortex displacement from the rotation axis for different values of the angular velocity of the rotating trap.

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