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The relativistic jet in M87 offers a unique opportunity for understanding the detailed jet structure and emission processes due to its proximity. In particular, the peculiar jet region HST-1 at ~1 arcsecond (or 80 pc, projected) from the nucleus has attracted a great deal of interest in the last decade because of its superluminal motion and broadband radio-to-X-ray outbursts, which may be further connected to the gamma-ray productions up to TeV energies. Over the last five years, we have been doing an intensive monitoring of HST-1 with EVN at 5GHz in order to examine the detailed structural evolution and its possible connection to high-energy activities. While this program already yielded interesting results in terms of the detailed mas-scale structure, proper motion measurements and structural variations, the recent HST-1 brightness is continuously decreasing at this frequency. To counter this, we have shifted our monitoring frequency to 1.7GHz from October 2013. This strategy successfully recovered the fainter emission that was missed in the last 5GHz session. Moreover, we again discovered the sudden emergence of a new component at the upstream edge of HST-1, demonstrating that the use of EVN 1.7GHz is indeed powerful to probe the current weak nature of HST-1. Here we report early results from the 1.7GHz monitoring as well as further progress on the long-term kinematic study.
Abridged: We investigated the detailed radio structure of the nucleus of the Sombrero galaxy using high-resolution, quasi-simultaneous, multi-frequency, phase-referencing VLBA observations. We obtained the VLBI images toward this nucleus, with unprecedented sensitivities and resolutions, at the seven frequencies between 1.4 and 43 GHz, where those at 15, 24 and 43 GHz are the first clear VLBI detections. At 43 GHz, the nuclear structure was imaged on a linear scale under 100 Schwarzschild radii. For the first time, we have discovered the presence of the extended structure in this nucleus, which is directing from the radio core in two sides toward northwest/southeast directions. The nuclear structure shows a clear spatial gradient on the radio spectra, which is similar to that commonly seen in more luminous AGN with powerful relativistic jets. Moreover, the radio core shows a frequency-dependent size with an elongated shape, and the position of the core also tends to be frequency dependent. A set of these new findings provide evidence that the central engine of the Sombrero is powering radio jets. Based on the observed brightness ratio of jet-to-counter jet, core position shift and its comparison with a theoretical model, we constrained the following fundamental physical parameters for the M 104 jets: (1) the northern side is the approaching jet, whereas the southern side is receding: (2) the inclination angle of the jet is relatively close to our line-of-sight, probably less than ~25degrees: (3) the jet intrinsic velocity is highly sub-relativistic at a speed less than ~0.2c. The derived pole-on nature of the M 104 jet is in accordance with the previous argument that M 104 contains a true type II AGN, i.e., the broad line region of this nucleus is actually absent or intrinsically weak, if the plane of the presumed circumnuclear torus is perpendicular to the axis of the radio jets.
We report on the detailed radio status of the M87 jet during the Very-High-Energy (VHE) gamma-ray flaring event in April 2010, obtained from high-resolution, multi-frequency, phase-referencing VLBA observations. We especially focus on the properties for the jet base (the radio core) and the peculiar knot HST-1, which are currently favored as the gamma-ray emitting sites. During the VHE flaring event, the HST-1 region remains stable in terms of its structure and flux density in the optically thin regime above 2GHz, being consistent with no signs of enhanced activities reported at X-ray for this feature. The radio core shows an inverted spectrum at least up to 43GHz during this event. Astrometry of the core position, which is specified as ~20Rs from the central engine in our previous study, shows that the core position is stable on a level of 4Rs. The core at 43 and 22GHz tends to show slightly (~10%) higher flux level near the date of the VHE flux peak compared with the epochs before/after the event. The size of the 43-GHz core is estimated to be ~17Rs, which is close to the size of the emitting region suggested from the observed time scale of rapid variability at VHE. These results tend to favor the scenario that the VHE gamma-ray flare in 2010 April is associated with the radio core.

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