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Extending previous work by a number of authors, we have recently presented a new approach in which the detection of gravitational waves from merging neutron star binaries can be used to determine the equation of state of matter at nuclear density and hence the structure of neutron stars. In particular, after performing a large number of numerical-relativity simulations of binaries with nuclear equations of state, we have found that the post-merger emission is characterized by two distinct and robust spectral features. While the high-frequency peak was already shown to be associated with the oscillations of the hypermassive neutron star produced by the merger and to depend on the equation of state, we have highlighted that the low-frequency peak is related to the merger process and to the total compactness of the stars in the binary. This relation is essentially universal and provides a powerful tool to set tight constraints on the equation of state. We here provide additional information on the extensive analysis performed, illustrating the methods used, the tests considered, as well as the robustness of the results. We also discuss additional relations that can be deduced when exploring the data and how these correlate with various properties of the binary. Finally, we present a simple mechanical toy model that explains the main spectral features of the post-merger signal and can even reproduce analytically the complex waveforms emitted right after the merger.
Determining the equation of state of matter at nuclear density and hence the structure of neutron stars has been a riddle for decades. We show how the imminent detection of gravitational waves from merging neutron star binaries can be used to solve this riddle. Using a large number of accurate numerical-relativity simulations of binaries with nuclear equations of state, we find that the postmerger emission is characterized by two distinct and robust spectral features. While the high-frequency peak has already been associated with the oscillations of the hypermassive neutron star produced by the merger and depends on the equation of state, a new correlation emerges between the low-frequency peak, related to the merger process, and the total compactness of the stars in the binary. More importantly, such a correlation is essentially universal, thus providing a powerful tool to set tight constraints on the equation of state. If the mass of the binary is known from the inspiral signal, the combined use of the two frequency peaks sets four simultaneous constraints to be satisfied. Ideally, even a single detection would be sufficient to select one equation of state over the others. We test our approach with simulated data and verify it works well for all the equations of state considered.
Inspiralling compact binaries as standard sirens will soon become an invaluable tool for cosmology when advanced interferometric gravitational-wave detectors begin their observations in the coming years. However, a degeneracy in the information carried by gravitational waves between the total rest-frame mass $M$ and the redshift $z$ of the source implies that neither can be directly extracted from the signal, but only the combination $M(1+z)$, the redshifted mass. Recent work has shown that for binary neutron star systems, a tidal correction to the gravitational-wave phase in the late-inspiral signal that depends on the rest-frame source mass could be used to break the mass-redshift degeneracy. We propose here to use the signature encoded in the post-merger signal to deduce the redshift to the source. This will allow an accurate extraction of the intrinsic rest-frame mass of the source, in turn permitting the determination of source redshift and luminosity distance solely from gravitational-wave observations. This will herald a new era in precision cosmography and astrophysics. Using numerical simulations of binary neutron star mergers of very slightly different mass, we model gravitational-wave signals at different redshifts and use Bayesian parameter estimation to determine the accuracy with which the redshift can be extracted for a source of known mass. We find that the Einstein Telescope can determine the source redshift to $sim 10$--$20%$ at redshifts of $z<0.04$.
Determining the conditions under which a black hole can be produced is a long-standing and fundamental problem in general relativity. We use numerical simulations of colliding selfgravitating fluid objects to study the conditions of black-hole formation when the objects are boosted to ultrarelativistic speeds. Expanding on previous work, we show that the collision is characterized by a type-I critical behaviour, with a black hole being produced for masses above a critical value, M_c, and a partially bound object for masses below the critical one. More importantly, we show for the first time that the critical mass varies with the initial effective Lorentz factor <gamma> following a simple scaling of the type M_c ~ K <gamma>^{-1.0}, thus indicating that a black hole of infinitesimal mass is produced in the limit of a diverging Lorentz factor. Furthermore, because a scaling is present also in terms of the initial stellar compactness, we provide a condition for black-hole formation in the spirit of the hoop conjecture.
The stability properties of relativistic stars against gravitational collapse to black hole is a classical problem in general relativity. A sufficient criterion for secular instability was established by Friedman, Ipser and Sorkin (1988), who proved that a sequence of uniformly rotating barotropic stars is secularly unstable on one side of a turning point and then argued that a stronger result should hold: that the sequence should be stable on the opposite side, with the turning point marking the onset of secular instability. We show here that this expectation is not met. By computing in full general relativity the $F$-mode frequency for a large number of rotating stars, we show that the neutral-stability point, i.e., where the frequency becomes zero, differs from the turning point for rotating stars. Using numerical simulations we validate that the new criterion can be used to assess the dynamical stability of relativistic rotating stars.
We examine the propagation of collisionless particles emitted from a spherical shell to infinity. The number distribution at infinity, calculated as a function of the polar angle, exhibits a small deviation from uniformity. The number of particles moving from the polar region toward the equatorial plane is slightly larger than that of particles in the opposite direction, for an emission radius $ > 4.5M$ in extreme Kerr space-time. This means that the black hole spin exerts an anti-collimation effect on the particles stream propagating along the rotation axis. We also confirm this property in the weak field limit. The quadrupole moment of the central object produces a force toward the equatorial plane. For a smaller emission radius $r<4.5M$, the absorption of particles into the black hole, the non-uniformity and/or the anisotropy of the emission distribution become much more important.
106 - Kentaro Takami 2007
We show that the jet structure of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can be investigated with the tail emission of the prompt GRB. The tail emission which we consider is identified as a steep-decay component of the early X-ray afterglow observed by the X-ray Telescope onboard Swift. Using a Monte Carlo method, we derive, for the first time, the distribution of the decay index of the GRB tail emission for various jet models. The new definitions of the zero of time and the time interval of a fitting region are proposed. These definitions for fitting the light curve lead us an unique definition of the decay index, which is useful to investigate the structure of the GRB jet. We find that if the GRB jet has a core-envelope structure, the predicted distribution of the decay index of the tail has a wide scatter and has multiple peaks, which cannot be seen for the case of the uniform and the Gaussian jet. Therefore, the decay index distribution tells us the information on the jet structure. Especially, if we observe events whose decay index is less than about 2, both the uniform and the Gaussian jet models will be disfavored according to our simulation study.

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