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In the initial stage of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, strong magnetic fields appear due to the large velocity of the colliding charges. The evolution of these fields appears as a novel and intriguing feature in the fluid-dynamical description of heavy-ion collisions. In this work, we study analytically the one-dimensional, longitudinally boost-invariant motion of an ideal fluid in the presence of a transverse magnetic field. Interestingly, we find that, in the limit of ideal magnetohydrodynamics, i.e., for infinite conductivity, and irrespective of the strength of the initial magnetization, the decay of the fluid energy density $e$ with proper time $tau$ is the same as for the time-honored Bjorken flow without magnetic field. Furthermore, when the magnetic field is assumed to decay $sim tau^{-a}$, where $a$ is an arbitrary number, two classes of analytic solutions can be found depending on whether $a$ is larger or smaller than one. In summary, the analytic solutions presented here highlight that the Bjorken flow is far more general than formerly thought. These solutions can serve both to gain insight on the dynamics of heavy-ion collisions in the presence of strong magnetic fields and as testbeds for numerical codes.
Extending previous work by a number of authors, we have recently presented a new approach in which the detection of gravitational waves from merging neutron star binaries can be used to determine the equation of state of matter at nuclear density and hence the structure of neutron stars. In particular, after performing a large number of numerical-relativity simulations of binaries with nuclear equations of state, we have found that the post-merger emission is characterized by two distinct and robust spectral features. While the high-frequency peak was already shown to be associated with the oscillations of the hypermassive neutron star produced by the merger and to depend on the equation of state, we have highlighted that the low-frequency peak is related to the merger process and to the total compactness of the stars in the binary. This relation is essentially universal and provides a powerful tool to set tight constraints on the equation of state. We here provide additional information on the extensive analysis performed, illustrating the methods used, the tests considered, as well as the robustness of the results. We also discuss additional relations that can be deduced when exploring the data and how these correlate with various properties of the binary. Finally, we present a simple mechanical toy model that explains the main spectral features of the post-merger signal and can even reproduce analytically the complex waveforms emitted right after the merger.
Determining the equation of state of matter at nuclear density and hence the structure of neutron stars has been a riddle for decades. We show how the imminent detection of gravitational waves from merging neutron star binaries can be used to solve this riddle. Using a large number of accurate numerical-relativity simulations of binaries with nuclear equations of state, we find that the postmerger emission is characterized by two distinct and robust spectral features. While the high-frequency peak has already been associated with the oscillations of the hypermassive neutron star produced by the merger and depends on the equation of state, a new correlation emerges between the low-frequency peak, related to the merger process, and the total compactness of the stars in the binary. More importantly, such a correlation is essentially universal, thus providing a powerful tool to set tight constraints on the equation of state. If the mass of the binary is known from the inspiral signal, the combined use of the two frequency peaks sets four simultaneous constraints to be satisfied. Ideally, even a single detection would be sufficient to select one equation of state over the others. We test our approach with simulated data and verify it works well for all the equations of state considered.
Following previous work in vacuum spacetimes, we investigate the constraint-damping properties in the presence of matter of the recently developed traceless, conformal and covariant Z4 (CCZ4) formulation of the Einstein equations. First, we evolve an isolated neutron star with an ideal gas equation of state and subject to a constraint-violating perturbation. We compare the evolution of the constraints using the CCZ4 and Baumgarte-Shibata-Shapiro-Nakamura-Oohara-Kojima (BSSNOK) systems. Second, we study the collapse of an unstable spherical star to a black hole. Finally, we evolve binary neutron star systems over several orbits until the merger, the formation of a black hole, and up to the ringdown. We show that the CCZ4 formulation is stable in the presence of matter and that the constraint violations are one or more orders of magnitude smaller than for the BSSNOK formulation. Furthermore, by comparing the CCZ4 and the BSSNOK formulations also for neutron star binaries with large initial constraint violations, we investigate their influence on the errors on physical quantities. We also give a new, simple and robust prescription for the damping parameter that removes the instabilities found when using the fully covariant version of CCZ4 in the evolution of black holes. Overall, we find that at essentially the same computational costs the CCZ4 formulation provides solutions that are stable and with a considerably smaller violation of the Hamiltonian constraint than the BSSNOK formulation. We also find that the performance of the CCZ4 formulation is very similar to another conformal and traceless, but noncovariant formulation of the Z4 system, i.e. the Z4c formulation.
Determining the conditions under which a black hole can be produced is a long-standing and fundamental problem in general relativity. We use numerical simulations of colliding selfgravitating fluid objects to study the conditions of black-hole formation when the objects are boosted to ultrarelativistic speeds. Expanding on previous work, we show that the collision is characterized by a type-I critical behaviour, with a black hole being produced for masses above a critical value, M_c, and a partially bound object for masses below the critical one. More importantly, we show for the first time that the critical mass varies with the initial effective Lorentz factor <gamma> following a simple scaling of the type M_c ~ K <gamma>^{-1.0}, thus indicating that a black hole of infinitesimal mass is produced in the limit of a diverging Lorentz factor. Furthermore, because a scaling is present also in terms of the initial stellar compactness, we provide a condition for black-hole formation in the spirit of the hoop conjecture.
