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We report on the deepest X-ray observation of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 335 in the low-flux state obtained with Suzaku. The data are compared to a 2006 high-flux Suzaku observation when the source was ~10-times brighter. Describing the two flux levels self-consistently with partial covering models would require extreme circumstances, as the source would be subject to negligible absorption during the bright state and ninety-five per cent covering with near Compton-thick material when dim. Blurred reflection from an accretion disc around a nearly maximum spinning black hole (a>0.91, with preference for a spin parameter as high as ~ 0.995) appears more likely and is consistent with the long-term and rapid variability. Measurements of the emissivity profile and spectral modelling indicate the high-flux Suzaku observation of Mrk 335 is consistent with continuum-dominated, jet-like emission (i.e. beamed away from the disc). It can be argued that the ejecta must be confined to within ~25 rg if it does not escape the system. During the low-flux state the corona becomes compact and only extends to about 5 rg from the black hole, and the spectrum becomes reflection-dominated. The low-frequency lags measured at both epochs are comparable indicating that the accretion mechanism is not changing between the two flux levels. Various techniques to study the spectral variability (e.g. principal component analysis, fractional variability, difference spectra, and hardness ratio analysis) indicate that the low-state variability is dominated by changes in the power law flux and photon index, but that changes in the ionisation state of the reflector are also required. Most notably, the ionisation parameter becomes inversely correlated with the reflected flux after a long-duration flare-like event during the observation.
677 - L. C. Gallo 2013
In some radio-quiet active galaxies (AGN), high-energy absorption features in the x-ray spectra have been interpreted as Ultrafast Outflows (UFOs) -- highly ionised material (e.g. Fe XXV and Fe XXVI) ejected at mildly relativistic velocities. In some cases, these outflows can carry energy in excess of the binding energy of the host galaxy. Needless to say, these features demand our attention as they are strong signatures of AGN feedback and will influence galaxy evolution. For the same reason, alternative models need to be discussed and refuted or confirmed. Gallo & Fabian proposed that some of these features could arise from resonance absorption of the reflected spectrum in a layer of ionised material located above and corotating with the accretion disc. Therefore, the absorbing medium would be subjected to similar blurring effects as seen in the disc. A priori, the existence of such plasma above the disc is as plausible as a fast wind. In this work, we highlight the ambiguity by demonstrating that the absorption model can describe the ~7.6 keV absorption feature (and possibly other features) in the quasar PG 1211+143, an AGN that is often described as a classic example of an UFO. In this model, the 2-10 keV spectrum would be largely reflection dominated (as opposed to power law dominated in the wind models) and the resonance absorption would be originating in a layer between about 6 and 60 gravitational radii. The studies of such features constitutes a cornerstone for future X-ray observatories like Astro-H and Athena+. Should our model prove correct, or at least important in some cases, then absorption will provide another diagnostic tool with which to probe the inner accretion flow with future missions.
260 - L. C. Gallo 2013
1ES 1927+654 is an active galactic nucleus (AGN) that appears to defy the unification model. It exhibits a type-2 optical spectrum, but possesses little X-ray obscuration. XMM-Newton and Suzaku observations obtained in 2011 are used to study the X-ray properties of 1ES 1927+654. The spectral energy distribution derived from simultaneous optical-to-X-ray data obtained with XMM-Newton shows the AGN has a typical Eddington ratio (L/L_Edd = 0.014-0.11). The X-ray spectrum and rapid variability are consistent with originating from a corona surrounding a standard accretion disc. Partial covering models can describe the x-ray data; however, the narrow Fe Ka emission line predicted from standard photoelectric absorption is not detected. Ionized partial covering also favours a high-velocity outflow (v ~ 0.3c), which requires the kinetic luminosity of the wind to be >30 per cent of the bolometric luminosity of the AGN. Such values are not unusual, but for 1ES 1927+654 it requires the wind is launched very close to the black hole (~ 10 Rg). Blurred reflection models also work well at describing the spectral and timing properties of 1ES 1927+654 if the AGN is viewed nearly edge-on, implying that an inner accretion disc must be present. The high inclination is intriguing as it suggests 1ES 1927+654 could be orientated like a Seyfert 2, in agreement with its optical classification, but viewed through a tenuous torus.
51 - L. C. Gallo 2011
Narrow absorption lines seen in the 2-10 keV spectra of active galaxies and Galactic black holes are normally attributed to iron in high velocity outflows or inflows. We consider the possibility that such features could arise naturally in the accretion disc. Resonant absorption by highly ionised iron (e.g. Fe XXVI and Fe XXV) in an optically-thin plasma that is located above the disc and rotating with it could reproduce narrow features in the reflection component of the spectrum as it emerges from the disc. Depending on the inclination of the disc and the exact geometry of the hot plasma (e.g. does it blanket the disc or a ring) apparently narrow absorption features could be detected between 4-10 keV. Such an explanation requires no high velocity outflow/inflow and is consistent with a reflection-based interpretation for accreting black holes systems.
299 - L. C. Gallo 2010
In March 2009 the well-studied quasar, PG 0844+349, was discovered with Swift to be in an X-ray weak state. A follow-up XMM-Newton observation several weeks later generated a good quality spectrum of the source, showing substantial curvature and spectral hardening. In combination with archival data at two previous epochs when the source was in a bright state, we examine the long-term spectral and timing properties of PG 0844+349 spanning nearly ten years and a factor of ten in brightness. Partial covering and blurred reflection models are compared to the data at each flux state while attempting to maintain consistency between the various epochs. In terms of the blurred reflection model, PG 0844+349 is in a reflection dominated state during the 2009 X-ray weak observations, which can be understood in terms of light bending. Moreover, the light bending scenario can also account for the short-term (i.e. ~1000s) spectral variability in the source. Other models cannot be decisively ruled out, but we note distinguishing features of the models that can be explored for in higher signal-to-noise data from current and future observatories.
61 - L. C. Gallo 2010
Multi-epoch X-ray spectroscopy (0.3-25 keV) of the Seyfert 1.2 galaxy Mrk 79 (UGC 3973) spanning nearly eight years and a factor of three in broadband flux are analysed. The data are obtained at seven epochs with either XMM-Newton or Suzaku. Comparison with contemporaneous RXTE monitoring indicate that all flux states of Mrk 79 are represented by the data. The spectra are fitted in a self-consistent manner adopting a power law and ionised reflection to describe the broadband continuum. Modification of the spectra by a distant photoionised medium, seen predominantly in emission, are also included. Under the assumption that the inner disk is at the innermost stable circular orbit, our blurred reflection models give a spin of a = 0.7+/-0.1. The reflection component in each spectrum is weaker than predicted by simple reflection models. If the illuminating X-ray emission is produced by flares above the disk that move at mildly relativistic velocities, however, diminished reflection is expected. Light bending due to strong gravity near black holes can influence how the illuminating and reflected flux are observed; variations in Mrk 79 do not suggest that light bending is important in this source.

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