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133 - Lung-Chi Chen , Akira Sakai 2012
We consider long-range self-avoiding walk, percolation and the Ising model on $mathbb{Z}^d$ that are defined by power-law decaying pair potentials of the form $D(x)asymp|x|^{-d-alpha}$ with $alpha>0$. The upper-critical dimension $d_{mathrm{c}}$ is $2(alphawedge2)$ for self-avoiding walk and the Ising model, and $3(alphawedge2)$ for percolation. Let $alpha e2$ and assume certain heat-kernel bounds on the $n$-step distribution of the underlying random walk. We prove that, for $d>d_{mathrm{c}}$ (and the spread-out parameter sufficiently large), the critical two-point function $G_{p_{mathrm{c}}}(x)$ for each model is asymptotically $C|x|^{alphawedge2-d}$, where the constant $Cin(0,infty)$ is expressed in terms of the model-dependent lace-expansion coefficients and exhibits crossover between $alpha<2$ and $alpha>2$. We also provide a class of random walks that satisfy those heat-kernel bounds.
We consider a discrete time simple symmetric random walk on Z^d, d>=1, where the path of the walk is perturbed by inserting deterministic jumps. We show that for any time n and any deterministic jumps that we insert, the expected number of sites visited by the perturbed random walk up to time n is always larger than or equal to that for the unperturbed walk. This intriguing problem arises from the study of a particle among a Poisson system of moving traps with sub-diffusive trap motion. In particular, our result implies a variant of the Pascal principle, which asserts that among all deterministic trajectories the particle can follow, the constant trajectory maximizes the particles survival probability up to any time t>0.
We present the numbers of ice model and eight-vertex model configurations (with Boltzmann factors equal to one), I(n) and E(n) respectively, on the two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket SG(n) at stage $n$. For the eight-vertex model, the number of configurations is $E(n)=2^{3(3^n+1)/2}$ and the entropy per site, defined as $lim_{v to infty} ln E(n)/v$ where $v$ is the number of vertices on SG(n), is exactly equal to $ln 2$. For the ice model, the upper and lower bounds for the entropy per site $lim_{v to infty} ln I(n)/v$ are derived in terms of the results at a certain stage. As the difference between these bounds converges quickly to zero as the calculated stage increases, the numerical value of the entropy can be evaluated with more than a hundred significant figures accurate. The corresponding result of ice model on the generalized two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket SG_b(n) with $b=3$ is also obtained. For the generalized vertex model on SG_3(n), the number of configurations is $2^{(8 times 6^n +7)/5}$ and the entropy per site is equal to $frac87 ln 2$. The general upper and lower bounds for the entropy per site for arbitrary $b$ are conjectured.
The number of independent sets is equivalent to the partition function of the hard-core lattice gas model with nearest-neighbor exclusion and unit activity. We study the number of independent sets $m_{d,b}(n)$ on the generalized Sierpinski gasket $SG_{d,b}(n)$ at stage $n$ with dimension $d$ equal to two, three and four for $b=2$, and layer $b$ equal to three for $d=2$. The upper and lower bounds for the asymptotic growth constant, defined as $z_{SG_{d,b}}=lim_{v to infty} ln m_{d,b}(n)/v$ where $v$ is the number of vertices, on these Sierpinski gaskets are derived in terms of the results at a certain stage. The numerical values of these $z_{SG_{d,b}}$ are evaluated with more than a hundred significant figures accurate. We also conjecture the upper and lower bounds for the asymptotic growth constant $z_{SG_{d,2}}$ with general $d$.
150 - Lung-Chi Chen , Akira Sakai 2010
We consider random walk and self-avoiding walk whose 1-step distribution is given by $D$, and oriented percolation whose bond-occupation probability is proportional to $D$. Suppose that $D(x)$ decays as $|x|^{-d-alpha}$ with $alpha>0$. For random walk in any dimension $d$ and for self-avoiding walk and critical/subcritical oriented percolation above the common upper-critical dimension $d_{mathrm{c}}equiv2(alphawedge2)$, we prove large-$t$ asymptotics of the gyration radius, which is the average end-to-end distance of random walk/self-avoiding walk of length $t$ or the average spatial size of an oriented percolation cluster at time $t$. This proves the conjecture for long-range self-avoiding walk in [Ann. Inst. H. Poincar{e} Probab. Statist. (2010), to appear] and for long-range oriented percolation in [Probab. Theory Related Fields 142 (2008) 151--188] and [Probab. Theory Related Fields 145 (2009) 435--458].
