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We have utilized time-domain magneto-terahertz spectroscopy to investigate the low frequency optical response of topological insulator Cu$_{0.02}$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ and Bi$_2$Se$_3$ films. With both field and frequency dependence, such experiments give sufficient information to measure the mobility and carrier density of multiple conduction channels simultaneously. We observe sharp cyclotron resonances (CRs) in both materials. The small amount of Cu incorporated into the Cu$_{0.02}$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ induces a true bulk insulator with only a textit{single} type of conduction with total sheet carrier density $sim4.9times10^{12}/$cm$^{2}$ and mobility as high as 4000 cm$^{2}/$V$cdot$s. This is consistent with conduction from two virtually identical topological surface states (TSSs) on top and bottom of the film with a chemical potential $sim$145 meV above the Dirac point and in the bulk gap. The CR broadens at high fields, an effect that we attribute to an electron-phonon interaction. This assignment is supported by an extended Drude model analysis of the zero field Drude conductance. In contrast, in normal Bi$_2$Se$_3$ films two conduction channels were observed and we developed a self-consistent analysis method to distinguish the dominant TSSs and coexisting trivial bulk/2DEG states. Our high-resolution Faraday rotation spectroscopy on Cu$_{0.02}$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ paves the way for the observation of quantized Faraday rotation under experimentally achievable conditions to push chemical potential in the lowest Landau Level.
163 - Liang Wu , Yiming Ding 2015
It is proposed a class of statistical estimators $hat H =(hat H_1, ldots, hat H_d)$ for the Hurst parameters $H=(H_1, ldots, H_d)$ of fractional Brownian field via multi-dimensional wavelet analysis and least squares, which are asymptotically normal. These estimators can be used to detect self-similarity and long-range dependence in multi-dimensional signals, which is important in texture classification and improvement of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Some fractional Brownian sheets will be simulated and the simulated data are used to validate these estimators. We find that when $H_i geq 1/2$, the estimators are efficient, and when $H_i < 1/2$, there are some bias.
Topological insulators (TIs) are newly discovered states of matter with robust metallic surface states protected by the topological properties of the bulk wavefunctions. A quantum phase transition (QPT) from a TI to a conventional insulator and a change in topological class can only occur when the bulk band gap closes. In this work, we have utilized time-domain terahertz spectroscopy (TDTS) to investigate the low frequency conductance in (Bi$_{1-x}$In$_x$)$_2$Se$_3$ as we tune through this transition by indium substitution. Above certain substitution levels we observe a collapse in the transport lifetime that indicates the destruction of the topological phase. We associate this effect with the threshold where states from opposite surfaces hybridize. The substitution level of the threshold is thickness dependent and only asymptotically approaches the bulk limit $x approx 0.06$ where a maximum in the mid-infrared absorption is exhibited. This absorption can be identified with the bulk band gap closing and a change in topological class. The correlation length associated with the QPT appears as the evanescent length of the surface states. The observation of the thickness-dependent collapse of the transport lifetime shows the unusual role that finite size effects play in this topological QPT.
The two Higgs bi-doublet left-right symmetric model (2HBDM) as a simple extension of the minimal left-right symmetric model with a single Higgs bi-doublet is motivated to realize both spontaneous P and CP violation while consistent with the low energy phenomenology without significant fine tuning. By carefully investigating the Higgs potential of the model, we find that sizable CP-violating phases are allowed after the spontaneous symmetry breaking. The mass spectra of the extra scalars in the 2HBDM are significantly different from the ones in the minimal left-right symmetric model. In particular, we demonstrate in the decoupling limit when the right-handed gauge symmetry breaking scale is much higher than the electroweak scale, the 2HBDM decouples into general two Higgs doublet model (2HDM) with spontaneous CP violation and has rich induced sources of CP violation. We show that in the decoupling limit, it contains extra light Higgs bosons with masses around electroweak scale, which can be directly searched at the ongoing LHC and future ILC experiments.
