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The Berry phase (BP) in a quantized light field demonstrated more than a decade ago (Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 220404) has attracted considerable attentions, since it plays an important role in the cavity quantum electrodynamics. However, it is argued in a recent paper ( Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 033601) that such a BP is just due to the rotating wave approximation (RWA) and the relevant BP should vanish beyond this approximation. Based on a consistent analysis we conclude in this letter that the BP in a generic Rabi model actually exists, no matter whether the RWA is applied. The existence of BP is also generalized to a three-level atom in the quantized cavity field.
We propose an approach to nondestructively detect $N$ qubits by measuring the transmissions of a dispersively-coupled cavity. By taking into account all the cavity-qubits quantum correlations (i.e., beyond the usual coarse-grained/mean-field approximations), it is revealed that for an unknown normalized $N$-qubit state $|psi_N>=sum_{k=0}^{2^N-1}beta_k|k>_N$, each detected peak in the cavity transmitted spectra marks one of the basis states $|k>_N$ and the relative height of such a peak is related to the corresponding superposed-probability $|beta_k|^2$. Our results are able to unambiguously account for the intriguing multi-peak structures of the spectra observed in a very recent circuit-quantum-electrodynamics experiment [Phys. Rev. A {bf 81}, 062325 (2010)] with two superconducting qubits.
We propose an experimental approach to {it macro}scopically test the Kochen-Specker theorem (KST) with superconducting qubits. This theorem, which has been experimentally tested with single photons or neutrons, concerns the conflict between the contextuality of quantum mechnaics (QM) and the noncontextuality of hidden-variable theories (HVTs). We first show that two Josephson charge qubits can be controllably coupled by using a two-level data bus produced by a Josephson phase qubit. Next, by introducing an approach to perform the expected joint quantum measurements of two separated Josephson qubits, we show that the proposed quantum circuits could demonstrate quantum contextuality by testing the KST at a macroscopic level.

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