We derive exactly the number of Hamiltonian paths H(n) on the two dimensional Sierpinski gasket SG(n) at stage $n$, whose asymptotic behavior is given by $frac{sqrt{3}(2sqrt{3})^{3^{n-1}}}{3} times (frac{5^2 times 7^2 times 17^2}{2^{12} times 3^5 times 13})(16)^n$. We also obtain the number of Hamiltonian paths with one end at a certain outmost vertex of SG(n), with asymptotic behavior $frac {sqrt{3}(2sqrt{3})^{3^{n-1}}}{3} times (frac {7 times 17}{2^4 times 3^3})4^n$. The distribution of Hamiltonian paths on SG(n) with one end at a certain outmost vertex and the other end at an arbitrary vertex of SG(n) is investigated. We rigorously prove that the exponent for the mean $ell$ displacement between the two end vertices of such Hamiltonian paths on SG(n) is $ell log 2 / log 3$ for $ell>0$.
217 - Lung-Chi Chen , Akira Sakai 2008
We prove that the Fourier transform of the properly-scaled normalized two-point function for sufficiently spread-out long-range oriented percolation with index alpha>0 converges to e^{-C|k|^{alphawedge2}} for some Cin(0,infty) above the upper-critical dimension 2(alphawedge2). This answers the open question remained in the previous paper [arXiv:math/0703455]. Moreover, we show that the constant C exhibits crossover at alpha=2, which is a result of interactions among occupied paths. The proof is based on a new method of estimating fractional moments for the spatial variable of the lace-expansion coefficients.
Consider spanning trees on the two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket SG(n) where stage $n$ is a non-negative integer. For any given vertex $x$ of SG(n), we derive rigorously the probability distribution of the degree $j in {1,2,3,4}$ at the vertex and its value in the infinite $n$ limit. Adding up such probabilities of all the vertices divided by the number of vertices, we obtain the average probability distribution of the degree $j$. The corresponding limiting distribution $phi_j$ gives the average probability that a vertex is connected by 1, 2, 3 or 4 bond(s) among all the spanning tree configurations. They are rational numbers given as $phi_1=10957/40464$, $phi_2=6626035/13636368$, $phi_3=2943139/13636368$, $phi_4=124895/4545456$.
We study the number of connected spanning subgraphs $f_{d,b}(n)$ on the generalized Sierpinski gasket $SG_{d,b}(n)$ at stage $n$ with dimension $d$ equal to two, three and four for $b=2$, and layer $b$ equal to three and four for $d=2$. The upper and lower bounds for the asymptotic growth constant, defined as $z_{SG_{d,b}}=lim_{v to infty} ln f_{d,b}(n)/v$ where $v$ is the number of vertices, on $SG_{2,b}(n)$ with $b=2,3,4$ are derived in terms of the results at a certain stage. The numerical values of $z_{SG_{d,b}}$ are obtained.
We present the number of dimers $N_d(n)$ on the Sierpinski gasket $SG_d(n)$ at stage $n$ with dimension $d$ equal to two, three, four or five, where one of the outmost vertices is not covered when the number of vertices $v(n)$ is an odd number. The entropy of absorption of diatomic molecules per site, defined as $S_{SG_d}=lim_{n to infty} ln N_d(n)/v(n)$, is calculated to be $ln(2)/3$ exactly for $SG_2(n)$. The numbers of dimers on the generalized Sierpinski gasket $SG_{d,b}(n)$ with $d=2$ and $b=3,4,5$ are also obtained exactly. Their entropies are equal to $ln(6)/7$, $ln(28)/12$, $ln(200)/18$, respectively. The upper and lower bounds for the entropy are derived in terms of the results at a certain stage for $SG_d(n)$ with $d=3,4,5$. As the difference between these bounds converges quickly to zero as the calculated stage increases, the numerical value of $S_{SG_d}$ with $d=3,4,5$ can be evaluated with more than a hundred significant figures accurate.

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