We propose a dark matter (DM) scenario in an extension of a left-right symmetric model with a gauge-singlet scalar field. The gauge-singlet scalar can automatically become a DM candidate, provided that both P and CP symmetries are only broken spontaneously. Thus no extra discrete symmetries are needed to make the DM candidate stable. After constraining the model parameters from the observed relic DM density we make predictions for direct detection experiments. We show that for some parameter range, the predicted WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering cross section can reach the current experimental upper bound, which can be tested by the experiments in the near future.
139 - Yue-Liang Wu 2008
A left-right symmetric model with two Higgs bi-doublet is shown to be a consistent model for both spontaneous P and CP violation. The flavor changing neutral currents can be suppressed by the mechanism of approximate global U(1) family symmetry. We calculate the constraints from neural $K$ meson mass difference $Delta m_K$ and demonstrate that a right-handed gauge boson $W_2$ contribution in box-diagrams with mass well below 1 TeV is allowed due to a cancellation caused by a light charged Higgs boson with a mass range $150 sim 300$ GeV. The $W_2$ contribution to $epsilon_K$ can be suppressed from appropriate choice of additional CP phases appearing in the right-handed Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. The model is also found to be fully consistent with $B^0$ mass difference $Delta m_B$, and the mixing-induced CP violation quantity $sin2beta_{J/psi}$, which is usually difficult for the model with only one Higgs bi-doublet. The new physics beyond the standard model can be directly searched at the colliders LHC and ILC.
The charmless bottom meson decays are systematically investigated based on an approximate six quark operator effective Hamiltonian from perturbative QCD. It is shown that within this framework the naive QCD factorization method provides a simple way to evaluate the hadronic matrix elements of two body mesonic decays. The singularities caused by on mass-shell quark propagator and gluon exchanging interaction are appropriately treated. Such a simple framework allows us to make theoretical predictions for the decay amplitudes with reasonable input parameters. The resulting theoretical predictions for all the branching ratios and CP asymmetries in the charmless $B^0, B^+, B_sto pipi, pi K, KK$ decays are found to be consistent with the current experimental data except for a few decay modes. The observed large branching ratio in $Bto pi^0pi^0$ decay remains a puzzle though the predicted branching ratio may be significantly improved by considering the large vertex corrections in the effective Wilson coefficients. More precise measurements of charmless bottom meson decays, especially on CP-violations in $Bto K K$ and $B_sto pipi, pi K, KK$ decay modes, will provide a useful test and guide us to a better understanding on perturbative and nonperturbative QCD.
In the framework of Left-Right symmetric model, we investigate an interesting scenario, in which the so-called VEV seesaw problem can be naturally solved with Z_2 symmetry. In such a scenario, we find a pair of stable weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which may be the cold dark matter candidates. However, the WIMP-nucleon cross section is 3-5 orders of magnitude above the present upper bounds from the direct dark matter detection experiments for $m sim 10^2-10^4 $ GeV. As a result, the relic number density of two stable particles has to be strongly suppressed to a very small level. Nevertheless, our analysis shows that this scenario cant provide very large annihilation cross sections so as to give the desired relic abundance except for the resonance case. Only for the case if the rotation curves of disk galaxies are explained by the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), the stable WIMPs could be as the candidates of cold dark matter.
92 - Yu Shi , Yue-Liang Wu 2008
Quantum teleportation using neutral pseudoscalar mesons shows novel connections between particle physics and quantum information. The projection basis, which is crucial in the teleportation process, is determined by the conservation laws of particle physics, and is different from the Bell basis, as in the usual case. Here we show that one can verify the teleportation process by CP measurement. This method significantly simplifies the high energy quantum teleportation protocol. Especially, it is rigorous, and is independent of whether CP is violated in weak decays. This method can also be applied to general verification of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations in particle physics.
Using the general factorization approach, we present a detailed investigation for the branching ratios, CP asymmetries and longitudinal polarization fractions in all charmless hadronic $B to VV$ decays (except for the pure annihilation processes) within the most general two-Higgs-doublet model with spontaneous CP violation. It is seen that such a new physics model only has very small contributions to the branching ratios and longitudinal polarization fractions. However, as the model has rich CP-violating sources, it can lead to significant effects on the CP asymmetries, especially on those of penguin-dominated decay modes, which provides good signals for probing new physics beyond the SM in the future B-physics experiments.

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