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351 - Kenneth C. Wong 2014
We identify a strong lensing galaxy in the cluster IRC 0218 (also known as XMM-LSS J02182$-$05102) that is spectroscopically confirmed to be at $z=1.62$, making it the highest-redshift strong lens galaxy known. The lens is one of the two brightest cluster galaxies and lenses a background source galaxy into an arc and a counterimage. With Hubble Space Telescope (HST) grism and Keck/LRIS spectroscopy, we measure the source redshift to be $z_{rm S}=2.26$. Using HST imaging in ACS/F475W, ACS/F814W, WFC3/F125W, and WFC3/F160W, we model the lens mass distribution with an elliptical power-law profile and account for the effects of the cluster halo and nearby galaxies. The Einstein radius is $theta_{rm E}=0.38^{+0.02}_{-0.01}$ ($3.2_{-0.1}^{+0.2}$ kpc) and the total enclosed mass is M$_{rm tot} (< theta_{rm E})=1.8^{+0.2}_{-0.1}times10^{11}~{rm M}_{odot}$. We estimate that the cluster environment contributes $sim10$% of this total mass. Assuming a Chabrier IMF, the dark matter fraction within $theta_{{rm E}}$ is $f_{rm DM}^{{rm Chab}} = 0.3_{-0.3}^{+0.1}$, while a Salpeter IMF is marginally inconsistent with the enclosed mass ($f_{rm DM}^{{rm Salp}} = -0.3_{-0.5}^{+0.2}$). The total magnification of the source is $mu_{rm tot}=2.1_{-0.3}^{+0.4}$. The source has at least one bright compact region offset from the source center. Emission from Ly$alpha$ and [O III] are likely to probe different regions in the source.
Using observations from the FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE), we obtain the deepest measurements to date of the galaxy stellar mass function at 0.5 < z < 2.5. ZFOURGE provides well-constrained photometric redshifts made possible through deep medium-bandwidth imaging at 1-2um . We combine this with HST imaging from the Cosmic Assembly Near-IR Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS), allowing for the efficient selection of both blue and red galaxies down to stellar masses ~10^9.5 Msol at z ~ 2.5. The total surveyed area is 316 arcmin^2 distributed over three independent fields. We supplement these data with the wider and shallower NEWFIRM Medium-Band Survey (NMBS) to provide stronger constraints at high masses. Several studies at z<=1 have revealed a steepening of the slope at the low-mass end of the stellar mass function (SMF), leading to an upturn at masses <10^10 Msol that is not well-described by a standard single-Schechter function. We find evidence that this feature extends to at least z ~ 2, and that it can be found in both the star-forming and quiescent populations individually. The characteristic mass (M*) and slope at the lowest masses (alpha) of a double-Schechter function fit to the SMF stay roughly constant at Log(M/Msol) ~ 10.65 and ~-1.5 respectively. The SMF of star-forming galaxies has evolved primarily in normalization, while the change in shape is relatively minor. This is not the case for quiescent galaxies: the depth of our imaging allows us to show for the first time significantly more evolution at Log(M/Msol) < 10.5 than at higher masses. We find that the total mass density (down to 10^9 Msol) in star-forming galaxies has increased by a factor of ~2.2 since z ~ 2.5, whereas in quiescent galaxies it has increased by a factor of ~12 .
We investigate possible environmental and morphological trends in the $zsim0$ bar fraction using two carefully selected samples representative of a low-density environment (the isolated galaxies from the AMIGA sample) and of a dense environment (galaxies in the Virgo cluster). Galaxies span a stellar mass range from $10^8$ to $10^{12}$M$_{odot}$ and are visually classified using both high-resolution NIR (H-band) imaging and optical texttt{rgb} images. We find that the bar fraction in disk galaxies is independent of environment suggesting that bar formation may occur prior to the formation of galaxy clusters. The bar fraction in early type spirals ($Sa-Sb$) is $sim$50%, which is twice as high as the late type spirals ($Sbc-Sm$). The higher bar fraction in early type spirals may be due to the fact that a significant fraction of their bulges are pseudo-bulges which form via the buckling instability of a bar. i.e. a large part of the Hubble sequence is due to secular processes which move disc galaxies from late to early types. There is a hint of a higher bar fraction with higher stellar masses which may be due to the susceptibility to bar instabilities as the baryon fractions increase in halos of larger masses. Overall, the $S0$ population has a lower bar fraction than the $Sa-Sb$ galaxies and their barred fraction drops significantly with decreasing stellar mass. This supports the notion that $S0s$ form via the transformation of disk galaxies that enter the cluster environment. The gravitational harassment thickens the stellar disks, wiping out spiral patterns and eventually erasing the bar - a process that is more effective at lower galaxy masses.