We provide additional information on our recent study of the electromagnetic emission produced during the inspiral and merger of supermassive black holes when these are immersed in a force-free plasma threaded by a uniform magnetic field. As anticipated in a recent letter, our results show that although a dual-jet structure is present, the associated luminosity is ~ 100 times smaller than the total one, which is predominantly quadrupolar. We here discuss the details of our implementation of the equations in which the force-free condition is not implemented at a discrete level, but rather obtained via a damping scheme which drives the solution to satisfy the correct condition. We show that this is important for a correct and accurate description of the current sheets that can develop in the course of the simulation. We also study in greater detail the three-dimensional charge distribution produced as a consequence of the inspiral and show that during the inspiral it possesses a complex but ordered structure which traces the motion of the two black holes. Finally, we provide quantitative estimates of the scaling of the electromagnetic emission with frequency, with the diffused part having a dependence that is the same as the gravitational-wave one and that scales as L ~ Omega^{10/3-8/3}, while the collimated one scales as L ~ Omega^{5/3-6/3}, thus with a steeper dependence than previously estimated. We discuss the impact of these results on the potential detectability of dual jets from supermassive black holes and the steps necessary for more accurate estimates.
We revisit the suggestion that dual jets can be produced during the inspiral and merger of supermassive black holes when these are immersed in a force-free plasma threaded by a uniform magnetic field. By performing independent calculations and by computing the electromagnetic emission in a way which is consistent with estimates using the Poynting flux, we show that a dual-jet structure is present but energetically subdominant with respect to a non-collimated and predominantly quadrupolar emission, which is similar to the one computed when the binary is in electrovacuum. While our findings set serious restrictions on the detectability of dual jets from coalescing binaries, they also increase the chances of detecting an EM counterpart from these systems.
In a companion paper [1], we have presented a cross-correlation approach to near-horizon physics in which bulk dynamics is probed through the correlation of quantities defined at inner and outer spacetime hypersurfaces acting as test screens. More specifically, dynamical horizons provide appropriate inner screens in a 3+1 setting and, in this context, we have shown that an effective-curvature vector measured at the common horizon produced in a head-on collision merger can be correlated with the flux of linear Bondi-momentum at null infinity. In this paper we provide a more sound geometric basis to this picture. First, we show that a rigidity property of dynamical horizons, namely foliation uniqueness, leads to a preferred class of null tetrads and Weyl scalars on these hypersurfaces. Second, we identify a heuristic horizon news-like function, depending only on the geometry of spatial sections of the horizon. Fluxes constructed from this function offer refined geometric quantities to be correlated with Bondi fluxes at infinity, as well as a contact with the discussion of quasi-local 4-momentum on dynamical horizons. Third, we highlight the importance of tracking the internal horizon dual to the apparent horizon in spatial 3-slices when integrating fluxes along the horizon. Finally, we discuss the link between the dissipation of the non-stationary part of the horizons geometry with the viscous-fluid analogy for black holes, introducing a geometric prescription for a slowness parameter in black-hole recoil dynamics.
The understanding of strong-field dynamics near black-hole horizons is a long-standing and challenging prob- lem in general relativity. Recent advances in numerical relativity and in the geometric characterization of black- hole horizons open new avenues into the problem. In this first paper in a series of two, we focus on the analysis of the recoil occurring in the merger of binary black holes, extending the analysis initiated in [1] with Robinson- Trautman spacetimes. More specifically, we probe spacetime dynamics through the correlation of quantities defined at the black-hole horizon and at null infinity. The geometry of these hypersurfaces responds to bulk gravitational fields acting as test screens in a scattering perspective of spacetime dynamics. Within a 3 + 1 approach we build an effective-curvature vector from the intrinsic geometry of dynamical-horizon sections and correlate its evolution with the flux of Bondi linear momentum at large distances. We employ this setup to study numerically the head-on collision of nonspinning black holes and demonstrate its validity to track the qualita- tive aspects of recoil dynamics at infinity. We also make contact with the suggestion that the antikick can be described in terms of a slowness parameter and how this can be computed from the local properties of the horizon. In a companion paper [2] we will further elaborate on the geometric aspects of this approach and on its relation with other approaches to characterize dynamical properties of black-hole horizons.
The stability properties of relativistic stars against gravitational collapse to black hole is a classical problem in general relativity. A sufficient criterion for secular instability was established by Friedman, Ipser and Sorkin (1988), who proved that a sequence of uniformly rotating barotropic stars is secularly unstable on one side of a turning point and then argued that a stronger result should hold: that the sequence should be stable on the opposite side, with the turning point marking the onset of secular instability. We show here that this expectation is not met. By computing in full general relativity the $F$-mode frequency for a large number of rotating stars, we show that the neutral-stability point, i.e., where the frequency becomes zero, differs from the turning point for rotating stars. Using numerical simulations we validate that the new criterion can be used to assess the dynamical stability of relativistic rotating stars.

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