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132 - C.F. Manara , L. Testi (2 , 3 2015
We present new VLT/X-Shooter optical and NIR spectra of a sample of 17 candidate young low-mass stars and BDs in the rho-Ophiucus cluster. We derived SpT and Av for all the targets, and then we determined their physical parameters. All the objects but one have M*<0.6 Msun, and 8 have mass below or close to the hydrogen-burning limit. Using the intensity of various emission lines present in their spectra, we determined the Lacc and Macc for all the objects. When compared with previous works targeting the same sample, we find that, in general, these objects are not as strongly accreting as previously reported, and we suggest that the reason is our more accurate estimate of the photospheric parameters. We also compare our findings with recent works in other slightly older star-forming regions to investigate possible differences in the accretion properties, but we find that the accretion properties for our targets have the same dependence on the stellar and substellar parameters as in the other regions. This leads us to conclude that we do not find evidence for a different dependence of Macc with M* when comparing low-mass stars and BDs. Moreover, we find a similar small (1 dex) scatter in the Macc-M* relation as in some of our recent works in other star-forming regions, and no significant differences in Macc due to different ages or properties of the regions. The latter result suffers, however, from low statistics and sample selection biases in the current studies. The small scatter in the Macc-M* correlation confirms that Macc in the literature based on uncertain photospheric parameters and single accretion indicators, such as the Ha width, can lead to a scatter that is unphysically large. Our studies show that only broadband spectroscopic surveys coupled with a detailed analysis of the photospheric and accretion properties allows us to properly study the evolution of disk accretion rates.
373 - C.F. Manara , L. Testi (1 , 2 2014
Transitional disks (TDs) are thought to be a late evolutionary stage of protoplanetary disks with dust depleted inner regions. The mechanism responsible for this depletion is still under debate. To constrain the models it is mandatory to have a good understanding of the properties of the gas content of the inner disk. Using X-Shooter broad band -UV to NIR- medium resolution spectroscopy we derive the stellar, accretion, and wind properties of a sample of 22 TDs. The analysis of these properties allows us to put strong constraints on the gas content in a region very close to the star (<0.2 AU) which is not accessible with any other observational technique. We fit the spectra with a self-consistent procedure to derive simultaneously SpT,Av,and mass accretion rates (Macc) of the targets. From forbidden emission lines we derive the wind properties of the targets. Comparing our findings to values for cTTs, we find that Macc and wind properties of 80% of the TDs in our sample, which is strongly biased towards strongly accreting objects, are comparable to those of cTTs. Thus, there are (at least) some TDs with Macc compatible with those of cTTs, irrespective of the size of the dust inner hole.Only in 2 cases Macc are much lower, while the wind properties are similar. We do not see any strong trend of Macc with the size of the dust depleted cavity, nor with the presence of a dusty optically thick disk close to the star. In the TDs in our sample there is a gas rich inner disk with density similar to that of cTTs disks. At least for some TDs, the process responsible of the inner disk clearing should allow for a transfer of gas from the outer disk to the inner region. This should proceed at a rate that does not depend on the physical mechanism producing the gap seen in the dust emission and results in a gas density in the inner disk similar to that of unperturbed disks around stars of similar mass.
147 - L.K. Hunt , L. Testi , V. Casasola 2013
We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Cycle 0 Band 7 observations of an extremely metal-poor dwarf starburst galaxy in the Local Universe, SBS0335-052 (12+log(O/H)~7.2). With these observations, dust is detected at 870micron (ALMA Band 7), but 87% of the flux in this band is due to free-free emission from the starburst. We have compiled a spectral energy distribution (SED) of SBS0335-052 that spans almost 6 orders of magnitude in wavelength and fit it with a spherical dust shell heated by a single-age stellar population; the best-fit model gives a dust mass of (3.8+/-0.6)x10^4 Msun. We have also constructed a SED including Herschel archival data for IZw18, another low-metallicity dwarf starburst (12+log(O/H)=7.17), and fit it with a similar model to obtain a dust mass of (3.4+/-1.0)x10^2 Msun. Compared with their atomic gas mass, the dust mass of SBS0335-052 far exceeds the prediction of a linear trend of dust-to-gas mass ratio with metallicity, while IZw18 falls far below. We use gas scaling relations to assess a putative missing gas component in both galaxies and find that the missing, possibly molecular, gas in SBS0335-052 is a factor of 6 times higher than the value inferred from the observed HI column density; in IZw18 the missing component is 4 times smaller. Ultimately, despite their similarly low metallicity, the differences in gas and dust column densities in SBS0335-052 and IZw18 suggest that metal abundance does not uniquely define star-formation processes. At some level, self-shielding and the survival of molecules may depend just as much on gas and dust column density as on metallicity. The effects of low metallicity may at least be partially compensated for by large column densities in the interstellar medium.
