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We propose a dynamical model for cascading failures in single-commodity network flows. In the proposed model, the network state consists of flows and activation status of the links. Network dynamics is determined by a, possibly state-dependent and adversarial, disturbance process that reduces flow capacity on the links, and routing policies at the nodes that have access to the network state, but are oblivious to the presence of disturbance. Under the proposed dynamics, a link becomes irreversibly inactive either due to overload condition on itself or on all of its immediate downstream links. The coupling between link activation and flow dynamics implies that links to become inactive successively are not necessarily adjacent to each other, and hence the pattern of cascading failure under our model is qualitatively different than standard cascade models. The magnitude of a disturbance process is defined as the sum of cumulative capacity reductions across time and links of the network, and the margin of resilience of the network is defined as the infimum over the magnitude of all disturbance processes under which the links at the origin node become inactive. We propose an algorithm to compute an upper bound on the margin of resilience for the setting where the routing policy only has access to information about the local state of the network. For the limiting case when the routing policies update their action as fast as network dynamics, we identify sufficient conditions on network parameters under which the upper bound is tight under an appropriate routing policy. Our analysis relies on making connections between network parameters and monotonicity in network state evolution under proposed dynamics.
The paper investigates the throughput behavior of single-commodity dynamical flow networks governed by monotone distributed routing policies. The networks are modeled as systems of ODEs based on mass conversation laws on directed graphs with limited flow capacities on the links and constant external inflows at certain origin nodes. Under monotonicity assumptions on the routing policies, it is proven that a globally asymptotically stable equilibrium exists so that the network achieves maximal throughput, provided that no cut capacity constraint is violated by the external inflows. On the contrary, should such a constraint be violated, the network overload behavior is characterized. In particular, it is established that there exists a cut with respect to which the flow densities on every link grow linearly over time (resp. reach their respective limits simultaneously) in the case where the buffer capacities are infinite (resp. finite). The results employ an $l_1$-contraction principle for monotone dynamical systems.
Robustness of routing policies for networks is a central problem which is gaining increased attention with a growing awareness to safeguard critical infrastructure networks against natural and man-induced disruptions. Routing under limited information and the possibility of cascades through the network adds serious challenges to this problem. This abstract considers the framework of dynamical networks introduced in our earlier work [1,2], where the network is modeled by a system of ordinary differential equations derived from mass conservation laws on directed acyclic graphs with a single origin-destination pair and a constant inflow at the origin. The rate of change of the particle density on each link of the network equals the difference between the inflow and the outflow on that link. The latter is modeled to depend on the current particle density on that link through a flow function. The novel modeling element in this paper is that every link is assumed to have finite capacity for particle density and that the flow function is modeled to be strictly increasing as density increases from zero up to the maximum density capacity, and is discontinuous at the maximum density capacity, with the flow function value being zero at that point. This feature, in particular, allows for the possibility of spill-backs in our model. In this paper, we present our results on resilience of such networks under distributed routing, towards perturbations that reduce link-wise flow functions.
Strong resilience properties of dynamical flow networks are analyzed for distributed routing policies. The latter are characterized by the property that the way the inflow at a non-destination node gets split among its outgoing links is allowed to depend only on local information about the current particle densities on the outgoing links. The strong resilience of the network is defined as the infimum sum of link-wise flow capacity reductions under which the network cannot maintain the asymptotic total inflow to the destination node to be equal to the inflow at the origin. A class of distributed routing policies that are locally responsive to local information is shown to yield the maximum possible strong resilience under such local information constraints for an acyclic dynamical flow network with a single origin-destination pair. The maximal strong resilience achievable is shown to be equal to the minimum node residual capacity of the network. The latter depends on the limit flow of the unperturbed network and is defined as the minimum, among all the non-destination nodes, of the sum, over all the links outgoing from the node, of the differences between the maximum flow capacity and the limit flow of the unperturbed network. We propose a simple convex optimization problem to solve for equilibrium limit flows of the unperturbed network that minimize average delay subject to strong resilience guarantees, and discuss the use of tolls to induce such an equilibrium limit flow in transportation networks. Finally, we present illustrative simulations to discuss the connection between cascaded failures and the resilience properties of the network.
