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Aims. This is the second in a series of papers that attempt to unveil the kinematic structure of the Galactic bulge through studying radial velocities and proper motions. We report here ~15000 new proper motions for three low foreground-extinction off-axis fields of the Galactic bulge. Methods. Proper motions were derived from a combination of Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) and Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) images taken 8 and 9 years apart, and ACS observations taken 9 and 10 years apart, and they reach accuracies better than 0.9 mas/yr for more than ~10000 objects with magnitudes F814W < 24. Results. The proper motion distributions in these fields are similar to those of Galactic minor axis bulge fields. We observe the rotation of main sequence stars below the turn-off within the Galactic bulge, as in the minor axis fields. Conclusions. Our stellar proper motions measurements show a significant bulge rotation for fields as far from the galactic plane as b=-8.
Current theories of structure formation predict specific density profiles of galaxy dark matter haloes, and with weak gravitational lensing we can probe these profiles on several scales. On small scales, higher-order shape distortions known as flexion add significant detail to the weak lensing measurements. We present here the first detection of a galaxy-galaxy flexion signal in space-based data, obtained using a new Shapelets pipeline introduced here. We combine this higher-order lensing signal with shear to constrain the average density profile of the galaxy lenses in the Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS survey. We also show that light from nearby bright objects can significantly affect flexion measurements. After correcting for the influence of lens light, we show that the inclusion of flexion provides tighter constraints on density profiles than does shear alone. Finally we find an average density profile consistent with an isothermal sphere.

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