Galactic chemical evolution (GCE) is important for understanding the composition of the present-day interstellar medium (ISM) and of our solar system. In this paper, we aim to track the GCE by using the 29Si/30Si ratios in evolved stars and tentatively relate this to presolar grain composition. We used the APEX telescope to detect thermal SiO isotopologue emission toward four oxygen-rich M-type stars. Together with the data retrieved from the Herschel science archive and from the literature, we were able to obtain the 29Si/30Si ratios for a total of 15 evolved stars inferred from their optically thin 29SiO and 30SiO emission. These stars cover a range of masses and ages, and because they do not significantly alter 29Si/30Si during their lifetimes, they provide excellent probes of the ISM metallicity (or 29Si/30Si ratio) as a function of time. The 29Si/30Si ratios inferred from the thermal SiO emission tend to be lower toward low-mass oxygen-rich stars (e.g., down to about unity for W Hya), and close to an interstellar or solar value of 1.5 for the higher-mass carbon star IRC+10216 and two red supergiants. There is a tentative correlation between the 29Si/30Si ratios and the mass-loss rates of evolved stars, where we take the mass-loss rate as a proxy for the initial stellar mass or current stellar age. This is consistent with the different abundance ratios found in presolar grains. We found that older objects (up to possibly 10 Gyr old) in our sample trace a previous, lower 29Si/30Si value of about 1. Material with this isotopic ratio is present in two subclasses of presolar grains, providing independent evidence of the lower ratio. Therefore, the 29Si/30Si ratio derived from the SiO emission of evolved stars is a useful diagnostic tool for the study of the GCE and presolar grains.
116 - C.F. Manara 2013
Context. The lack of knowledge of photospheric parameters and the level of chromospheric activity in young low-mass pre-main sequence stars introduces uncertainties when measuring mass accretion rates in accreting (Class II) Young Stellar Objects. A detailed investigation of the effect of chromospheric emission on the estimates of mass accretion rate in young low-mass stars is still missing. This can be undertaken using samples of young diskless (Class III) K and M-type stars. Aims. Our goal is to measure the chromospheric activity of Class III pre main sequence stars to determine its effect on the estimates of accretion luminosity (Lacc) and mass accretion rate (Macc) in young stellar objects with disks. Methods. Using VLT/X-Shooter spectra we have analyzed a sample of 24 non-accreting young stellar objects of spectral type between K5 and M9.5. We identify the main emission lines normally used as tracers of accretion in Class II objects, and we determine their fluxes in order to estimate the contribution of the chromospheric activity to the line luminosity. Results. We have used the relationships between line luminosity and accretion luminosity derived in the literature for Class II objects to evaluate the impact of chromospheric activity on the accretion rate measurements. We find that the typical chromospheric activity would bias the derived accretion luminosity by Lacc,noise< 10-3Lsun, with a strong dependence with the Teff of the objects. The noise on Macc depends on stellar mass and age, and the typical values of log(Macc,noise) range between -9.2 to -11.6Msun/yr. Conclusions. Values of Lacc< 10-3Lsun obtained in accreting low-mass pre main sequence stars through line luminosity should be treated with caution as the line emission may be dominated by the contribution of chromospheric activity.
