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We develop a new method for deconvolving the smearing effect of the survey window in the analysis of the galaxy multipole power spectra from a redshift survey. This method is based on the deconvolution theorem, and is compatible with the use of the fast Fourier transform. It is possible to measure the multipole power spectra deconvolved from the window effect efficiently. Applying this method to the luminous red galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 7 as well as mock catalogues, we demonstrate how the method works properly. Using this deconvolution technique, the amplitude of the multipole power spectrum is corrected. Besides, the covariance matrices of the deconvolved power spectra get quite close to the diagonal form. This is also advantageous in the study of the BAO signature.
Quantum fluctuations in the radiation pressure of light can excite stochastic motions of mechanical oscillators thereby realizing a linear quantum opto-mechanical coupling. When performing a precise measurement of the position of an oscillator, this coupling results in quantum radiation pressure noise. Up to now this effect has not been observed yet. Generally speaking, the strength of radiation pressure noise increases when the effective mass of the oscillator is decreased or when the power of the reflected light is increased. Recently, extremely light SiN membranes with high mechanical Q-values at room temperature have attracted attention as low thermal noise mechanical oscillators. However, the power reflectance of these membranes is much lower than unity which makes the use of advanced interferometer recycling techniques to amplify the radiation pressure noise in a standard Michelson interferometer inefficient. Here, we propose and theoretically analyze a Michelson-Sagnac interferometer that includes the membrane as a common end mirror for the Michelson interferometer part. In this new topology, both, power- and signal-recycling can be used even if the reflectance of the membrane is much lower than unity. In particular, signal-recycling is a useful tool because it does not involve a power increase at the membrane. We derive the formulas for the quantum radiation pressure noise and the shot-noise of an oscillator position measurement and compare them with theoretical models of the thermal noise of a SiN membrane with a fundamental resonant frequency of 75 kHz and an effective mass of 125 ng. We find that quantum radiation pressure noise should be observable with a power of 1 W at the central beam splitter of the interferometer and a membrane temperature of 1 K.
We achieved for the first time a direct measurement of the thermal fluctuation of a pendulum in an off-resonant region using a laser interferometric gravitational wave detector. These measurements have been well identified for over one decade by an agreement with a theoretical prediction, which was derived by a fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Thermal fluctuation is dominated by the contribution of resistances in coil-magnet actuator circuits. When we tuned these resistances, the noise spectrum also changed according to a theoretical prediction. The measured thermal noise level corresponds to a high quality factor on the order of 10^5 of the pendulum.
Thermal noise of a mirror is one of the limiting noise sources in the high precision measurement such as gravitational-wave detection, and the modeling of thermal noise has been developed and refined over a decade. In this paper, we present a derivation of coating thermal noise of a finite-size cylindrical mirror based on the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The result agrees to a previous result with an infinite-size mirror in the limit of large thickness, and also agrees to an independent result based on the mode expansion with a thin-mirror approximation. Our study will play an important role not only to accurately estimate the thermal-noise level of gravitational-wave detectors but also to help analyzing thermal noise in quantum-measurement experiments with lighter mirrors.
We consider the extent to which future imaging surveys of galaxies can distinguish between dark energy and modified gravity models for the origin of the cosmic acceleration. Dynamical dark energy models may have similar expansion rates as models of modified gravity, yet predict different growth of structure histories. We parameterize the cosmic expansion by the two parameters, $w_0$ and $w_a$, and the linear growth rate of density fluctuations by Linders $gamma$, independently. Dark energy models generically predict $gamma approx 0.55$, while the DGP model $gamma approx 0.68$. To determine if future imaging surveys can constrain $gamma$ within 20 percent (or $Deltagamma<0.1$), we perform the Fisher matrix analysis for a weak lensing survey such as the on-going Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) project. Under the condition that the total observation time is fixed, we compute the Figure of Merit (FoM) as a function of the exposure time $texp$. We find that the tomography technique effectively improves the FoM, which has a broad peak around $texpsimeq {rm several}sim 10$ minutes; a shallow and wide survey is preferred to constrain the $gamma$ parameter. While $Deltagamma < 0.1$ cannot be achieved by the HSC weak-lensing survey alone, one can improve the constraints by combining with a follow-up spectroscopic survey like WFMOS and/or future CMB observations.

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