Robustness of distributed routing policies is studied for dynamical flow networks, with respect to adversarial disturbances that reduce the link flow capacities. A dynamical flow network is modeled as a system of ordinary differential equations derived from mass conservation laws on a directed acyclic graph with a single origin-destination pair and a constant inflow at the origin. Routing policies regulate the way the inflow at a non-destination node gets split among its outgoing links as a function of the current particle density, while the outflow of a link is modeled to depend on the current particle density on that link through a flow function. The dynamical flow network is called partially transferring if the total inflow at the destination node is asymptotically bounded away from zero, and its weak resilience is measured as the minimum sum of the link-wise magnitude of all disturbances that make it not partially transferring. The weak resilience of a dynamical flow network with arbitrary routing policy is shown to be upper-bounded by the networks min-cut capacity, independently of the initial flow conditions. Moreover, a class of distributed routing policies that rely exclusively on local information on the particle densities, and are locally responsive to that, is shown to yield such maximal weak resilience. These results imply that locality constraints on the information available to the routing policies do not cause loss of weak resilience. Some fundamental properties of dynamical flow networks driven by locally responsive distributed policies are analyzed in detail, including global convergence to a unique limit flow.
Stability of Wardrop equilibria is analyzed for dynamical transportation networks in which the drivers route choices are influenced by information at multiple temporal and spatial scales. The considered model involves a continuum of indistinguishable drivers commuting between a common origin/destination pair in an acyclic transportation network. The drivers route choices are affected by their, relatively infrequent, perturbed best responses to global information about the current network congestion levels, as well as their instantaneous local observation of the immediate surroundings as they transit through the network. A novel model is proposed for the drivers route choice behavior, exhibiting local consistency with their preference toward globally less congested paths as well as myopic decisions in favor of locally less congested paths. The simultaneous evolution of the traffic congestion on the network and of the aggregate path preference is modeled by a system of coupled ordinary differential equations. The main result shows that, if the frequency of updates of path preferences is sufficiently small as compared to the frequency of the traffic flow dynamics, then the state of the transportation network ultimately approaches a neighborhood of the Wardrop equilibrium. The presented results may be read as a further evidence in support of Wardrops postulate of equilibrium, showing robustness of it with respect to non-persistent perturbations. The proposed analysis combines techniques from singular perturbation theory, evolutionary game theory, and cooperative dynamical systems.
In this paper, we introduce a model of dynamical queue, in which the service time depends on the server utilization history. The proposed queueing model is motivated by widely accepted empirical laws describing human performance as a function of mental arousal. The objective of this paper is to design task release control policies that can stabilize the queue for the maximum possible arrival rate, assuming deterministic arrivals. First, we prove an upper bound on the maximum possible stabilizable arrival rate for any task release control policy. Then, we propose a simple threshold policy that releases a task to the server only if its state is below a certain fixed value. Finally, we prove that this task release control policy ensures stability of the queue for the maximum possible arrival rate.
In this paper, our focus is on certain applications for mobile robotic networks, where reconfiguration is driven by factors intrinsic to the network rather than changes in the external environment. In particular, we study a version of the coverage problem useful for surveillance applications, where the objective is to position the robots in order to minimize the average distance from a random point in a given environment to the closest robot. This problem has been well-studied for omni-directional robots and it is shown that optimal configuration for the network is a centroidal Voronoi configuration and that the coverage cost belongs to $Theta(m^{-1/2})$, where $m$ is the number of robots in the network. In this paper, we study this problem for more realistic models of robots, namely the double integrator (DI) model and the differential drive (DD) model. We observe that the introduction of these motion constraints in the algorithm design problem gives rise to an interesting behavior. For a emph{sparser} network, the optimal algorithm for these models of robots mimics that for omni-directional robots. We propose novel algorithms whose performances are within a constant factor of the optimal asymptotically (i.e., as $m to +infty$). In particular, we prove that the coverage cost for the DI and DD models of robots is of order $m^{-1/3}$. Additionally, we show that, as the network grows, these novel algorithms outperform the conventional algorithm; hence necessitating a reconfiguration in the network in order to maintain optimal quality of service.

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