(Context) Many physical parameters change with time in star forming regions. Here we attempt to correlate changes in infall and outflow motions in high mass star forming regions with evolutionary stage using JCMT observations. (Aims) From a sample of 45 high mass star forming regions in three phases of evolution, we investigate the presence of established infall and outflow tracers to determine whether there are any trends attributable to the age of the source. (Methods) We obtained JCMT observations of HCO+/H13CO+ J=4-3 to trace large scale infall, and SiO J=8-7 to trace recent outflow activity. We compare the infall and outflow detections to the evolutionary stage of the host source (high mass protostellar objects, hypercompact HII regions and ultracompact HII regions). We also note that the integrated intensity of SiO varies with the full width at half maximum of the H13CO+. (Results) We find a surprising lack of SiO detections in the middle stage (Hypercompact HII regions), which may be due to an observational bias. When SiO is detected, we find that the integrated intensity of the line increases with evolutionary stage. We also note that all of the sources with infall signatures onto Ultracompact HII regions have corresponding outflow signatures as well.
143 - A. Banzatti , L. Testi , A. Isella 2010
Grain growth in circumstellar disks is expected to be the first step towards the formation of planetary systems. There is now evidence for grain growth in several disks around young stars. Radially resolved images of grain growth in circumstellar disks are believed to be a powerful tool to constrain the dust evolution models and the initial stage for the formation of planets. In this paper we attempt to provide these constraints for the disk surrounding the young star CQ Tau. This system was already suggested from previous studies to host a population of grains grown to large sizes. We present new high angular resolution (0.3-0.9 arcsec) observations at wavelengths from 850um to 3.6cm obtained at the SMA, IRAM-PdBI and NRAO-VLA interferometers. We perform a combined analysis of the spectral energy distribution and of the high-resolution images at different wavelengths using a model to describe the dust thermal emission from the circumstellar disk. We include a prescription for the gas emission from the inner regions of the system. We detect the presence of evolved dust by constraining the disk averaged dust opacity coefficient beta (computed between 1.3 and 7mm) to be 0.6+/-0.1. This confirms the earlier suggestions that the disk contains dust grains grown to significant sizes and puts this on firmer grounds by tightly constraining the gas contamination to the observed fluxes at mm-cm wavelengths. We report some evidence of radial variations in dust properties, but current resolution and sensitivity are still too low for definitive results.
In this paper we present simulated observations of massive self-gravitating circumstellar discs using the Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array (ALMA). Using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics model of a $0.2M_{odot}$ disc orbiting a $1M_{odot}$ protostar, with a cooling model appropriate for discs at temperatures below $sim 160$K and representative dust opacities, we have constructed maps of the expected emission at sub-mm wavelengths. We have then used the CASA ALMA simulator to generate simulated images and visibilities with various array configurations and observation frequencies, taking into account the expected thermal noise and atmospheric opacities. We find that at 345 GHz (870 $mu$m) spiral structures at a resolution of a few AU should be readily detectable in approximately face-on discs out to distances of the Taurus-Auriga star-forming complex.
The rate of star formation both in the Galaxy and in external galaxies should be related to the physical properties of the molecular clouds from which stars form. This is expected for the starbursts found both in irregular galaxies and in some mergers. The dwarf galaxy Henize 2-10 is particularly interesting in this context as it shows a number of newly formed Super Star Clusters (SSCs) associated with a very rich molecular environment. We present a high angular resolution study of the molecular gas associated with the SSCs with the aim of deriving the physical properties of the parent molecular clouds. The final goal is to test the expectation that the formation of SSCs requires exceptionally dense and massive clouds. We have used the Submillimeter Array with an angular resolution of 1.9 X 1.3 to map the J=2-1 transition of CO in Henize 2-10. Supplementary measurements of HCN(J=1-0), 13CO(J=2-1) and millimeter continuum were obtained with the APEX, IRAM-30m and SEST single dish telescopes. Our single dish observations confirm the association of the newly formed SSCs in Henize 2-10 with dense molecular gas. Our interferometric observations resolve the CO(2-1) emission in several giant molecular clouds. Overall the molecular gas accounts for approximately half of the mass in the central regions of Henize 2-10. Although we find indications that the molecular clouds associated with the formation of SSCs in Henize 2-10 are massive and dense, the tracer we used (CO) and the linear resolution of our observations (60 X 80 pc) are still not adequate to test the expectation that exceptionally dense and massive cores are required for SSCs formation.

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