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340 - L. Amati , J. Braga , F. Frontera 2014
We describe the GRB and All-sky Monitor Experiment (GAME) mission submitted by a large international collaboration (Italy, Germany, Czech Repubblic, Slovenia, Brazil) in response to the 2012 ESA call for a small mission opportunity for a launch in 2017 and presently under further investigation for subsequent opportunities. The general scientific objective is to perform measurements of key importance for GRB science and to provide the wide astrophysical community of an advanced X-ray all-sky monitoring system. The proposed payload was based on silicon drift detectors (~1-50 keV), CdZnTe (CZT) detectors (~15-200 keV) and crystal scintillators in phoswich (NaI/CsI) configuration (~20 keV-20 MeV), three well established technologies, for a total weight of ~250 kg and a required power of ~240 W. Such instrumentation allows a unique, unprecedented and very powerful combination of large field of view (3-4 sr), a broad energy energy band extending from ~1 keV up to ~20 MeV, an energy resolution as good as ~300 eV in the 1-30 keV energy range, a source location accuracy of ~1 arcmin. The mission profile included a launch (e.g., by Vega) into a low Earth orbit, a baseline sky scanning mode plus pointed observations of regions of particular interest, data transmission to ground via X-band (4.8 Gb/orbit, Alcantara and Malindi ground stations), and prompt transmission of GRB / transient triggers.
198 - L. Amati 2013
Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful cosmic explosions since the Big Bang, and thus act as signposts throughout the distant Universe. Over the last 2 decades, these ultra-luminous cosmological explosions have been transformed from a mere curiosity to essential tools for the study of high-redshift stars and galaxies, early structure formation and the evolution of chemical elements. In the future, GRBs will likely provide a powerful probe of the epoch of reionisation of the Universe, constrain the properties of the first generation of stars, and play an important role in the revolution of multi-messenger astronomy by associating neutrinos or gravitational wave (GW) signals with GRBs. Here, we describe the next steps needed to advance the GRB field, as well as the potential of GRBs for studying the Early Universe and their role in the up-coming multi-messenger revolution.
128 - S. Dichiara 2013
From past experiments the average power density spectrum (PDS) of GRBs with unknown redshift was found to be modelled from 0.01 to 1 Hz with a power-law, f^(-alpha), with alpha broadly consistent with 5/3. Recent analyses of the Swift/BAT catalogue showed analogous results in the 15-150 keV band. We carried out the same analysis on the bright GRBs detected by BeppoSAX/GRBM and Fermi/GBM. The BeppoSAX/GRBM data, in the energy range 40-700 keV and with 7.8 and 0.5-ms time resolutions, allowed us to explore for the first time the average PDS at very high frequencies (up to 1 kHz) and reveal a break around 1-2 Hz, previously found in CGRO/BATSE data. The Fermi/GBM data, in the energy band 8-1000 keV, allowed us to explore for the first time the average PDS within a broad energy range. Our results confirm and extend the energy dependence of the PDS slope, according to which harder photons have shallower PDS.
LOFT is a satellite mission currently in Assessment Phase for the ESA M3 selection. The payload is composed of the Large Area Detector (LAD), with 2-50 keV energy band, a peak effective area of about 10 m2 and an energy resolution better than 260 eV, and the Wide Field Monitor (WFM), a coded mask imager with a FOV of several steradians, an energy resolution of about 300 eV and a point source location accuracy of 1 arcmin in the 2-30 keV energy range. Based on preliminary considerations and estimates, we show how the scientific performances of the WFM are particularly suited to investigate some of the most relevant open issues in the study of GRBs: the physics of the prompt emission, the spectral absorption features by circum-burst material (and hence the nature of the progenitors), the population and properties of XRFs, and the detection and rate of high-z GRBs. Measurements of the early afterglow emission with the Large Area Detector (LAD) may also be possible depending on the mission slewing capabilities and TOO observations policy. More refined analysis and simulations are in progress.

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