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We investigate the physical and morphological properties of LBGs at z ~2.5 to ~3.5, to determine if and how they depend on the nature and strength of the Lyalpha emission. We selected U-dropout galaxies from the z-detected GOODS MUSIC catalog, by adapting the classical Lyman Break criteria on the GOODS filter set. We kept only those galaxies with spectroscopic confirmation, mainly from VIMOS and FORS public observations. Using the full multi-wavelength 14-bands photometry, we determined the physical properties of the galaxies, through a standard spectral energy distribution fitting with the updated Charlot & Bruzual (2009) templates. We also added other relevant observations, i.e. the 24mu m observations from Spitzer/MIPS and the 2 MSec Chandra X-ray observations. Finally, using non parametric diagnostics (Gini, Concentration, Asymmetry, M_20 and ellipticity), we characterized the rest-frame UV morphology of the galaxies. We then analyzed how these physical and morphological properties correlate with the presence of the Lyalpha line in the optical spectra. We find that, unlike at higher redshift, the dependence of physical properties on the Lyalpha line is milder: galaxies without Lyalpha in emission tend to be more massive and dustier than the rest of the sample, but all other parameters, ages, SFRs, X-ray emission as well as UV morphology do not depend strongly on the presence of the line emission. A simple scenario where all LBGs have intrinsically high Lyalpha emission, but where dust and neutral hydrogen content (which shape the final appearance of the Lyalpha) depend on the mass of the galaxies, is able to reproduce the majority of the observed properties at z~3. Some modification might be needed to account for the observed evolution of these properties with cosmic epoch, which is also discussed.
We have analyzed a sample of LBGs from z =3.5 to z=6 selected from the GOODS-S field as B,V and i-dropouts, and with spectroscopic observations showing that they have the Lyalpha line in emission. Our main aim is to investigate their physical properties and their dependence on the emission line characteristics, to shed light on the relation between galaxies with Lyalpha emission and the general LBG population.The objects were selected from their continuum colors and then spectroscopically confirmed by the GOODS collaboration and other campaigns. From the spectra we derived the line flux and EW. We then used U-band to mid-IR photometry from GOODS-MUSIC to derive the physical properties of the galaxies, such as total stellar mass, age and so on, through standard SED fitting techniques.Although most galaxies are fit by young stellar populations, a small but non negligible fraction has SEDs that require considerably older stellar component, up to 1 Gyr. There is no apparent relation between age and EW: some of the oldest galaxies have large EW, and should be also selected in narrow band surveys. Therefore not all Lyalpha emitters are primeval galaxies in the very early stages of formation,as is commonly assumed. We also find a large range of stellar populations, with masses from 5x10^8 Msol to 5x10^10 Msol and SFR from few to 60 Msol/yr. Although there is no correlation between mass and EW, we find a significant lack of massive galaxies with high EW, which could be explained if the most massive galaxies were more dusty and/or contained more neutral gas than less massive objects. Finally we find that more than half of the galaxies contain small but non negligible amounts of dust: the mean E(B-V) and the EW are well correlated, although with a large scatter, as already found at lower redshift

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