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A satellite galaxy or dark matter subhalo that passes through a stellar disk may excite coherent oscillations in the disk perpendicular to its plane. We determine the properties of these modes for various self-gravitating plane symmetric systems (Spitzer sheets) using the matrix method of Kalnajs. In particular, we find an infinite series of modes for the case of a barotropic fluid. In general, for a collisionless system, there is a double series of modes, which include normal modes and/or Landau-damped oscillations depending on the phase space distribution function of the stars. Even Landau-damped oscillations may decay slowly enough to persist for several hundred Myr. We discuss the implications of these results for the recently discovered vertical perturbations in the kinematics of solar neighborhood stars and for broader questions surrounding secular phenomena such as spiral structure in disk galaxies.
We explore the hypothesis that a passing satellite or dark matter subhalo has excited coherent oscillations of the Milky Ways stellar disk in the direction perpendicular to the Galactic midplane. This work is motivated by recent observations of spatially dependent bulk vertical motions within ~ kpc of the Sun. A satellite can transfer a fraction of its orbital energy to the disk stars as it plunges through the Galactic midplane thereby heating and thickening the disk. Bulk motions arise during the early stages of such an event when the disk is still in an unrelaxed state. We present simple toy-model calculations and simulations of disk-satellite interactions, which show that the response of the disk depends on the relative velocity of the satellite. When the component of the satellites velocity perpendicular to the disk is small compared with that of the stars, the perturbation is predominantly a bending mode. Conversely, breathing and higher order modes are excited when the vertical velocity of the satellite is larger than that of the stars. We argue that the compression and rarefaction motions seen in three different surveys are in fact breathing mode perturbations of the Galactic disk.
We present evidence for a Galactic North-South asymmetry in the number density and bulk velocity of solar neighborhood stars. The number density profile, which is derived from main-sequence stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, shows a (North - South)/(North + South) deficit at |z| ~ 400 pc and an excess at |z| ~ 800 pc. The bulk velocity profile, which is derived from the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration, shows a gradual trend across the Galactic midplane as well as smaller-scale features. We speculate that the North-South asymmetry, which has the appearance of a wavelike perturbation, is intrinsic to the disk. We explore the physics of this phenomenon through an analysis of the linearized Boltzmann and Poisson equations and through one-dimensional simulations. The perturbation may be excited by the passage of a satellite galaxy or dark matter subhalo through the Galactic disk, in which case we are witnessing a recent disk-heating event.
The first objects to arise in a cold dark matter universe present a daunting challenge for models of structure formation. In the ultra small-scale limit, CDM structures form nearly simultaneously across a wide range of scales. Hierarchical clustering no longer provides a guiding principle for theoretical analyses and the computation time required to carry out credible simulations becomes prohibitively high. To gain insight into this problem, we perform high-resolution (N=720^3 - 1584^3) simulations of an Einstein-de Sitter cosmology where the initial power spectrum is P(k) propto k^n, with -2.5 < n < -1. Self-similar scaling is established for n=-1 and n=-2 more convincingly than in previous, lower-resolution simulations and for the first time, self-similar scaling is established for an n=-2.25 simulation. However, finite box-size effects induce departures from self-similar scaling in our n=-2.5 simulation. We compare our results with the predictions for the power spectrum from (one-loop) perturbation theory and demonstrate that the renormalization group approach suggested by McDonald improves perturbation theorys ability to predict the power spectrum in the quasilinear regime. In the nonlinear regime, our power spectra differ significantly from the widely used fitting formulae of Peacock & Dodds and Smith et al. and a new fitting formula is presented. Implications of our results for the stable clustering hypothesis vs. halo model debate are discussed. Our power spectra are inconsistent with predictions of the stable clustering hypothesis in the high-k limit and lend credence to the halo model. Nevertheless, the fitting formula advocated in this paper is purely empirical and not derived from a specific formulation of the halo model.
175 - Lawrence M. Widrow 2008
We construct self-consistent dynamical models for disk galaxies with triaxial, cuspy halos. We begin with an equilibrium, axisymmetric, disk-bulge-halo system and apply an artificial acceleration to the halo particles. By design, this acceleration conserves energy and thereby preserving the systems differential energy distribution even as its phase space distribution function is altered. The halo becomes triaxial but its spherically-averaged density profile remains largely unchanged. The final system is in equilibrium, to a very good approximation, so long as the halos shape changes adiabatically. The disk and bulge are ``live while the halo is being deformed; they respond to the changing gravitational potential but also influence the deformation of the halo. We test the hypothesis that halo triaxiality can explain the rotation curves of low surface brightness galaxies by modelling the galaxy F568-3.
We present an axisymmetric, equilibrium model for late-type galaxies which consists of an exponential disk, a Sersic bulge, and a cuspy dark halo. The model is specified by a phase space distribution function which, in turn, depends on the integrals of motion. Bayesian statistics and the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method are used to tailor the model to satisfy observational data and theoretical constraints. By way of example, we construct a chain of 10^5 models for the Milky Way designed to fit a wide range of photometric and kinematic observations. From this chain, we calculate the probability distribution function of important Galactic parameters such as the Sersic index of the bulge, the disk scale length, and the disk, bulge, and halo masses. We also calculate the probability distribution function of the local dark matter velocity dispersion and density, two quantities of paramount significance for terrestrial dark matter detection experiments. Though the Milky Way models in our chain all satisfy the prescribed observational constraints, they vary considerably in key structural parameters and therefore respond differently to non-axisymmetric perturbations. We simulate the evolution of twenty-five models which have different Toomre Q and Goldreich-Tremaine X parameters. Virtually all of these models form a bar, though some, more quickly than others. The bar pattern speeds are ~ 40 - 50 km/s/kpc at the time when they form and then decrease, presumably due to coupling of the bar with the halo. Since the Galactic bar has a pattern speed ~50 km/s/kpc we conclude that it must have formed recently.

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