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We try to constrain the gas inflow and outflow rate of star-forming galaxies at $zsim1.4$ by employing a simple analytic model for the chemical evolution of galaxies. The sample is constructed based on a large near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic sample observed with Subaru/FMOS. The gas-phase metallicity is measured from the [ion{N}{2}]$lambda$6584/H$alpha$ emission line ratio and the gas mass is derived from the extinction corrected H$alpha$ luminosity by assuming the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. We constrain the inflow and outflow rate from the least-$chi^{2}$ fittings of the observed gas mass fraction, stellar mass, and metallicity with the analytic model. The joint $chi^{2}$ fitting shows the best-fit inflow rate is $sim1.8$ and the outflow rate is $sim0.6$ in unit of star-formation rate (SFR). By applying the same analysis to the previous studies at $zsim0$ and $zsim2.2$, it is shown that the both inflow rate and outflow rate decrease with decreasing redshift, which implies the higher activity of gas flow process at higher redshift. The decreasing trend of the inflow rate from $zsim2.2$ to $zsim0$ agrees with that seen in the previous observational works with different methods, though the absolute value is generally larger than the previous works. The outflow rate and its evolution from $zsim2.2$ to $zsim0$ obtained in this work agree well with the independent estimations in the previous observational works.
We present a stellar mass-metallicity relation at z~1.4 with an unprecedentedly large sample of ~340 star-forming galaxies obtained with FMOS on the Subaru Telescope. We observed K-band selected galaxies at 1.2 < z_{ph} < 1.6 in the SXDS/UDS fields with M_{*} > 10^{9.5} M_{sun}, and expected F(Halpha) > 5 times 10^{-17} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2}. Among the observed ~1200 targets, 343 objects show significant Halpha emission lines. The gas-phase metallicity is obtained from [NII]lambda 6584/Halpha line ratio, after excluding possible active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Due to the faintness of the [NII]lambda 6584 lines, we apply the stacking analysis and derive the mass-metallicity relation at z~1.4. Our results are compared to past results at different redshifts in the literature. The mass-metallicity relation at z~1.4 is located between those at z~0.8 and z~2.2; it is found that the metallicity increases with decreasing redshift from z~3 to z~0 at fixed stellar mass. Thanks to the large size of the sample, we can study the dependence of the mass-metallicity relation on various galaxy physical properties. The average metallicity from the stacked spectra is close to the local FMR in the higher metallicity part but >0.1 dex higher in metallicity than the FMR in the lower metallicity part. We find that galaxies with larger E(B-V), B-R, and R-H colours tend to show higher metallicity by ~0.05 dex at fixed stellar mass. We also find relatively clearer size dependence that objects with smaller half light radius tend to show higher metallicity by ~0.1 dex at fixed stellar mass, especially in the low mass part.
We present near-infrared spectroscopic observations of star-forming galaxies at z~1.4 with FMOS on the Subaru Telescope. We observed K-band selected galaxies in the SXDS/UDS fields with K<23.9 mag, 1.2<z_ph<1.6, M*>10^{9.5} Msun, and expected F(Halpha)>10^{-16} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2}. 71 objects in the sample have significant detections of Halpha. For these objects, excluding possible AGNs identified from the BPT diagram, gas-phase metallicities are obtained from [NII]/Halpha line ratio. The sample is split into three stellar mass bins, and the spectra are stacked in each stellar mass bin. The mass-metallicity relation obtained at z~1.4 is located between those at z~0.8 and z~2.2. We constrain an intrinsic scatter to be ~0.1 dex or larger in the mass-metallicity relation at z~1.4; the scatter may be larger at higher redshifts. We found trends that the deviation from the mass-metallicity relation depends on the SFR and the half light radius: Galaxies with higher SFR and larger half light radii show lower metallicities at a given stellar mass. One possible scenario for the trends is the infall of pristine gas accreted from IGM or through merger events. Our data points show larger scatter than the fundamental metallicity relation (FMR) at z~0.1 and the average metallicities slightly deviate from the FMR. The compilation of the mass-metallicity relations at z~3 to z~0.1 shows that they evolve smoothly from z~3 to z~0 without changing the shape so much except for the massive part at z~0.
We present the results of Spectral Energy Distribution(SED) fitting analysis for Lyman Break Galaxies(LBGs) at z~5 in the GOODS-N and its flanking fields (the GOODS-FF). With the publicly available IRAC images in the GOODS-N and IRAC data in the GOODS-FF, we constructed the rest-frame UV to optical SEDs for a large sample (~100) of UV-selected galaxies at z~5. Comparing the observed SEDs with model SEDs generated with a population synthesis code, we derived a best-fit set of parameters (stellar mass, age, color excess, and star formation rate) for each of sample LBGs. The derived stellar masses range from 10^8 to 10^11M_sun with a median value of 4.1x10^9M_sun. The comparison with z=2-3 LBGs shows that the stellar masses of z~5 LBGs are systematically smaller by a factor of 3-4 than those of z=2-3 LBGs in a similar rest-frame UV luminosity range. The star formation ages are relatively younger than those of the z=2-3 LBGs. We also compared the results for our sample with other studies for the z=5-6 galaxies. Although there seem to be similarities and differences in the properties, we could not conclude its significance. We also derived a stellar mass function of our sample by correcting for incompletenesses. Although the number densities in the massive end are comparable to the theoretical predictions from semi-analytic models, the number densities in the low-mass part are smaller than the model predictions. By integrating the stellar mass function down to 10^8 M_sun, the stellar mass density at z~5 is calculated to be (0.7-2.4)x10^7M_sun Mpc^-3. The stellar mass density at z~5 is dominated by massive part of the stellar mass function. Compared with other observational studies and the model predictions, the mass density of our sample is consistent with general trend of the increase of the stellar mass density with time.
We present the results of Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) fitting analysis for Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) at $zsim5$ in the GOODS-N and its flanking fields. From the SED fitting for $sim100$ objects, we found that the stellar masses range from $10^{8}$ to $10^{11}M_{odot}$ with a median value of $4times10^{9}M_{odot}$. By using the large sample of galaxies at $zsim5$, we construct the stellar mass function (SMF) with incompleteness corrections. By integrating down to $10^{8}M_{odot}$, the cosmic stellar mass density at $zsim5$ is calculated to be $7times10^{6}M_{odot}textrm{Mpc}^{-3}$.

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