We analyze GALEX UV data for a system of four gravitationally-bound groups at z=0.37, SG1120, which is destined to merge into a Coma-mass cluster by z=0, to study how galaxy properties may change during cluster assembly. Of the 38 visually-classified S0 galaxies, with masses ranging from log(M_*)~10-11, we detect only one in the NUV channel, a strongly star-forming S0 that is the brightest UV source with a measured redshift placing it in SG1120. Stacking the undetected S0 galaxies (which generally lie on or near the optical red-sequence of SG1120) still results in no NUV/FUV detection (<2 sigma). Using our limit in the NUV band, we conclude that for a rapidly truncating star formation rate, star formation ceased *at least* ~0.1 to 0.7 Gyr ago, depending on the strength of the starburst prior to truncation. With an exponentially declining star-formation history over a range of time-scales, we rule out recent star-formation over a wide range of ages. We conclude that if S0 formation involves significant star formation, it occurred well before the groups were in this current pre-assembly phase. As such, it seems that S0 formation is even more likely to be predominantly occurring outside of the cluster environment.
76 - Amelie Saintonge , 2008
We study the mid-infrared properties of 1315 spectroscopically confirmed members in eight massive (M>5x10^14 Msun) galaxy clusters covering the redshift range from 0.02 to 0.83. The selected clusters all have deep Spitzer MIPS 24um observations, Hubble and ground-based photometry, and extensive redshift catalogs. We observe for the first time an increase in the fraction of cluster galaxies with mid-infrared star formation rates higher than 4 solar masses per year from 3% at z=0.02 to 13% at z=0.83. This increase is reproduced even when considering only the most massive members (Mstars >4x10^10 Msun). The 24 micron observations reveal stronger evolution in the fraction of blue/star-forming cluster galaxies than color-selected samples: the number of red but strongly star-forming cluster galaxies increases with redshift, and combining these with the optically-defined Butcher-Oemler members increases the total fraction of blue/star-forming cluster galaxies to ~30% at z=0.83. These results, the first of our Spitzer/MIPS Infra-Red Cluster Survey (SMIRCS), support earlier studies indicating the increase in star-forming members is driven by cluster assembly and galaxy infall, as is expected in the framework of hierarchical formation.
We present multi-wavelength observations of the brightest galaxies in four X-ray luminous groups at z~0.37 that will merge to form a cluster comparable in mass to Coma. Ordered by increasing stellar mass, the four brightest group galaxies (BGGs) present a time sequence where BGG-1, 2, and 3 are in merging systems and BGG-4 is a massive remnant [M(stars)=6.7x10^(11) Msun]. BGG-1 and 2 have bright, gravitationally bound companions and BGG-3 has two nuclei separated by only 2.5 kpc, thus merging at z<0.5 increases the BGG mass by >40% (merging timescale<2 Gyr) and V-band luminosity by ~0.4 mag. The BGGs rest-frame (B-V) colors correspond to stellar ages of >3 Gyr, and their tight scatter in (B-V) color [sigma(BV)=0.032] confirms they formed the bulk of their stars at z>0.9. Optical spectroscopy shows no signs of recent (<1.5 Gyr) or ongoing star formation. Only two BGGs are weakly detected at 24 microns, and X-ray and optical data indicate the emission in BGG-2 is due to an AGN. All four BGGs and their companions are early-type (bulge-dominated) galaxies, and they are embedded in diffuse stellar envelopes up to ~140 kpc across. The four BGG systems must evolve into the massive, red, early-type galaxies dominating local clusters. Our results show that: 1) massive galaxies in groups and clusters form via dissipationless merging; and 2) the group environment is critical for this process.

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