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46 - Jing Lu , Lan Zhou , Le-Man Kuang 2009
We study the nonlinear dynamics of collective excitation in a $N$-site $XXZ$ quantum spin chain, which is manipulated by an oblique magnetic field. We show that, when the tilted field is applied along the magic angle $theta_{0} =pmarccos sqrt{1/3}$, the anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain becomes isotropic and thus an free propagating spin wave is stimulated. And in the regime of the tilted angle larger and smaller then the magic angle, two types of nonlinear excitations appear, which are bright soliton and dark soliton.
94 - Yu Guo , Lan Zhou , Le-Man Kuang 2008
We study the birefringence of the quantized polarized light in a magneto-optically manipulated atomic ensemble as a generalized Stern-Gerlach Effect of light. To explain this engineered birefringence microscopically, we derive an effective Shrodinger equation for the spatial motion of two orthogonally polarized components, which behave as a spin with an effective magnetic moment leading to a Stern-Gerlach split in an nonuniform magnetic field. We show that electromagnetic induced transparency (EIT) mechanism can enhance the magneto-optical Stern-Gerlach effect of light in the presence of a control field with a transverse spatial profile and a inhomogeneous magnetic field.
148 - Jing Lu , Lan Zhou , Le-Man Kuang 2008
In recent experiments[e.g., Nature Physics 2, 332 (2006)], the enhanced light deflection in an atomic ensemble due to inhomogeneous fields is demonstrated by the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) based mechanism. In this paper, we explore an different mechanism for the similar phenomenon of the enhanced light deflection. This mechanism is based on the coherent population oscillation, which leads to the hole burning in the absorption spectrum. The medium causing the deflection of probe light is an ensemble of two-level atoms manipulated by a strong controlled field on the two photon resonances. In the large detuning condition, the response of the medium to the pump field and signal field is obtained with steady state approximation. And it is found that after the probe field travels across the medium, the signal ray bends due to the spatial-dependent profile of the control beam.

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